
  • 网络Tight monetary policy
  1. 适度从紧的货币政策的效果在去年开始显现,房地产市场的开始步入盘整阶段。

    The effect of moderately tight monetary policy since last year has worked : the real estate market has entered the phase of adjustment .

  2. 在过去的一年里,金融市场均受到不断增长的对过热中国经济表示担忧的影响,并导致中国实行从紧的货币政策。

    The past year has also been dominated by increased concerns of an overheating Chinese economy which has resulted in a tight monetary policy .

  3. 预计2011年经济增长9.6%,增速略有回落;CPI上涨4%,通胀压力加大。在这种情况下,中国应实施积极的财政政策和适度从紧的货币政策。

    It predicts that , in2011 China 's economic growth will slightly slow down to9.6 % while CPI will increase by4 % , leading to high inflation pressure .

  4. 2008年,中国将实行从紧的货币政策。

    The year of 2008 , the monetary policy of China will be constrictive .

  5. 适度从紧的货币政策

    A relatively tight monetary policy

  6. 压紧辊,压实辊,压紧辊轮继承实行适度从紧的货币政策,搞好适时适度微调。

    We should continue to carry out an appropriately stringent monetary policy make timely proper slight readjustment .

  7. 政府还称将改变货币政策观点,将从紧的货币政策转为适度放松。

    The government also said it will change its stance on monetary policy toward moderately easy from tight .

  8. 2007年中国经济工作会议也明确指出2008年将实施从紧的货币政策。

    And in the 2007 China Economic Conference , the report says the government will use the moderately tight monetary policy .

  9. 从紧的货币政策对房地产行业投资的影响分析&基于存款准备金率、利率的调控分析

    Analysis of Constrictive Monetary Policy on Investment of Real Estate & From the Perspective of Regulation of Deposit Reserve Rate and Interest Rate

  10. 除了政府从紧的货币政策以外,主要问题是2007年一飞冲天的房价使得开发商建造大量的房屋推向市场。

    Beyond the government 's tightening monetary policy , the main problem is that the enormous run-up in prices in2007 drove developers to build a glut of housing in the market .

  11. 高积累政策、适度从紧的货币政策、稳定物价&零通胀政策、消费政策和固定汇率政策,在一定程度上导致了目前有效需求的不足。

    The government has made some policies & the highest accumulation policy , properly tense currency policy and zero inflation policy , consuming policy and fixed exchange rate policy , which certainly produces the insufficiency of effective demand .

  12. 去年最时髦的话题就是中国应该提升其国内需求以减少其过多的储蓄;而现在则告诉其要实施从紧的货币政策,以减慢需求的增长。

    Last year it was fashionable to argue that China should boost its domestic demand to reduce its excess saving ; now it is being told to tighten monetary policy , which would slow the growth in demand .

  13. 1994年开始适度从紧的货币政策,到1996年实现经济的软着陆;1997年发生东亚金融危机,为化解其不利影响,1998年人民银行采取了扩张性的货币政策;

    The " moderately tightened " monetary policy began in 1994 , and the economy soft landed in 1996 . The East Asian financial crises erupted in 1997 . In order to offset its disbennifit , China 's central bank adopted expansionary monetary policy .

  14. 但是近年来,货币政策的效果有所下降,扩张性的货币政策没有能够有效地抑制通货紧缩,当前提高法定存款准备金率的从紧的货币政策也没有很好的抑制经济过热的势头。

    But in recent years , the effectiveness of the monetary policy has been reduced . Expanded policy failed to control deflation and tight policy by raising deposit reserve rate failed to restrain the trend of economic over-heat . Various factors can account for the situation .

  15. 从紧的金融货币政策

    Tight financial and monetary policy

  16. 为实现这个目标,中国2008年将执行“从紧”的货币政策,这是中国官方立场少见的重大转变。

    In order to achieve that , a'tight'monetary policy will be followed for2008 , a rare and significant change in the official stance .