
  1. 从热量衡算可以得到固体颗粒任何时候的温度。

    A heat balance gives the temperature of solids at any time .

  2. 从轨道衡、皮带秤的校验看火电厂燃煤计量管理

    By Checking the Track-Scale and the Leather-Belt Balance to Strengthen the Coal Measure Management in Thermal Power Plant

  3. 针对此种情况,一些文献从热量衡算出发提出了一些计算煤直接液化反应热的方法。

    According to this condition , some literatures put forward a few of means of calculating DCL reaction heat through heat balance .

  4. 将石作为一个概念,分别从度量衡和官制层面进行分析和论述,着重探讨秦汉时期石的特定内涵及其在应用中的重要意义。

    The conception and applied meaning of " dan " in the period of Qin and Han Dynasties were analysed and discussed from two aspects such as weights and measures and bureaucratic establishment in the paper .

  5. 设计中我们选用水煤浆作为代表性的有机物,采用其重量百分比18.5%的水煤浆为处理对象,从质量衡算、热量平衡方面设计了一套较为完整的超临界水氧化能量转换系统。

    During the design , coal is chosen as the typical organism , and coal-water slurry with 18.5 % ( wt ) coal is selected as the organic reactant . By mass balance and heat energy balance calculation , a relatively complete supercritical water oxidation process is designed .