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  • Not enterprising;Inertia;rest on one's laurels;not to strive on their own
  1. 但就此得出Twitter不思进取显然有失偏颇。

    This is apparently not for lack of trying .

  2. 包括Airbnb在内的租房网站正在解决伦敦平价旅馆客房短缺的问题,同时又可以让伦敦大量不思进取的土著用自己唯一的资产取得收入。

    Homeshare websites such as Airbnb are solving London 's shortage of affordable hotel rooms while allowing the city 's large population of slacker-heirs to monetise their only asset .

  3. 安逸的生活会使人变得不思进取。

    A life of easy leisure makes a man less adventurous .

  4. 满足现状,不思进取是一件可悲的事情。

    To be pleased with one is limits is a wretched state .

  5. 如果你不思进取,意志消沉,情况只会变得更坏。

    Things will turn worse if you just sit back and fall apart .

  6. 与一些流行的看法相反,这并不意味着您是一个不思进取的人!

    Contrary to some popular belief , this does not label you as a bad person !

  7. 那种求平淡的心态,仍是不思进取的借口。

    That kind of beg a mild mindset , ising still not to think to lend enterprisingly .

  8. 毕业分配有保障,待遇好,地位高,使一些人产生乐观情绪,不求上进,不思进取。

    Some of them are optimistic and aren 't eager to make progress because of their secure assignment .

  9. 不过,布鲁诺清楚地知道,他不能停留在自己的桂冠上而不思进取。

    Still , Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels .

  10. 具有影响力的高层经理人员沉醉于过去,不思进取,没有破釜沉舟的勇气。

    Influential senior managers are in their last jobs , with no desire or incentive to rock the boat .

  11. 我们喜欢挑战,但假如大人对我们期望很低的话,说真的,我们就会不思进取。

    We love challenges , but when expectations are low , trust me , we will sink to them .

  12. 成为受欢迎的人物让人不思进取,事情总是不断来到眼前,你永远也不能培养出奋斗和坚持不懈的能力。

    Being popular is de-motivating ; stuff comes to you ; you never develop the capacity to struggle and persevere .

  13. 成天安于现状,不思进取,只会空谈理想,缺乏认真扎实的奋斗精神。

    All day long thinking that nothing more can do nothing but talk ideals , a serious lack of down-to-earth spirit .

  14. 一个人再成功而不思进取,走在时代的前头,那边他的成就便好久不长。

    It is a flash in the pan , when a successful man never thinks about keeping ahead of the times .

  15. 墨守成规,不思进取固然安逸,却无益于心灵的成长。

    Staying just as you are may not help you advance spiritually , but it certainly is comfortable in its familiarity .

  16. 自卑心理容易导致学生不思进取、自甘堕落,甚至自毁前程。

    Inferiority complex is easy to result in thinking little about progress , wallowing in degeneration , and even cooking his goose .

  17. 现状的满足者&不思进取,知识的停滞或与时代不同步。

    People satisfied with the present situation & thinking little about progress , stagnating of knowledge or can not keep pace with time .

  18. 要提高执行力,就必须树立起强烈的责任意识和进取精神,坚决克服不思进取、得过且过的心态。

    To improve the execution , must establish intense responsibility consciousness and the enterprising spirit , overcome stoutly unambitious , muddle along mentality .

  19. 假如一个人没有了对手,他就会变得安于现状,不思进取。

    If a man lives without rivals , he is bound to be satisfied with the present and will not strive for the better .

  20. 但是弗朗索瓦毫无疑问为汽车行业带来了一些新鲜创意,这个行业的广告不思进取,长期充斥着微笑的情侣和蜿蜒的道路。

    But Francois has unarguably brought some fresh ideas to an industry that for too long was satisfied to produce car ads featuring smiling couples and winding roads .

  21. 另一个不思进取的例子是,通用汽车当年还会时不时地与全美汽车工人联合会交恶,因此付出了经营业务受损的惨痛代价。

    Another example of status quo thinking : GM more or less has accepted occasional flare-ups with the United Auto Workers Union as the price of doing business .

  22. 但是从长远发展的角度分析,企业正面临着一个非常尴尬的局面:员工工作没有激情,处于一种安于现状,不思进取的状况,企业员工队伍缺乏积极向上的朝气。

    But from the point view of long-term development , the enterprise is faced with a very awkward situation : no passion staff , in an idle status .

  23. 这是我印象中老师唯一一次的粗话,因为那个学生不思进取,喜欢一天到晚的睡觉。

    This is in my impression that the only time the teacher at the foul language , because that student liked sleeping all day long instead of making progress .

  24. 但是他担心,如果福特放任自己不思进取,它的前景并不会太好。同时他也为本田感到担忧,它会再次摔倒而变得一蹶不振吗?

    But he worries that if Ford allows itself to get complacent , its prospects will be less than stellar , and wonders about Honda , will it stumble again and lose its way ?

  25. 西部很多企业对核心能力的再培育存在误区,主要表现在两个方面:一是核心能力一旦形成就不思进取,缺乏创新。

    The wrong ideas many enterprises have towards the recultivation of the core capability are showed in two aspects : do not want to make any progress and innovation after the core capability is formed ;

  26. 对海明威小说《乞力马扎罗的雪》的主题思想及其表现手法进行了分析和探讨.已经崭露头脚的海明威是不是被创作的成功冲昏了头脑而不思进取呢?

    This paper is the analysis of the theme and its technique of expression in " The Snows of Kilimanjaro " by Ernest Hemingway , who has come to fame with the publication of several stories .

  27. 但它在历史上却扮演了使社会成员求同、求稳、不思进取,从而维护封建社会稳定的角色。

    But the Doctrine of the Mean plays the role of the character that it makes society member pursuing for identity and stability , so it may uphold the stability of feudal society in the history .

  28. 但是他担心,如果福特“放任自己不思进取,它的前景并不会太好。”同时他也为本田感到担忧,“它会再次摔倒而变得一蹶不振吗?”

    But he worries that if Ford " allows itself to get complacent , its prospects will be less than stellar , " and wonders about Honda , " will it stumble again and lose its way ? "

  29. 不过,虽然和位于加州山景城的竞争对手谷歌相比,微软似乎因循守旧、不思进取而且死抓桌面系统不放,但它在企业市场领域的经验要比谷歌丰富得多。

    But while Microsoft ( MSFT ) may seem old and stodgy and desktop-centric compared to Google ( GOOG ) , it has a lot more experience catering to corporate customers than its mountain view , Calif. - based rival .

  30. 然而在这一良好的发展态势之下,我们既需要肯定已取得的辉煌成就,进一步扩大已有优势、挖掘潜在优势;也不能盲目乐观而不思进取,忽视自身的弱势与潜在的发展隐患。

    However in this good state of development , we must neither needs under the brilliant achievements , further expand the existing advantage , mining potential superiority , Also cannot be optimistic blindly , but ignore their weak and the development of potential danger .