
  1. 我从一位好友那里听说她到了。

    I learnt of her arrival from a close friend .

  2. 乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼着有人会认真听她的话。

    Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another , praying that someone would listen .

  3. 她从一位老匠人那儿学得其手艺。

    She learned her craft from an old master .

  4. 这意味着,例如,纽约城市大学的学生有理由期望从一位著名教授那里接受同等质量的教学,就像他们在纽约大学入读同一个班时一样。

    This means , for instance , a CUNY student could reasonably expect to receive the same quality of instruction from a prestigious professor as they would if they were enrolled in the same class at NYU .

  5. 斯科特很高兴从一位医生那里获得食物方面的建议,这位医生是附近的玛丽和迪克·艾伦糖尿病中心的项目主任,而该中心是圣约瑟夫·霍格健康联盟的一部分。

    Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center , part of the St.Joseph Hoag Health alliance .

  6. 詹妮弗住在这里吗?我是从一位女士那里听说的。

    Does Jennifer live here ? I heard a lady say .

  7. 1978年,他加入《时代》(Time)杂志,在不到二十年的时间内,便从一位政治记者一路成长为杂志主编。

    He joined Time magazine in 1978 , working his way up from political correspondent to managing editor in a little less than two decades .

  8. 我是在80年代从一位商业学校教授那里第一次听说EDI的。

    I first heard about EDI from a business school professor in the1980s .

  9. 我从一位游说者那里听到的另一个论点是,无实体CDS让投资者更加有效地对冲。

    Another argument I have heard from a lobbyist is that naked CDSs allow investors to hedge more effectively .

  10. 例如三位PI控制器在FOC算法可能被举例在一个C程序从一位普通PI控制器被写在装配。

    For example the three PI controllers in the FOC algorithm can be instanced in a C program from one generic PI controller written in assembler .

  11. 她是从一位朋友那里听说阿里巴巴的,那位朋友叫蔡崇信(JosephTsai),毕业于耶鲁,当过律师,不久前加入了阿里巴巴。

    She had heard about the company from a friend , Joseph Tsai , a Yale-educated former lawyer who had recently joined Alibaba .

  12. 她从一位62岁的老年志愿者ShirleyMickel那里得到了那些课程的帮助。

    She gets help in those subjects from Shirley Mickel , a sixty-two-year-old-volunteer .

  13. 我想从一位插画作家开始,你们中一些人可能是看着他的书长大的,他就是Seuss博士。

    And I 'd like to start with an author illustrator whom some of you probably grew up reading : Dr. Seuss .

  14. 2004年,米隆来到KCD公司纽约办事处,从一位职员的电脑中提取了一个病毒。

    In 2004 , Mullon arrived at KCD 's New York office to extract a virus from a publicist 's computer .

  15. 他的父亲托马斯•奥尔森(ThomasOlsen)是蒙克在挪威小镇维斯滕(Hvitsten)的邻居,他从一位德国咖啡大鳄手中买下了这幅作品,很可能是这位咖啡大鳄委托他画的这幅画。

    His father , Thomas Olsen , a neighbor of Munch 's in the small Norwegian town of Hvitsten , bought the work from the German coffee magnate who likely commissioned it .

  16. 后来有一天,他们从一位建筑师那里发现了一套令人惊艳的公寓,从屋里就可俯瞰巴利阿里群岛(Balearicisland)的米诺卡岛(Minorca)上的一个海港。由此,他们意识到,以后应该专门从同行那里寻找住处。

    Then one day they found an architect 's stunning apartment overlooking a seaport on the Balearic island of Minorca and realized that they ought to concentrate on the residences of their peers .

  17. 在发送短信后,他开始从一位在秘鲁卡哈马卡(Cajamarca)地区饲养了20多年兔子的女士那里获得解答。

    After sending a text message , he started receiving answers from a woman who had bred rabbits for more than 20 years in Peru 's region of Cajamarca .

  18. 我们从一位匿名的捐助者那里收到一笔可观的捐赠。

    We 've received a handsome donation from an anonymous benefactor .

  19. 我们今晚从一位泪流满面父亲的呼吁开始:

    We begin though tonight with the father 's tearful pledge :

  20. 你今天可能从一位老者身上学到有用的知识。

    You might learn something useful from an older person today .

  21. 他们密谋从一位银行家那抢劫一块珍贵的。

    Ting to rob a banker of a valuable diamond .

  22. 他得到的房子是从一位姑妈继承而来。

    He received his house by inheritance from an aunt .

  23. 是的,是从一位活着的德军士兵的战壕里得到的。

    Yes a live German soldier from his own trench .

  24. 两兄弟从一位朋友那儿得到这个了不起的点子。

    The brothers got their big idea from a friend .

  25. 从一位又一位个别的医生开始。

    And it starts with one physician at a time .

  26. 她是从一位高管培训师那里了解到风度这件事的。

    who learned about presence from an executive coach . '

  27. 这个例子是从一位贷款代理人创建一个贷款申请文档开始的。

    The example begins with a loan agent creating a loan application document .

  28. 我从一位同事那儿了解到:爱还有另一种表达方式。

    I learnt from my co-worker that love has other ways to express .

  29. 从一位女士的病历手镯里偷纸条

    slipping notes under a woman 's hospital bracelet .

  30. 从一位好老师那儿能学到很多东西。

    Much can be learned from a good teacher .