
  1. 日本Pola美术馆

    The POLA Art Museum in Japan

  2. 高奇峰东渡日本学习美术。

    Gao Qifeng goes to Japan to study fine arts .

  3. 松下在日本京都美术大学毕业,专攻日本画。

    Matsushita studied Japanese painting and graduated from the University of Art of the City of Kyoto , Japan .

  4. 由于政治等原因,日本近代美术脱中吸西,其岩彩风景画风倾向西方的审美。

    Because of political reason , the Japanese modern art is inclined to western society and break away from China . The style of rock-dyestuff scenery painting is inclined to western aesthetic standards .

  5. 《书画艺术》专题介绍日本歧阜美术馆;

    Arts in Calligraphy and Painting , Gifu Art Gallery , Japan ;

  6. 但在日本福冈亚洲美术馆的帮助下,陆扬得到了曾用于医学解剖的死青蛙,来创作一个作品。

    But with the help of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan , Ms. Lu was able to obtain dead frogs that had been used in a medical dissection to produce one of the works .

  7. 1995年日本东京学艺大学美术教育研究生(获硕士学位);

    1993-1995 Studied in Tokyo Gakugei University , Achieved Art Education Master 's Degree ;

  8. 1882年,美国学者芬诺洛萨赴日本作题为美术之真谛的讲演,将美术史这一西方新兴学科引入日本。

    In 1882 , the American scholar E. F. Fenollosa ( 1853-1908 ) first introduced the newly western discipline " art history " to Japan in a series of lectures entitled " The True Meaning of Fine Art " in Tokyo .