
  • 网络Liberation
  1. “绝望主妇”,左翼的《解放报》的一个头条用英语这样写道。

    " Desperate housewife ", screamed one headline , in English , in Lib é ration , a left-wing newspaper .

  2. “为了让大家都看见,参加婚礼的人将碎纸币抛洒在街道上!”《解放报》援引当地居民的一段话说。

    Eople chucking money away in the street for everyone to see ! Said frederic , a resident quoted by the newspaper .

  3. 这则在《解放报》末版刊出的“无头公鸡”广告是一张合成图,广告底部用小字写道“没有动物被杀”。索尼公司尚未对该广告做出评论。

    The headless bird was a photo-montage and " no animal was killed , " noted the small print at the bottom of the ad on the back page of Liberation newspaper .