
  1. 要收到最佳的管理效能,只有转变管理理念,即从传统的“事(物)本管理”、“权(官)本管理”和“校本管理”转向“人性化管理(人本管理)”。

    The best management can be achieved only by changing the management idea , namely from the traditional task - based management , power - based management and school - based management into human management .

  2. 师本管理是以教师为中心、把教师当作人而非工具、注重教师发展的管理,足对传统的事(物)本、权(官)本管理的摒弃。

    Teacher-based management is a kind of management that puts the teachers as the center of all school management elements . It treats the teachers as human beings not tools and focuses on the development of teachers .

  3. 德治与法治的重点都是治权、治官。

    Emphasis of ruling by law and by benevolent policy is on administrative power .

  4. 被赋予国际刑事案件调查、起诉权的检察官,在国际刑事法院运作程序中是最活跃最积极的因素,对于国际刑事犯罪的惩治起着关键性作用。

    The ICC prosecutors , authorized to investigate international criminal cases and institute criminal proceedings , play a key role in punishing international crimes and are the most active element in the operation procedures of the ICC .

  5. 检察厅法等还规定了法务大臣对检察官的一般性指挥监督权、检察官的任免、检察官的身份保障等制度。

    The procuratorial department law provides such provisions as general power of the minister of justice to command and supervise the prosecutor , appointment and removal of the prosecutor , safeguard of the status of the prosecutor , and etc.

  6. 娘说,鲁家有权有势,官做得很高。

    My mother says the Lu clan is very powerful and highly ranked .

  7. 但我们也想将对工资和奖金等机密信息的访问权限制到执行官。

    But we also want to restrict access to confidential information such as salary and bonus to Executives only .

  8. 而要实现这些目标,依法治权、依法治官、实现行政法治是唯一途径。

    To achieve these goals , by rights , law officers , the rule of law is the only way to achieve the administration .

  9. 加强行政审判工作,是依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的战略需要,重点应放在依法治权、依法治官、依法保护行政相对方的合法权益上。

    To enhance administration trial work is a strategic need to rule the country by law and build socialist country ruling by law . Its focus should be put on managing the power and government officials by law , and protect lawful rights of administrative sides .