
jiě sàn
  • dissolution;dissolve;disband;dismiss;part;break up;dispersed
解散 [jiě sàn]
  • (1) [dissolve]∶取消团体等

  • 他解散了军事法庭

  • (2) [dismiss]∶集合的人分散开

  • 队伍解散后,士兵们在树荫下乘凉

  • (3) [dispersed]∶分散;离散

  • 天下学士,逃难解散

解散[jiě sàn]
  1. 工人不同意解散工厂。

    The workers refused their consent to dismiss the factory .

  2. 英国的最高统治者有权解散政府。

    The sovereign has the power to dismiss the government in britain .

  3. 据说这个乐队已经决定解散。

    The band have reportedly decided to split up .

  4. 宣布选举后,议会解散了。

    The election was announced and parliament was dissolved .

  5. 他们开始解散恐怖主义组织。

    They set about disbanding the terrorist groups .

  6. 委员会于八月份正式解散。

    The committee formally disbanded in August .

  7. 他一直呆到1948年公司解散。

    He stayed on until the dissolution of the firm in 1948

  8. 政客们说这可能会导致议会解散。

    Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament .

  9. 叛军不太可能会同意解散武装。

    It is unlikely that the rebels will agree to demobilise .

  10. 卡夫威胁要解散议会并举行选举。

    Kaifu threatened to dissolve the Parliament and call an election .

  11. 叛乱分子会在6月10日前全部解散。

    The rebels were to have fully disbanded by June the tenth .

  12. 国王同意解散目前的委员会。

    The King agreed to dissolve the present commission .

  13. 现在的议会将于4月30日解散。

    The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th

  14. 所有的武装团体都将被解散。

    All the armed groups will be disbanded

  15. 他于7月份下令解散国内所有的非正式武装组织。

    In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband

  16. 委员会已经解散了。

    The committee has been dissolved

  17. 查尔斯·施瓦茨法官将给路易斯安那州60天时间来解散然后合并该州的4个高等教育委员会。

    Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana 's four higher education boards

  18. 队伍解散后,战士们在操场上休息。

    After being dismissed , the soldiers rested on the drill ground .

  19. 许多社团因缺乏资金而纷纷解散。

    Many associations are breaking up for lack of money .

  20. 那个团体因内部不和而解散。

    The group dissolved in dissension .

  21. 在有些议会制国家,国家元首有权解散议会和宣布重新举行议会选举。

    In some parliamentary systems , parliament may be dissolved by the head of state and new elections ordered .

  22. 现在我们被告知,议会议员在3月议会解散之前可自由投票。

    Now we are told Members of Parliament ( MPs ) will have a free voice before parliament is dissolved in March .

  23. 它们为了特定的目的组建团队,然后又很快将其解散。

    They form teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them .

  24. 操练之后,队伍解散了。

    At the end of the drill parade , the battalion fell out .

  25. 该法规定了公司合并、分立、破产、解散和清算的方式。

    The law stipulates modes for company merger , dismantlement , bankruptcy , dissolution and liquidation .

  26. 该二人组合的长期公关已经向《综艺》杂志证实了乐队解散的消息,但拒绝提供更多细节。

    The duo 's longtime publicist officially confirmed the split to Variety and declined to provide further details .

  27. 明年英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)解散后,英国央行将接管银行安全性监管。

    The BoE is set to take control of bank safety regulation from a disbanded Financial Services Authority next year .

  28. BOT项目公司解散清算的会计处理

    The Accounting Treatment of BOT Project Company 's Dissolution and Liquidation

  29. 因此,摩根大通在2005年将它卖给了渣打银行(standardchartered),而后者现在正被迫解散它。

    So in 2005 , JPMorgan sold it to Standard Chartered , which is now being forced to unwind it .

  30. 一旦通用汽车公司(GM)主要卡车厂的家庭和现已解散的庞蒂亚克品牌,全市进入破产在2009年。

    Once the home of General Motors ' ( GM ) primary truck factory and the now-defunct Pontiac brand , the city entered into receivership in2009 .