
  • 网络dearest;Most lovable people;ANDIA
  1. 她是你所见过的最可爱的人,是吧?

    Lsn 't she the sweetest thing you 've ever seen ?

  2. 向我们最可爱的人人民子弟兵致意最崇高的敬礼。

    The most lovely one to us where the most noble salute .

  3. 你们是我心中最可爱的人!

    You are my mind the most lovely people !

  4. 啊!老师,您是世界上最可爱的人。

    Oh , teacher , you are the loveliest person in the world .

  5. 罗密欧:你无情的泥,吞噬了世上最可爱的人!

    R : unmerciful mire , lick up the most lovely person in the world !

  6. 在我的生命里她是我见过的最可爱的人!

    She 's one of the most lovely people I 've ever met in my life !

  7. 老挝人,无论其年龄大小,都是我见到过的最可爱的人。

    Laotian people , whatever their age , are some of the loveliest I have ever encountered .

  8. 然而,现实生活中,被称为和平年代最可爱的人却往往是流血流汗又流泪。

    But , in real life , people known as the most lovable person in peace time often bloods sweats and tears .

  9. 我的老父亲母亲,我最可爱的人,生活的苦涩有三分,您们却持了十分。

    My old father and mother , my most beloved people , life has two-thirds of the bitter , you had , however , took a very .

  10. 为什么要让好莱坞来告诉我们那些我们早已明了的事情&商场上的成功人士,并不总是最可爱的人?

    Why is it left to Hollywood to tell us what we already know , that those who succeed in business are not always the most likable people ?

  11. 您是一只小船,您是一座小桥,送一代又一代人走向智慧的彼岸。啊,老师,您是世界上最可爱的人!

    Like a boat , like a bridge , you send generations of students to the other bank of wisdom . Oh , teacher , you are the loveliest person in the world .

  12. 我很难把这事的经过有条不紊地告诉你,我认识了一位最最可爱的人。

    It is not easy for me to tell you , in chronological order just how it happened , how I met such a lovely being .

  13. 而奶牛cow被视为三个中最可爱的、最讨人喜欢的一个。

    Cows are considered the " cutest of the three . "

  14. 所有认识她的人都认为她是最和蔼,最可爱的人。

    She was the nicest , sweetest woman than anyone who knew her ever knew .

  15. 在这个狂野的世界上,最可爱、最优秀的人是那些经受了最多考验、最多烦扰、最多危难的人。

    In this wild world the fondest and the best are the most tired , most troubled and distressed .

  16. 新春之际,我们捧出心中的最美的花献给我们最可爱的人!

    In the spring of the heart , we hold out the most beautiful flowers to our most lovely !