
  1. 莱斯·佩雷尔曼就是一位长期的批评者,并曾多次引起全国关注,原因是他将文理不通的短文组合在一起,而软件评分程序不明就里,给出了很高的分数。

    One longtime critic , Les Perelman , has drawn national attention several times for putting together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks .

  2. 不过,还是有些不明就里的人会给这种自拍照点赞。

    Still , there are someone stupid enough giving many likes to such kind of selfies .

  3. 他完全没有领会这场抗议活动的要点,而且,不明就里的大有人在。

    He is far from alone in missing the point entirely .

  4. 她的朋友开始疏离她,她又不明就里。

    Her friends started falling away and she did not know why .

  5. 德语专家开通了收费的热线电话来给不明就里的父母提供帮助。

    Experts at a German-language society run a helpline offering advice to puzzled parents .

  6. 女孩对父亲所做的事不明就里,绷着嘴巴,不耐烦地等待着。

    The girl closed her mouth and waited impatiently , confused by what her father did .

  7. 中国本土品牌遇到的海外消费者,不会对安全与排放这些重要指标不明就里或者视而不见。

    They will not find consumers ignorant or preferring to disregard issues such as safety and emissions .

  8. 由于政界人士不明就里,我们正在见证美国制造业的空心化。

    We 're seeing the hollowing out of American manufacturing because the politicians don 't get it .

  9. 身处政法院校,尚且有人不明就里遑论卖校,缺乏法律素养的社会大众更是雾里看花。

    Harvard college in , did someone uninformed school " let " sell , lack of legal literacy public is mystifying .

  10. 为了给一些不明就里的借款人解惑,国民银行正在全力提高利率及其他收费的透明度。

    As for exploiting the ignorance of some borrowers , Compartamos says it is committed to transparency on interest rates and other charges .

  11. 跨性别者学生所面临的诸多难题包括:无法使用被标注为“男用”或“女用”的卫生间,因为害怕在那里遇到不明就里的同学;

    Among the difficulties faced by transgender students : inability to use bathrooms marked " men " or " women " for fear of a confrontation with a confused classmate ;

  12. 因此,政府不能不明就里地推出可能会加重失衡的房地产政策,也不能寻求头痛医头、脚痛医脚的短期解决办法。

    Therefore , the government cannot be uninformed to launch real estate policies which may aggravate the imbalance and also cannot seek the short-term policies of " Head hurt , treat head , feet hurt , treat feet " .

  13. 在泰国,网民越来越多,手机上网也越发普遍,一些年轻僧人正在成为网络明星,令不明就里的老一辈们难以理解。

    With more Thais going online , often through mobile phones , some of the country 's novice monks are becoming online media stars , jarring an older generation that doesn 't quite know what to make of it all .