
yǎ hào
  • nickname;esteemed name;your name;your gracious name
雅号 [yǎ hào]
  • (1) [esteemed name]∶高雅的名号,多用于尊称他人的名字

  • (2) [nickname]∶指绰号(含诙谐意)

  • 我倒不晓得他还有这么一个雅号呢

雅号[yǎ hào]
  1. 我倒不晓得他还有这么一个雅号呢。

    I never knew he had such a nickname .

  2. 在娱乐圈有“时尚劳模”雅号的维多利亚-贝克汉姆最近被动物保护组织PETA盯上,起因是维多利亚在不同场合所穿着佩戴的各种鳄鱼、蜥蜴和小牛皮时装招致了这家组织的严重不满。

    Victoria Beckham has evidently risked the wrath of animal rights group PETA with her new bag collection made from crocodile , lizard and calf skins .

  3. 他腼腆的性格、充满诗意的歌词,则让他拥有了音乐诗人的雅号。

    And his shy nature and poetic lyrics have also given him the nickname Poetic Musician .

  4. 联想甚至为即将到来的计算时代起了个雅号:“PC+”时代。

    The company even has a moniker for the coming age of Computing : the PC-plus era .

  5. 他腼腆的性格、充满诗意的歌词,则让他拥有了“音乐诗人”的雅号。

    And his shy nature and poetic lyrics have also given him the nickname " Poetic Musician . "

  6. 这使大家感到非常有趣,于是便给“花儿”赠送了个雅号,叫“狗不理”。

    People thought this very amusing so they gave Hua the elegant nickname ," gou Bu li " .

  7. 黑面琵鹭以优美的姿态闻名,赢得「面舞者」雅号。

    Black-faced spoonbills are renowned for their graceful poise , which have earned them the nickname of 「 Black-faced dancer .

  8. 那段时期,我的有关液氦的实验为我赢得了“宇宙最冷人”的雅号。

    My experiments on liquid helium in those days earned me the title " coldest man in the universe " .

  9. 那位夫人身躯肥大,过于苍白,冷若冰霜,同“索弗罗妮”的雅号简直牛头不对马嘴。“你要买我的头发吗?”德拉问。

    Madame , large , too white , chilly , hardly looked the " Sofronie . " " Will you buy my hair ? " asked Della .

  10. 20世纪出版的一批较有影响的工具书、文学史及唐诗注本,凡涉及王昌龄的雅号时,大多以诗天子立目或称其为诗天子。

    Some reference books , literature history books and annotated poems of the Tang Dynasty published in the 20th century either list him up or refer to him as King of Poetry .

  11. 九三至九四年,桑普拉斯连续夺下三项大满贯赛冠军,并在此期间发了超过千个‘爱司球’(发球得分)。如此优异的表现,为他赢得‘快枪球王’的雅号。

    The 1993 to ' 94 season was when Sampras acquired the nickname " Pistol Pete " after slamming down a thousand aces on his way to three Grand Slam titles in a row .

  12. 由于它从容不迫,不再是哀号,所以优美动听。黑面琵鹭以优美的姿态闻名,赢得「面舞者」雅号。

    It was very beautiful because it wasn 't hurried and it was no longer a lament . Black-faced spoonbills are renowned for their graceful poise , which have earned them the nickname of 「 Black-faced dancer .

  13. 自从两三年前,我所在的部门因裁员而缩水后,我在公司内部就赢得了“千手观音”的雅号,常常同时处理五六个项目,像超人一样飞天遁地。

    Dear Annie : since my department was shrunk by layoffs a couple of years ago , I have gotten an in-house reputation as a champion multitasker , able to handle half a dozen projects at one time ( and leap tall buildings in a single bound ) .

  14. 嘉庆点点头道:“这汤既然是爱卿之妻玉兰的笋干所制,以后就管他叫玉兰片汤吧。”从此,“玉兰片汤”这一雅号就不胫而走,名扬天下。

    Emperor Jia Qing nodded and said : " Since the soup is made from the dried bamboo shoots of your wife Yu Lan , then we will name it after her . " Since then , the elegant name " Yu Lan soup " enjoyed an incessant national fame .