
  • 网络last decade
  1. 曼努埃尔·乌里韦的遗体通过一辆平板卡车运至Serorrey殡仪馆,他就躺在那张为他特制的床上。他在最后十年的绝大部分时间里都躺在这张床上。

    The body of Manuel Uribe was brought to the Serorrey funeral home aboard a flat-bed truck , on the same special bed where he spent much of the last decade .

  2. 她人生最后十年里的每个生日都是在法国庆祝的。

    Every birthday during her last decade was celebrated in France .

  3. 林徽因的最后十年追忆

    The last ten years of the life of Lin Huiyin

  4. 大部分加拿大人将在疾病中度过人生的最后十年。

    The average Canadian will spend their last ten years in sickness .

  5. 费迪南统治的最后十年

    The last ten years of King Ferdinand 's reign .

  6. 清末最后十年的平满汉畛域问题

    Problem of Manchu-Han Integration in the Last Ten Years of Qing Dynasty

  7. 短片中说的是:你人生中的最后十年会怎样?

    As the campaign says : What will your last ten years look like ?

  8. 20世纪80年代是美苏对抗的最后十年,也是决胜阶段。

    1980s was the final decade and the decisive stage of the US-Soviet confrontation .

  9. 东欧社会主义的最后十年&二十年后的回顾与反思

    The Last Ten Years of East European Socialism & Retrospect and Introspection after 20 Years

  10. 清末最后十年是中国教育走向近代化过程中最具意义的时期。

    The last decade of Qing Dynasty is the most significant period during Chinese education modernization .

  11. 你有没有想象过你人生中的最后十年会是怎样的?

    Have you ever image what would it be of the last ten years in your life ?

  12. 和陶诗是苏东坡追和陶渊明诗韵而创作的诗歌,现存124首,是诗人在生命的最后十年内,主要于扬州、惠州、儋州三地完成的。

    During his last ten years , Su Dongpo composed 124 poems on Tao Yuanming 's verses .

  13. 20世纪的最后十年中,一项重大的生物学技术问世,这就是生物芯片技术。

    In the last decade of 20th century , microarray became one of the most important biological techniques .

  14. 如同许多葡萄酒产区一样,里奥哈在上世纪最后十年经历了一段狂飙突进的时期。

    Like many wine regions , Rioja went through a rather convulsive final decade of the last century .

  15. 在最后十年中,色谱法成为生物工程不可或缺的部分。

    During the last ten years , chromatography has become an integral and indispensable part of the biotechnology industry .

  16. 在我服役最后十年的这些战争中我已经失去了很多好兄弟。

    I 've lost several brothers in these wars in these last ten years that I 've served with .

  17. 二十世纪的最后十年,是中国高等教育产业创新的最好时期之一。

    The late ten years in the20th century are one of the best periods in Chinas higher education industry originality .

  18. 自上个世纪最后十年开始,中国电视新闻出现了一股平民化潮流。

    From the last decade of the last century , TV News Programs in China had a trend toward the populace .

  19. 从上个世纪最后十年开始,大批中国名校毕业生出国留学。

    Starting from the last decade in20th century , a large proportion of graduates from prestigious Chinese universities went to study abroad .

  20. 纳米科学技术在本世纪最后十年诞生并得到迅速发展。

    In the last decade of the century , a brand new field of nano scale science and technology has emerged in the world .

  21. 而且直到生命的最后十年,邱吉尔都能成功地迫使自己遏制住极端的苦恼。

    Churchill can , and by driving himself he will succeed , until the last decade of his life , in holding his affliction at bay .

  22. 鸦片战争以后,中国社会结构开始发生变化,而这种变化在清朝的最后十年迅速加剧。

    The social structure of China began to change after the Opium War , and the changes accelerated in the last ten years of the Qing Dynasty .

  23. 不,回溯20世纪的最后十年是一种真正的哀悼:那是我们美国人生活中最快乐的十年。

    No , looking back at the final 10 years of the 20th century is grounds for genuine mourning : It was simply the happiest decade of our American lifetimes .

  24. 真正意义的信息教育课程研究的发端虽然尚无定说,但基本可以认为始于上世纪末最后十年的90年代。

    Although no final verdict has yet been reached on the origin of the actual studies of information education curriculum , we can regard that it began at the end of 1990s .

  25. 20世纪的最后十年,中国文坛一批漂亮女人用写身体来演绎写作。

    In the last decade of the 20th century , a group of beautiful women in literary circle in China deduce writing with a focus on the description of " body " .

  26. 在他生平最后十年的光阴,他花费数时在西方传法,并创办在法国和美国的主要中心,帮助宁玛传承的建立。

    Over the last decade of his life he spent much time teaching in the West , where he helped to establish the Nyingma tradition , founding major centres in France and the United States .

  27. 刁斗是上一世纪最后十年活跃于中国文坛的晚生代作家与60年代出生的作家中的代表性人物。

    The last century the last ten years " Latest Generation " writers and " 60s births " writers been active in the Chinese literary world and Diao Dou is a representative figure of them .

  28. 作为安迪·沃霍尔最后十年最为激进的作品,这些黑白照片是艺术家视觉遗产的重要组成,同样是他的视觉记忆。

    Perhaps the most radical works of Andy Warhol 's last ten years , these black and white photographs are a vital part of the artist 's visual legacy , and serve as his visual memory .

  29. 20世纪最后十年更是以其丰富而激烈的动荡,告诉我们一个事实,我们生活在一个不连续的时代,变化和速度成为时代的主题。

    The last decade of the twentieth century witnessed a plentiful and vigorous turbulence which tells us that we are living in a " discontinuous age " in which change and pace have become the theme .

  30. 决定把从1990年开始的20世纪的最后十年定名为国际减轻自然灾害十年,目的在于通过一致的国际行动,减轻全球突发性的自然灾害。

    It was decided that the last decade beginning from 1990 of the 20th century be named the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction , aiming at mitigating sudden natural disasters over the whole world through concerted international actions .