
  • 网络japanese spirit;Japanism
  1. 兼收并蓄,东西大和。(日本精神)

    To incorporate and tolerate , oriental and occidental . ( Japanese Spirit )

  2. 日本精神溯源

    On the Origination of the Japanese Spirit

  3. 铃木镇一学校的这些儿童,代表了更温和、更文雅的那部分日本精神的重生。

    The Suzuki children represented the rebirth of a softer , gentler kind of Japan .

  4. 中国曾经是日本的精神源泉。

    China was once japan 's spiritual mother .

  5. 日本科学精神是在日本现代化过程中逐渐形成的。

    Japanese scientific spirit evolved gradually during the process of modernization .

  6. 无的艺术与日本的精神风土

    The Art of Inactivity as Part of Japanese Spirit

  7. 史蒂文斯的管家形象,具有日本武士道精神。

    The butler image , possessed by Mr. Stevens , reveals the samurai spirit .

  8. 从传统到现代&任侠黑帮电影中的日本文化精神

    From Tradition and Modernism : & the Japanese National Culture Spirit in Ninkyo Yakuza Movie

  9. 在宪法第九条的基础上产生了八项和平原则,它与宪法第九条一起构战后日本和平精神的要义。

    The Eight Peaceful Principles based on the9th Term of the Constitution together with the9th Term compose the purport of Japanese peaceful spirit .

  10. 影响日本护国精神形成的内部原因:日本民族具有强烈的危机意识、国家意识与集体意识,这是护国精神形成的先决条件。

    The internal causes include : Japanese nation has strong crisis consciousness , national consciousness and collective consciousness . Those are prerequisite conditions for the spirit of Japanese country protection .

  11. 但必须强调的是,我们在研究日本民族精神培育这一课题时,必须对其进行科学甄别,在批判中借鉴,坚决反对一刀切的态度和做法。

    However , it must be stressed that when studying the subject of Japanese national spirit nurturing , we must screen scientifically , learning from criticism , firmly opposed to the " One size fits all " attitude and method .

  12. 因为贝拉通过对日本现代化精神气质的研究在理论上突破了韦伯命题,贝拉对日本德川宗教的研究实际上是对韦伯理论的修正与发展,对其后东亚文化现代化研究具有重要的启示意义。

    Bellah accomplishes a theoretical breakthrough to Weberian proposition through the study on modern Japanese ethos . In fact , Bellah 's study on Japanese Tokugawa Religion is a revision and development to Weberian theory with an important significance on enlightening the study on modernization of Asian spirit .

  13. 天皇崇拜&近代日本军队的精神支柱

    Mikado-worship & The Ideological Prop of Modern Japanese Army

  14. 对于我个人来说,还有一个原因是因为日本的传统精神。

    The reason for me to saying this is because of the tradition of japan .

  15. 中国古代语言、文化对日本文化、精神及生活史方面的影响即如此。

    So is the ancient Chinese language and culture on the Japanese culture , ideology and daily life .

  16. 中国武德与日本的武士道精神都是历史积淀下来的传统文化,深深地影响着两国人民的精神思维,对两国的经济文化生活及民族精神的发展也产生较大的影响。

    Both of Martial Arts and Bushido are the traditional culture with long history and have wide influence on the thoughts and spirits of Japanese and Chinese .

  17. 它的每一部作品的产生充分地反映了各个时期日本国民的精神所需,可以说它的发展离不开同一时期的日本人的文化追求。

    The production of each work well reflects the spiritual needs of the Japanese people in different periods , which demonstrates Japanese cultural pursuit in the same period .

  18. 这一时期,对于日本刀的精神建构是明治时代日本面对西方的影响寻找自己国家存在价值的一种尝试。

    During this period , Japanese sword the mental construction Meiji era Japan an attempt to find their own country the value of the face of Western influences .

  19. 深入探索芥川的汉诗不仅有助于推进芥川文学研究进程,对于考察由传统向现代裂变过程中的日本知识分子的精神变迁亦具有重要的参考价值。

    Deeper exploration into his Chinese poetic world not only promotes the research into his literature , but also takes an important reference in the observation of the intellectuals ' spiritual shifting from the traditional into the modern .

  20. 他的电影既继承了日本传统美学的精神,又借鉴了西方美学的经验;既深深植根于日本的美学传统,又将其进行了探索和革新。

    His film inherited not only the traditional Japanese aesthetic spirit but also the western aesthetic experience .

  21. 宫崎骏作为日本动画电影的精神支柱,其动画电影已经成为经典。

    Hayao Miyazaki animated film as a spiritual pillar of Japan , The animated film has become a classic .

  22. 宫崎骏是日本动画界的精神支柱,他的动画作品表现出浓郁的民族文化特色。

    Hayao Miyazaki is the spiritual pillar of the Japanese animation industry . His animation shows the rich ethnic and cultural characteristics .

  23. 在这样的日积月累中,这些动漫形象成为了人们日常生活中的友好伴侣,成为日本人民不离不弃的精神寄托。

    In this long-term commitment , these cartoon characters into the daily life of friendly companion , abandoned to the Japanese people to become spiritual .

  24. 武士道为虎作伥探析&日本军国主义的精神支柱、思想渊源和战争工具

    Analysis on Function of Bushido to Help " the Villain-Do-Evil " & The Spiritual Prop · the Ideology Origins and the Means of Launching War of Japanese Militarism

  25. 同时还对德国、瑞士、法国及日本等国的精神损害赔偿制度进行了立法比较。

    Also , this chapter makes a comparative study on the compensation rules for mental distress of Germany , Switzerland , France , and Japan in view of legislation .

  26. 展示日本民族文化的精神美,是川端康成创作的追求,也是他获得诺贝尔文学奖的主要因素。

    The display of beauty of Japanese native culture is the pursuit of yasunari 's creation and this is the main reason why he won the Nobel Prize of literature .

  27. 日本高校教师的精神压力较多来源于时间压力,而中国高校教师精神压力的来源较为复杂,涉及工作负荷、社会经济地位、高校制度建设等多方面的因素。

    The stress of the former mostly results from the pressure related to time . The stress of the latter is complicated , concerning many factors such as workload , social and economic status and the construction of the system of university .

  28. 复古神道采取激烈排斥外来文化的态度,主张在日本古代典籍中寻求日本精神。

    Ancient Shinto took drastic exclusion of foreign cultural and held that t seeking " Japanese spirit . " in the ancient classics .

  29. 日本现代设计与日本传统文化精神

    Modern Japanese Design and Traditional Japanese Cultural Spirit

  30. 日本佛教,它为日本侵略者提供了精神动力;

    Japanese Buddhism , which has once provided the spiritual power for the Japanese invader ;