
cónɡ shānɡ
  • do business;go into business as a career
  1. 总的来说,那些从商的人并不太熟悉基本的科学原理。

    Those in business are not , on the whole , conversant with basic scientific principles .

  2. 男生马上要从商学院毕业,眼看着就要过上“朝九晚五”的生活了。

    The young man was about to graduate from the business school and become a nine-to-fiver .

  3. 萨内蒂透露自己以前就对MBA学位怀有这些猜疑和担忧。从商学院毕业后,她有一年时间失业赋闲,那期间她的疑虑更重了。

    Zanetti says she harbored these doubts and concerns about the degree , especially after being unemployed for a year after graduation .

  4. 在MBA学生开学之际,我们邀请了一些知名教授,让他们就如何从商学院获得最大收获给新生指点迷津。

    As MBA students start their programmes , we ask leading professors for tips on how to glean the most from business school .

  5. 拉克小姐16岁离开学校,数学成绩只得了C,没有任何从商经验。如今她却管理着超过1000名员工,在2010年以其在零售业的卓越贡献获得英帝国勋章。

    Miss Rucker , who had no business experience and left school at 16 with a C in her maths , now employs more than 1,000 workers and was awarded an MBE in 2010 for services to retail .

  6. 对于眼下即将从商学院毕业的MBA学生而言,目前的市场状况与互联网泡沫破裂时有着惊人的相似之处。

    For today 's MBA students about to graduate from business school , the market conditions bear a striking similarity to the bursting of the dotcom bubble .

  7. 有些人在报考MBA或EMBA(后者为在职高管设立)前已从商几十年,并且已经发家致富。

    Some have been in business for decades and have already made a fortune before registering for an MBA or Executive MBA ( an MBA for working executives ) .

  8. 2003年,萨内蒂从商学院毕业,然后花了整整一年时间才找到一份和自己三年前没有MBA学位时收入完全相同的工作,在一家类似美国建材家居零售商家得宝(HomeDepot)的西班牙公司任产品经理。

    And when she graduated in 2003 , it took her a full year to land a job as a product manager at a Spanish version of Home Depot , at exactly the same salary she was earning three years earlier , without the MBA .

  9. AbeMirza在他从商的日子里做了很多事情,但却远不及他在加纳短时间里所获得的满足感。

    Abe Mirza says he did a lot in his years as a businessman , but nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction he got from his short time in Ghana .

  10. 你或许还可以从商学院获得一些机会。

    You might also gain some opportunities from your business school .

  11. 从商也能让人获得某种层面上的自由

    Business was a way to have some freedom in the world .

  12. 他跟随父母的脚步从商了。

    He follows in his father 's footsteps in business .

  13. 我们从商参赞获得的。

    We learned from the commercial counselor 's office .

  14. 她以前有过从商经验,这为她的日常决策提供了帮助。

    She has previous business experience , which helps with making day-to-day decisions .

  15. 而且,每个人从商学院得到的各不相同。

    Knowledge is not the only thing an MBA will instill in you .

  16. 吉姆从商以来,一直没有后退过。

    Since Jim got started in business , he hasn 't looked back .

  17. 卸任总统去从商被认为是不恰当的。

    It was considered inappropriate for a former president to engage in commerce .

  18. 首先促成了徽州粮商的成长,土地资本也成为徽商从商资本的重要来源。

    Land capital became the important source of capital to go into business too .

  19. 你会给想要从商的人哪些建议?

    What advice would you give to anybody who wants to go into business ?

  20. 他从商是为了赚很多钱。

    He goes into business for the sake of making a lot of money .

  21. 和罗姆尼一样,洪博培相貌英俊,从商成绩斐然。

    Like Mr Romney , he has good looks and a successful record in business .

  22. 我以为她会回到从商学院毕业以后所从事的领域。

    I assumed she 'd return to the field she 'd entered after business school .

  23. 商人特别是那些刚刚开始从商的人们永远不应独自吃饭。

    Business people and those who are just starting out in particular should never eat alone .

  24. 其实到头来最终都从商了

    wound up going into business .

  25. 他正期待着从他父亲那里得到一笔贷款,以便其从商。

    He is banking on get ting a loan from his father to set up in business .

  26. 这就是我们希望从商学院教学中获得的东西引导经济和金融安全着陆。

    This is what we expect from business faculties - Guidance in landing the economy and finance safely .

  27. 楚人出行从商频率既高,祭祀行道神的次数自然也就多了起来。

    Because lots of Chu people trade articles to everywhere , they offer sacrifices to road gods anytime .

  28. 越来越多从商或从事其他行业的人开始明白:交流、沟通真的很重要。

    More and more people in business and elsewhere are beginning to understand how important communication really is .

  29. 尽管他的终极追求未被从商取代而仍然是入仕,但并不意味着他对商业没有梦想。

    Although his ultimate aim was still to be an official , he had a colorful dream in business .

  30. 与教书相比,从商可以得列较高的报酬,这很合情合理。

    It is reasonable that you can get higher payment in the busine field than in the teaching field .