
  1. 论政府在我国社会信息化中的定位

    The Location of the Government in the Society Informatization of China

  2. 论政府诚信体系的建构

    On the Construction of the System for the Government 's Credibility

  3. 论政府行为对征纳关系的影响

    Influence of the Governments ' Action on Tax Collection and Paying

  4. 论政府会计在政府负债风险控制中的重要作用

    Commenting on the Important Influence in the Government Debt Risk Control

  5. 论政府的制度伦理观是特殊的社会资本

    On Government 's System Ethic Concept is a Special Social Capital

  6. 论政府识别公共政策问题的制约性因素

    The Restrictive Factors of Recognizing Public Policy Problems by the Government

  7. 论政府经济职能的历史发展及其一般内容

    On Historical Development and General Content of Government 's Economic Function

  8. 论政府与民间组织在社区治理中的和谐运作

    Harmonious Relationship between Government and Civil Society Organizations in Community Governance

  9. 论政府转型与社会管理体制创新

    Talking About Government Transition and the Innovation of Social Management System

  10. 论政府在公共服务合同承包中的角色定位

    The Role Orientation of the Government in the Public Services Contracting-out

  11. 论政府投资工程项目的代建制

    On Acting Building System of Engineering Item of Government Investment

  12. 论政府管理理念创新

    On the Innovation of the Idea of Management of Governments

  13. 论政府投资对高等教育公平的保障作用

    Research on the Ensure Function on Higher Education Equity with Governmental Investment

  14. 论政府供给偏好的短期决定:政治均衡与经济效率

    Short-term Determination of Government Supply Preference : Political Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency

  15. 论政府参与模式对民族节日文化的影响

    The Effects of Governmental Participation Pattern on Minority Festival Culture

  16. 论政府形象的塑造和行政公关

    On Portraying the Image of Government and Administrative Public Relations

  17. 略论政府职能从管理到服务的转变

    A Discussion on Switching Government Functions from Administration to Service

  18. 论政府制度供给与西部经济增长

    On Supply of Governmental Institutions and Economic Growth in West-China

  19. 论政府调控收入差距费用的特点及运行操作

    On Characteristics of the Government Regulation Income Differential Expenses and Its Operation

  20. 论政府在建立新型农村合作医疗制度中的责任

    The responsibility of government in establishment of new-type rural cooperative medical service

  21. 论政府采购合同的性质及司法审查

    On the Property and Legal Examination of Government Purchasing Contract

  22. 论政府质量监督管理组织体系建设

    Discussion on government supervision organization system building of construction quality

  23. 论政府在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Role of Government to Play in Constructing Social Credit System

  24. 论政府管理重点向知识管理的转移

    On the Shift of the Government-Management Focus to Knowledge Management

  25. 论政府投资项目建设组织实施方式及其监管模式

    Research on the Supervision and Management Mode of Public Project

  26. 论政府审计与社会审计的协调

    A Review on Coordination between Government Audit and Social Audit

  27. 论政府职能的逻辑结构、演化机制及目标选择

    On the Government Functions ' Logical Structure , Evolution Mechanism and Targeting

  28. 论政府信息增值服务的政策创新及其路径

    On the Policy Innovation and Route of the Value-added Government Information Service

  29. 论政府在休闲文明建设过程中的作为

    On Function of Government in Building Process of Leisure Civilization

  30. 论政府在建设社会信用中的职能发挥

    On the government 's functions of building social credit system