
  1. 这多种思想因素的结合,使《坎特伯雷故事》呈现出鲜明的两重性。

    The combination of these factors makes Canterbury Tales show duality .

  2. 现代企业家行为中传统思想因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors of Traditional Culture in Entrepreneur Behavior

  3. 四是思想因素:党的执政意识。

    Fourth , thought factor : Consciousness of the Party .

  4. 我对孔子学说中一些辩证思想因素的认识

    My Cognition about Confucius Dialectical Thoughts in His Theory

  5. 思想因素。

    The reason of the thought .

  6. 简析印第安文明中的思想因素及其研究的意义

    The factor of thought in the Indian civilizations and the significance of research on this subject

  7. 或者把某些潜在的诠释学思想因素或理论萌芽放大为系统的诠释学理论;

    Or maximizing ideas or the germ of a theory containing elements of Hermeneutics into systematic Hermeneutics theory ;

  8. 笔者认为,回族报刊的产生基于社会因素和思想因素等两方面的主要因素。

    Author thinks that Hui nationality newspapers based on social factors and factors of the two main factors .

  9. 其天人观虽存在天命思想因素,但更多的是强调人事。

    Although his view of " nature-man integral whole " contained certain fate element , it put more emphasis more the human factor .

  10. 具体论述了思想因素、制度因素、组织因素、作风因素对党的创造力增强的阻碍。

    Concrete to expounding the factors of thought , system , organization , and style that hamper the creativity strengthen in the Party .

  11. 儒释道思想因素与苏轼人生艺术的关系,表现在学习和应物两个方面。

    The relationship between the ideological factor of Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism and artistic life of Su Shi is expressed in studying and replying .

  12. 理清制约提出体育教学指导思想因素之间的关系;

    Based on the present researches , the basic train of thought was analyzed , from which the thinking of physical education teaching was advanced .

  13. 论思想因素在定罪量刑行刑中的作用&行为无罪,除非内心邪恶

    The Function of Mentality Factor in the Conviction , the Discretion and the Execution of Punishment & The behavior is innocent , unless heart is evil

  14. 汉代人为了维持先人的尸体不朽采取了种种方法,其深层次的主观思想因素是他们的灵魂观念。

    The ghost concept of the people in Han Dynasty was the mental factor , and it likely rooted in a death belief born in the Spring and Autumn Period .

  15. 占前3位的思想因素为:担心不能胜任自然分娩、害怕疼痛;担心阴道分娩影响新生儿智力;

    The cases which require to proceed the section are rising , and the first three thought factors : ① Worries about vaginal delivery and afraid of pain ② Worries about the influence to neonate intelligence .

  16. 这种传统的成因是多方面的,既有思想因素又有社会现实因素,而我们也应该从不同角度来看待“贱讼”对我国法律发展所造成的影响。

    There are many reasons for this tradition , either ideological factors or actual and social factors , but we should see " de-lawsuit " which affects the development of laws in China from different angles .

  17. 方法:对吉林大学第二医院产科1990、1996、2001、2005年住院分娩的5459例病例进行回顾性分析,另外以问卷形式调查100例无指征剖宫产孕产妇行剖宫产的思想因素。

    Methods : we retrospective studied the case of delivery in our hospital in 1990 、 1996 、 2000 、 2005 , and investigated main thought influence factor of 100 examples of society Cesarean section with the questionnaire .

  18. 一种艺术的产生和发展,都是与一定的社会历史条件密切相关的,这些条件包括政治制度因素、经济发展因素、文化传承因素、哲学思想因素等等。

    The emergence and development of an art , and we are closely related to the social and historical conditions , these factors include the political system , economic development factors , cultural heritage factors , philosophical factors and so on .

  19. 这种归责原则上的发展演变,与一定时期社会的政治、经济、思想因素密切相关,也与各个国家法律传统的差异及经济发展水平有一定关系。

    He development and evolution of the doctrine of liability of fixation in product liability is closely linked with society 's politics , economical , thought factors in certain time , and also has certain relations with each country 's law tradition difference and level of economy development .

  20. 总结出福利腐败的特点及现实表现,从社会背景、历史根源、思想因素及外在缺陷等方面讲述福利腐败产生的原因,论述了福利腐败对国家、企业和社会三个层面带来的危害和影响。

    Summed up the welfare corruption characteristics and realistic performance , and from the social background , historical roots , ideological factors and extrinsic defects and other aspects of the welfare corruption causes , discusses the welfare corruption to country , enterprise and society three levels the harm and influence .

  21. 化学教学中的思想教育因素与大学生主体性发展

    Moral Factors in Chemical Teaching and Overall Development of College Students

  22. 制约校长办学思想的因素分析及启示

    Analysis in the Factors Restricting the Schoolmasters ' Ideas of Running Schools

  23. 影响四合院建筑型制的思想性因素

    The Ideological Factors of Influence Beijing Courtyard Style

  24. 思想文化因素。

    Thought and cultural factor .

  25. 影响近代建筑思想的因素

    Factors influencing modern architectural thoughts

  26. 会计软件的发展受到经济、法律、人才以及管理思想等因素的影响。

    The development of accounting software is influenced by economy , law , talents and management concepts etc.

  27. 剖析科技发展软环境制约因素,主要包括思想观念因素、管理体制与运行机制因素、人力资源因素、法治建设因素、配套服务因素和社会道德与诚信因素等。

    Soft environment is composed of notion , system , human resources , law , relative service and ethics & honesty .

  28. 但是,仍然包含着一些经世致用等传统思想的因素。

    However , it still included some traditional factors : attaining practical usage by a life time , and so on .

  29. 此外由于孔子所创新型社会教育体制中的思想转换因素,把士由旧式的社会政治仆役,塑造成新型社会文化守护者的角色。

    In addition , the Confucian ideology of education also helped transform the class from a political servant into a guardian of social culture .

  30. 亚当斯和杰斐逊的关系经历了由合到分,再到合的过程,这一曲折的关系不仅仅反映了私人交情,其中还掺杂了政治、经济、外交、思想等因素。

    The complicated relationship between Adams and Jefferson not only reflects their personal friendship , but also embodies political , economical , diplomatic and idelogical factors , etc.