
  • 网络minimum payment
  1. 信用卡最低还款额的设置就是为了让你永远处在借款状态。

    Credit cards minimum repayments are designed to keep you perpetually in debt .

  2. 只是简单的偿还最低还款额会让你觉得很沮丧,当然也不会让你不再负债。

    Simply making the minimum payments is causing your distress and certainly not getting you out of debt .

  3. 她补充说,也正因如此,信用卡公司经常调整政策,尽可能缩小这类仅能偿还最低还款额的客户群体。

    For that reason , Feddis says , credit card companies are constantly adjusting their policies to minimize the number of customers paying only the minimum amount .

  4. 如果90天内未还款,或还款金额不足最低还款额,将从你购物之日起收取利息。

    Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if plan balance is not paid in full within 90 days or if minimum monthly payments are not made .

  5. 学生还可以设置从支票账户自动还款的功能,这样至少每个月会按时还清信用卡的最低还款额,就不至于招致滞纳金了。

    The student can also set up an automatic monthly payment from a checking account so that at least a minimum amount is paid each month , which helps to avoid late fees .

  6. 你可能厌恶房贷之外的任何负债,而你未来的配偶却连吃中饭、买日常用品和饮料都要刷信用卡,然后每个月向银行支付最低还款额,让债务越滚越大。

    You might abhor debt for anything other than a mortgage , yet your spouse-to-be thinks nothing of putting lunch , groceries and the afternoon Slurpee on a credit card , and then paying the minimum each month and allowing the balance to roll over .

  7. 两个月对连续两个月还款不足最低还款额的持卡人,银行将冻结其消费贷记卡的使用,并委托法律机构追讨所欠款项。

    Two months are right successive the person holding card that two months reimbursement is not worth lowermost reimbursement specified amount , the bank will freeze its consumption to borrow those who write down card to use , entrust legal orgnaization to seek the money that demand place .

  8. 购买贷款也很简单:找出最低月还款额。

    Shopping was simple : find the lowest monthly payment .

  9. 我每月最低的还款额是5镑,也就是我未还清债款的2%。

    The minimum repayments I must make are £ 5 a month or2 % of my outstanding borrowing .