
bù kě zhuǎn ràng
  • non-negotiable;nontransferable;nonnegotiable;unalienable;nonassignable
不可转让[bù kě zhuǎn ràng]
  1. 一份不可转让的或副本的原油已装船清洁提单。

    One copy of nonnegotiable or duplicate copy of clean on board bill of lading for crude oil .

  2. 地理标志权是世界贸易组织《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(Trips)确认的一种新型知识产权,具有集合性、法定性、永久性、不可转让性等特点。

    Geographical Indications Right is a new kind of intellectual property rights validated by the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights ( Trips ), which is of many characters , such as aggregation 、 legitimation 、 perpetuity 、 nontransferable ect .

  3. 与此同时,在删除了无风险利率r的条件下,它考虑了ESOs的不可转让性,并引入了激励参数与主观折现率。

    It considers its non-transferability and then explicitly incorporates the compensation incentive parameter and the subjective discount rate .

  4. STYLESIGHT在您完全遵守本协议条款的条件下,STYLESIGHT授予您非专属的、不可转让的有限权利访问本网站。

    STYLESIGHT grants you a non-exclusive , non-transferable , limited right to access the Site , provided that you fully comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement .

  5. 具有公共物品的性质和不可转让性;

    It has the nature of public goods and is not transferable ;

  6. 该许可具有非排他性、不可转让和时效性。

    The licence is non-exclusive , non-transferable and time limited .

  7. 不可转让的信用工具不是无条件的支付承诺。

    A non-negotiable credit instrument is not an unconditional promise to pay .

  8. 只有不可转让、流动性差的“美国储蓄债券”还不够。

    Non-negotiable , illiquid " US savings bonds " would not suffice .

  9. 这种权利是独占性的,是不可转让的权利。

    The license and right are exclusive and untransferable .

  10. 迎新奖赏不可转让,退换或兑换现金。

    The welcome award is not transferable , returnable or redeemable for cash .

  11. 会员卡及会员积分不可转让。

    Popular Card and bonus points are not transferable .

  12. 由于大多数国家的法律规定它不可转让。

    It is not transferable or not negotiable by law in many countries .

  13. 这个许可证既是非独家、又是不可转让的。

    The license is both nonexclusive and nontransferable .

  14. 不可转让的海运单证(通用)

    Non-negotiable maritime transport document ( generic )

  15. 为便于你方提货,现附上如下不可转让的装船单据。

    To facilitate your taking delivery , we are enclosing the following non-negotiable shipping documents .

  16. 如签发任何副本,每份副本均应注明不可转让副本字样。

    If any copies are issued each copy shall be marked " non-negotiable copy " .

  17. 我们所有的机票都是不可转让的。

    All our plane tickets are non-transferable .

  18. 不可转让的无息期票不可转让的背书票据

    " non-negotiable , non-interest-bearing promissory note "

  19. 家族证不可转让。

    Membership card is not transferable .

  20. 财产规则、责任规则、不可转让规则与农地产权保护&农地征用中农民利益受损的法经济学分析

    Rules of Property , Liability and Inalienability in the Protection of the Property Right of Farming Lands

  21. 不可转让的海运单中声明承运人保留转运权利条款将被不予理会。

    D.Clauses in a non-negotiable sea waybill stating that the carrier reserves the right to tranship will be disregarded .

  22. 对于不可转让的权利也就是基本权利,司法不能以公共政策为由予以干预。

    For the basic rights which is not transferable , the public policy is not able to interfere with .

  23. 目前我国国有企业对经营者的激励存在的问题:(1)剩余所有权的不可转让性;

    There are several problems existing in our manager inspiration system : ( a ) lacking transferability of residual ownership ;

  24. 贵方可能以为这张航空运单是流通单据,但是它是非流通单据,是不可转让的。

    You may consider this air waybill as negotiable document , but it is non-negotiable document and cannot be transferred .

  25. 这种股票期权是公司内部制定的面向经营者等特定人的不可转让的期权。

    This Stock Option is the nontransferable option to particular employees such as managers , which is set by the company .

  26. 我们有很多东西都可以互相分享,可是,准备基督再来一事,每个人却要自行负责,救恩是不可转让的!

    We can share many things in life but readiness for Christ 's return is an individual matter and salvation is non-transferrable .

  27. 不可转让的多式联运单证的法律性质则更接近于运单,不具有物权凭证的性质。

    While the nontransferable multimodal transport document , which is not a document of title , shares similar legal nature with sea waybill .

  28. 信用证要求两份可转让保单,并注明正本和复本,和一份不可转让复本,空白背书。

    Insurance Policy or Certificate In two negotiable forms indicating " Original " and " Duplicate " Plus one Non-Negotiable Copy endorsed in Blank .

  29. 美国宪法序言中所称的不可转让之权利即是洛克所谓的生命权、自由权和财产权。

    Preamble to the Constitution of the United States referred to is non-transferable right to Locke called right to life , liberty and property .

  30. 这种制度安排使农地产权成为一种失去法律防护的权利,它既不能依据财产规则来保护,也不能以责任规则来保护,甚至不能得到不可转让规则的保护。

    The property rights of rural land are not protected by laws . Nor are they protected by Property Rules , Liability Rules , or even Inalienability Rules .