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  • 网络chinese emperor;The Emperor of China
  1. 她是中国皇帝的女儿。

    She was the daughter of the emperor of China .

  2. 但中国皇帝却有1000个妃子。

    But the emperor of China had1000 of them .

  3. 当时马可波罗很得中国皇帝的喜爱。

    He was liked by the leader in China at the time .

  4. 据说古老的中国皇帝在各个州有很多小国王。

    In old China , many small kingdoms report to the overall China emperor .

  5. 我想去中国皇帝以前住的地方。

    I 'd like to go to the place where Chinese emperors used to live .

  6. 在六十一年,康熙曾统治时间最长的任何中国皇帝。

    At sixty one years , Kangxi had the longest reign of any Chinese Emperor .

  7. 像其他帝王非秦汉,忽必烈认为自己是合法的中国皇帝。

    Like other emperors of non-Han dynasties , Kublai Khan considered himself a legitimate Chinese emperor .

  8. 简而言之,他看起来就像一个微服私访的中国皇帝。

    In short , he looked like a travelling official in the service of the Chinese Emperor .

  9. 他们参观了紫禁城,从前的中国皇帝曾在那里过着奢华显赫的生活。

    They toured the Forbidden city , where the Chinese emperors had once lived in lofty splendor .

  10. 考古学家在一位中国皇帝的陪葬品中,发现了世界上最古老的茶叶。

    Archaeologists have discovered the oldest tea in the world among the treasures buried with a Chinese emperor .

  11. 可惜太迟了,中国皇帝终于发现欧洲人有他亟需的货品了,那就是现代战争工具&坚船利炮。

    Too late did the emperor discover that there were European goods he needed , modern tools of war .

  12. 根据其帝国的理论,中国皇帝的权利规则“天下”。

    Under its imperial theory , the Chinese emperor had the rights to rule " all under heaven " .

  13. 为埃尔金辩护的人表示,他是想惩罚那位中国皇帝他绑架了埃尔金的助手而不是中国人民。

    His defenders said he wanted to punish the Chinese emperor who had kidnapped his aides and not the Chinese people .

  14. 在那里,我们可以看到漂亮的(建筑)设计,充分了解过去中国皇帝们的生活状况。

    We can see the beautiful design there and learn more about the life of the Chinese emperors in the past .

  15. 中国皇帝试图制止鸦片贸易,希望能够闭关锁国,与外部世界完全隔离。

    The Chinese emperor tried to stop the trade , and hoped to slam the door completely on the outside world .

  16. 今天,到北京的游客,要来仿膳饭庄,便可以一试昔日中国皇帝的享受。

    Today , visitors to Beijing can have a try of the food and dishes of Chinese emperors at the Fangshan Restaurant .

  17. 由于种种复杂的历史原因,基督教修会间的争论发展成为罗马教皇与中国皇帝之间的政教之争。

    For various historical reasons , the controversy among Christian orders becomes that of politics and religion between Chinese emperors and Roman Popes .

  18. 基辛格和他的一小组随从参观了故宫,从前的中国皇帝曾在这座宫里过着奢侈显赫的生活。

    Kissinger and his small group pf aides toured the Forbidden City , where the Chinese emperors had once lived in lofty splendor .

  19. 同时,郑和船队显而易见的强大阵容,意味着中国皇帝获得了亚洲各国的敬畏。

    At the same time , the fleet 's obvious strength meant that the Emperor of China commanded respect and inspired fear all over Asia .

  20. 当时,感染者遗体被随意抛在街头,伍连德为此曾请求中国皇帝批准焚烧这些遗体——尽管这么完全违背中国人的传统。

    Infectious bodies littered the streets and Wu applied to the Chinese emperor for permission to burn them , even though the practice went against all Chinese tradition .

  21. 后来,她成功克服了自己身世,并成为了自己儿子的重要参谋,她的儿子是个王爷,同时还成为了中国皇帝的宠臣。

    Later in life , she overcame her backgroundto become an influential adviser to her son , a provincial duke , and a favourite of the Chinese emperor .

  22. 我是兔子,动物答道,我旅行到印度去执行中国皇帝派遣的特殊任务。

    I am the hare , the animal replied , and I am traveling to India on a special mission under the orders of the the Emperor of China .

  23. 我也谈到沙皇是纸老虎,中国皇帝是纸老虎,日本帝国主义是纸老虎,你看,都倒了。

    I also said that the tsar of Russia was a paper tiger , as were the emperor of China and Japanese imperialism , and see , they were all overthrown .

  24. 这里曾经是中国皇帝和他的朝廷举行庄严典礼的地方,有着500年悠久历史的塔状屋顶祖传殿堂已经被修复,目前作为娱乐场所向所有的民众开放。

    Once the scene of solemn ceremonies staged by the Chinese emperor and his court , the five-century-old pagoda-roofed Temple of Ancestors has been restored and is now open for the enjoyment of everyone .

  25. 笔、、再加上纸,合称“文房四宝”,是汉字的主要书写工具。图为中国皇帝书桌上的文房四宝。

    Brush , inkstick , instone and paper , called the Four Treasures of the Study , are the key instruments for writing Chinese characters . Four Treasures of the Study used by the Chinese emperor .

  26. 新版《花木兰》由妮基·卡罗执导,演员阵容包括李连杰(饰演中国皇帝)和新西兰演员安佑森(饰演木兰的战友和心上人陈洪辉)。

    The new version is directed by Niki Caro and the cast includes Jet Li as the Emperor of China and New Zealand actor Yoson An as Chen Honghui , Mulan 's ally and love interest .

  27. 尽管此次出使西域的主要目的并未完成,但是张骞充分了解了西域各地的风土人情,第一次给中国皇帝带回一了关于印度、中东以及欧洲诸国的消息。

    Although the main objective of his expedition was not achieved , he documented the cultures and lifestyles of the peoples of the Western Regions , and for the first time , the Chinese emperor was informed about India , the Middle East and even some European countries .

  28. 马可波罗在那里为中国的皇帝忽必烈工作。

    While he was there , Marco Polo worked for Kublai Khan , the emperor of China .

  29. 一位中国的皇帝命令他的仆人去给他弄一个有百年历史的鸡蛋来吃。

    A Chinese emperor ordered one of his servants to find him a hundred-year-old egg .

  30. 整个19世纪,中国的皇帝眼睁睁看着

    Throughout the 19th century , China 's emperors watched in dismay