
  • 网络slave;subordinate;Dependents
  1. 权威者提问,而从属者做出响应,向用户提问让其感觉低了一等。

    Those with authority ask questions ; subordinates respond . Asking users questions makes them feel irritated or inferior .

  2. 发展中国家大多处于低价值增值环节,处于价值链的底层,成为领导企业的从属者,承受其压榨。

    Most developing countries are in low value chain and become the affiliates of the leaders .

  3. 近些年来,金融业已经忘记、或者忽略了一个事实,即它自身的角色是从属者,而非主导者。

    In recent years finance has forgotten or ignored that it is a servant and not a master .

  4. 最后,Gabriella的父母,则属于从属型双语者。当他们学习外语(英语)时,需要通过母语进行翻译再进行学习。

    Finally , Gabriella 's parents are likely to be subordinate bilinguals who learned a secondary language by filtering it through their primary language .

  5. 且:总收益分配随着赔偿金(γf)的递增在核心企业与从属企业之间向后者倾斜;

    And with the increase of compensation (γ f ), the subordinate firm will get more from the total welfare .