
  • 网络final act
  1. 在收集种质时,最终行动应遵循当地植物检疫程序,如有害生物风险评估。

    When collecting germplasm , local plant quarantine procedures , for example pest risk assessment , should guide ultimate action .

  2. 25.11各成员应立刻通知委员会其对反补贴税采取的所有初步或最终行动。

    25.11 Members shall report without delay to the Committee all preliminary or final actions taken with respect to countervailing duties .

  3. 当它们最终开始行动的时候,移动的方向跟它们呼唤时的朝向一致。

    When they eventually began to move , it tended to be in the direction they had faced while vocalizing .

  4. 医生告诉我我最终会行动自如的,目前只是需要大量的物理治疗,好让我的肌肉恢复功能。

    The doctors told me I would be fine ; I just needed lots of physiotherapy to get my muscles working again .

  5. 通过整体的分析,笔者认为校长的行动逻辑要受到多个因素的影响,其最终的行动取决于最主要的影响因素;

    In a word , the author draws several conclusions that are the principal 's action logic with many transformations affected by a number of factors and determined finally by the main one ;

  6. 辟谣网站Snopes.com上有个帖子说,1月份是著名的恋爱雷区,因为那些把重大决定推迟到新年的情侣们最终开始行动。

    And a post on Snopes.com , the popular urban-legend-vetting site , cited January as a famous relationship minefield , because couples who have put off the big decisions until the new year are finally ready to act .

  7. 美国上市公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB)主席詹姆斯多蒂(JamesDoty)表示,如果中国继续阻止该委员会审查中国审计公司的工作,美国最终会采取行动。

    James Doty , chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board , said the US would eventually have to act if China continued to prevent his staff from checking the work of Chinese audit firms .

  8. 他说:保护我们的个人自由最终需要集体行动。

    Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action , he said .

  9. 还有一名导师骚扰了太多女生,导致校方最终采取了行动:禁止他一对一指导女生。

    Another harassed so many female students that finally action was taken : he was banned from tutoring women one-on-one .

  10. 其他半神对于联手合作的提议表示不接受,结果塞纳留斯费了很大的力气去说服他们最终同意一起行动。

    They were unaccustomed to the idea of working together ; as a result , it took no little persuasion from Cenarius before they finally agreed on a course of action .

  11. 由于欧元区领导人有望最终达成一致行动,周一早间欧洲股市延续两年来最大的周涨幅。

    The equity markets this morning in Europe extended their greatest weekly gain in the last two years on the hopes that leaders of the euro zone have finally gotten their act together .

  12. 对美国此次决策的评估显示,它一定程度上是建立在数月以来不屈不挠的策划之上的,但最终做出采取行动的决策靠的是直觉。

    An examination of the American decision shows the extent to which it was built upon on months of tenacious planning ─ but that ultimately , it came down to gut instinct . '

  13. 英汉广告语言在表达习惯、语言和文化上的差异都会使译文对广告的功能产生重要的影响,从而影响消费者最终采取消费行动。

    So , one thing should be noticed that the expressing way , the linguistic and cultural differences can have a strong impact on the function of advertising which will influence consumers ' final purchasing action .

  14. 摘要广告可以看成是针对消费者的需要和欲望,刺激消费热情、调动潜在消费意识,最终促成购买行动的营销传播活动。

    Aimed at the consumer 's needs and desire , advertisement may be regarded as the stimulation of consumer enthusiasm , the motivation of latent consumer consciousness , finally to promote the marketing dissemination of the purchase motion .

  15. 像以往一样,世人最终将根据他的行动评价他。

    As ever , the US president will ultimately be judged by his actions .

  16. 该工作组应向第六十一届世界卫生大会提交最终全球战略和行动计划。

    The working group shall submit the final global strategy and plan of action to the Sixty-first World Health Assembly .

  17. 思维会决定你的想法,日复一日,最终将会表现在行动举止上或者物质世界的现实生活中。

    Thoughts that dominate your thinking day after day will eventually show themselves as actions or reality in the physical world .

  18. 如果你说谎的人,你可能会使它过了一会儿;最终,你的行动将赶上了你。

    If you lie to people you might make it for a little while ; eventually your actions will catch-up with you .

  19. 华金:是的,我已经考虑很长时间了,最终还是采取了行动。

    Joaquin : Yeah , I 've been thinking about it for a long time , and have finally taken the plunge .

  20. 最初,他们似乎不愿敲定具体措施,但随着周末渐渐流逝,他们最终决定迅速采取行动。

    It appeared at first that they would not produce specific measures but as the weekend progressed , a determination to act quickly emerged .

  21. 如果你仍在寻找终极探险目标或追逐生活最终目标,那么行动起来吧!

    If you 're still on the search for your ultimate adventure , or your ultimate goal in life , it 's time to get on the stick .

  22. 行动力比收入和利益更重要,毕竟利益只能反映最终的结果,行动力却能反映提升的效率以及你整个的效率。

    Productivity is much more important than revenues and profits , because profits only reflect the end result whereas productivity reflects the increased efficiency as well as effectiveness of you overall .

  23. 即使最终查明,监视行动并未得到该行高级管理层直接授权,德银仍面临着一个问题:其公司文化或许为非法监视开了绿灯。

    Even if surveillance is not found to have been authorised directly from senior leaders , Deutsche faces questions about a culture that may have permitted illegal surveillance to take place .

  24. 理论上,世界上最大的两个二氧化碳排放国最终同意就此采取行动将为明年的联合国气候变化峰会带来积极影响。

    The fact that the two largest sources of CO2 have finally agreed to do something about it should , in theory , give a boost to next year 's United Nations climate summit .

  25. 关于“幽灵场次”——在没有观众的电影院彻夜放映电影以虚增票房收入——的报道已经发酵了数月,政府最终可能会采取行动。

    Reports of " ghost screenings " - screenings through the night in empty cinemas to inflate the reported box office take - have circulated for months , and the government may finally be taking action .

  26. 瞧,如果我是吉诺维亚公主,那么我的想法以及那些不我聪明的人的想法就更容易被大家了解到了,也许那些想法最终会成为实际行动呢。

    See , if I were Princess of Genovia then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard , and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions .

  27. 企业科研社会责任的有效承担需要法律规制,但更需要形成多方合力作用,以责任和谐和利益联结的制度安排发挥合力,最终促成企业自觉行动的意识和能力。

    Business scientific research social responsibility effectively undertakes the need of legal regulations , but the parties should form with joint forces to suppose , in the responsibility harmony and the benefit joint system arrangement displaying joint effort , finally facilitates the enterprise consciousness and ability .

  28. 你要谨慎思考,因为你的想法会最终变成言语,你的言语会最终变成行动,你的行动成为习惯,而习惯决定了你的命运。

    Be very careful about what you think because what you think , you will eventually say . Be careful about the words that you say because your words become your actions , your actions become your habits , and your habits become your destiny .