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  1. 试验是从六位病人开始的。

    The trial began with six patients .

  2. 美国从第六位跃居第二位。

    The US leapt from sixth place to second .

  3. 2007年进出口总额达到2.17万亿美元,从世界第六位上升到第三位。

    Total volume of imports and exports reached $ 2.17 trillion in2007 , raising China from the sixth largest trading nation in the world to the third largest .

  4. 牛津大学从去年的第六位上升到了今年的第四位,打败了现在位于第六位的剑桥大学。

    The University of Oxford climbed to fourth from sixth last year , beating the University of Cambridge at sixth .

  5. 中国的对外贸易总额在过去的五年中已经从全世界第六位上升到第三位,进出口总额年增长达到24.6%。

    Fu said the country 's foreign trade rose from the sixth to the third in world rankings in the past five years , with imports and exports volume growing at an average annual rate of24.6 percent .