
  • 网络unbalanced development;Uneven Development
  1. 我国中心城市的不平衡发展及空间扩散的研究

    The uneven development and spatial diffusion of Chinese central cities

  2. 优越的场所:美国城市中的种族、不平衡发展和机会的分布

    Privileged Places : Race , Uneven Development and the Geography of Opportunity in Urban America

  3. 分析了产业不平衡发展的效应。

    Second , the industry unbalanced development 's effects are analyzed .

  4. 另一类是不平衡发展战略理论。

    And the other is the strategic theory of imbalanced development .

  5. 我国区域经济不平衡发展的内在动因

    On the Internal Motive of Regional Economy Disequilibrium Development in China

  6. 中日两国不平衡发展的产业政策比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Chinese and Japanese Industrial policies of Unbalanced Development

  7. 中国社会存在不平衡发展状况。

    The imbalance development of Chinese society is difficult to be changed .

  8. 湖南省区域经济不平衡发展研究

    Research on Unbalancing Development of Regional Economy in Hunan Province

  9. 中国区域经济时空动态不平衡发展分析

    On China 's spatio-temporal dynamics and imbalance of regional economy

  10. 增长极理论是不平衡发展理论的代表。

    The theory of increase polar is the representative for imbalanced development theory .

  11. 中国区域经济不平衡发展

    On the Unbalanced Development of Regional Economy of China

  12. 中西逻辑不平衡发展的原因探析

    On the Causes for the Unbalanced Logics Development in the West and China

  13. 名牌产品不平衡发展的原因与机理分析

    An Analysis on the Causes and Mechanism of Unbalanced Development of Famous Brand Products

  14. 西方发展经济学中的地区不平衡发展理论

    Theories of Regional Unbalance in Western Development Economics

  15. 区域经济不平衡发展具有正反两方面影响。

    The Unbalanced development of the regional economy does have positive and negative effects .

  16. 中国工业化的道路是以城市化不平衡发展为代价的,导致产业结构与就业结构极不平衡。

    Chinese industrialization way takes the price of urbanization disequilibrium between industrial and structure .

  17. 在实践中,不平衡发展占主导地位。

    Practically , imbalanced development holds sway .

  18. 市的兴起与近代中国区域经济的不平衡发展

    The Emergence of City and the Unbalanced Development of Regional Economy in Early Modern China

  19. 完善欠发达地区在区域不平衡发展中的促动机制

    Perfect the Motivation Mechanism Dring the Uneven Development of Area in the Low Developed Area

  20. 贸易不平衡发展;

    The imbalance of trading development ;

  21. 数字鸿沟与网络不平衡发展

    Digital Gap and Imbalanced Cyber Development

  22. 1992:不平衡发展的一年&拉丁美洲政治经济形势综述

    A Year of Uneven Development : Summary of Latin America 's Political and Economic Situations in 1992

  23. 基于三维评价的区域不平衡发展研究&以福建省外商投资环境为例

    Region Unbalanced Development Research Based on Three-dimensional Appraisal & take Fujian Province Foreign Investment Environment for Example

  24. 从金融全球化的不平衡发展看次贷危机根源

    Query for the Source of the Subprime Crises from A Quantitative Analysis on the Unbalanced Financial Globalization

  25. 经济增长理论和不平衡发展理论是县域经济发展中的两大理论基础。

    Economic growth theory and uneven to develop theory county land two major theoretical foundations of economic development .

  26. 即沿海和内陆地区经济发展一直处于一种不平衡发展的状态。

    The economic development of the coastal and inland areas has been in a state of unbalanced development .

  27. 地方之间的经济差距与不平衡发展增加了地方政府之间合作的难度;

    The economic gap among regions and unbalanced development increase the level of co-operational difficulty among local governments .

  28. 区域经济不平衡发展是世界各国长期以来普遍存在的现象。

    The unbalance development in regional economy has been a universal phenomenon in all countries in the world .

  29. 世界经济发展史表明,不平衡发展是挑战,但更是后进者加快发展、实现崛起的机遇。

    History of the world economic development shows that the imbalance is a challenge and an opportunity as well .

  30. 县域经济研究的理论构建与现实意义&基于不平衡发展理论的认识

    The Theoretical Construction and Practical Significance of Research on Country Region Economy & In View of the Unbalanced Development Theory