
  1. 其实中国画技法中创始于宋初的枯树画法的一种方法,就叫做蟹爪技法。

    In fact , China was founded in the early Song Dynasty painting techniques in a dried tree painting a method called crab claw technique .

  2. 器表装饰吸收中国画技法,色彩柔和,线条秀丽,形象生动,富于立体感。

    The designs on this kind of porcelain use traditional Chinese painting techniques resulting in fluid lines and soft colors and a lively three-dimensional effect .

  3. 展览中,来自日本的女艺术家安藤阳子借鉴传统的中国画技法,记录下了她的生活空间里本国人真实存在的瞬间状态。

    In this exhibition , Japanese woman artist Ando Yoko learns from traditional Chinese painting techniques to record momentary states people who live in her country .

  4. 焦墨作为传统的中国画技法,很少被人关注,犹如现在很少被人提及的黑白照片;另一方面,本文对现当代焦墨作了较简略的分析与研究。

    The Mexican coke as a traditional Chinese painting techniques , few people concerned about , like black and white photographs are rarely mentioned ; On the other hand , the Modern and Contemporary Mexican coke made more systematic analysis and research .

  5. 中国花鸟画技法抉微

    Skill and Technique Of The Chinese Flower - and - Bird Painting

  6. 中国山水画技法程式

    The Technique Formulas in Chinese Landscape Paintings

  7. 描绘园林风景,历来都用中国画传统技法。

    The technique of traditional Chinese painting has always been adopted in drawing scenery of gardens .

  8. 中国画的技法是以“骨法用笔”作为支撑,艺术的基本表现手段是线。

    The technique of Chinese painting is supported with the painting of its frame and its artistic expression is showed in lines .

  9. 充分发挥道家思想的无限性和无规律性,根据主客观情况创新性使用中国画绘画技法。

    According to subjective and objective conditions of innovative painting techniques with traditional painting techniques , we give full play to infinity and no regularity .

  10. 中国画现代表现技法&谈院校中国画新课程的建设

    Contemporary Expressive Techniques in Chinese Painting

  11. 文化课是艺术院校的弱项,科班出来的毕业生一出校门就被当成艺术家,中国画的笔墨技法是他们手中独一的仗恃。

    Cultural studies is the art school 's weaknesses , Coban out graduates out of school was as artists of a Chinese ink painting technique is the only Zhangshi their hands .

  12. 它在保留传统油画语言优势的同时,更加注重发挥中国画的笔墨技法的优点,更加强调中国画的笔墨韵味,更加注重画面意境的营造。

    It is in the preservation of traditional painting language advantages , more attention to play Chinese ink painting techniques of the advantages of greater emphasis on flavor of Chinese ink painting , to create a mood of greater emphasis on the screen .

  13. 但是凡是事物在初始阶段都是比较片面和简单的,开始的民族化很大程度都在用油画材料工具画中国画,后来在技法,题材,内容,形式方面提倡用民族元素。

    But every thing is in the initial stage is unilateral and simple , the start of the nationalization largely are using canvas material tools , after paint Chinese theme , content , technique , with national elements form advocate .

  14. 中国画用笔用墨作画的历史悠久,中国画的技法方式升华为有意味的形式,也经过了上千年的历史。

    Chinese painting ink pen with a long history of painting , the techniques of Chinese painting elevated to a " significant form ", after a thousand years of history .

  15. 中国画自宋代写实院体画的出现,将中国画模仿自然的技法发挥到一个完善的高度,画家具备了高度理性认识自然的能力,完成了模仿阶段的工作。

    Chinese realistic painting in Song dynasty painting appeared to imitate nature of Chinese painting techniques to the height of a sound artist with a high degree of rational natural ability , completed the imitation phase of its work .