
  1. 我们从车里看狮子,很安全。

    We watched the lions from the safety of the car .

  2. 马丁先生被人用枪指着从车里带了出来。

    Mr Martin was taken out of his car at gunpoint .

  3. 那个装置爆炸了,把泰勒先生从车里抛了出去。

    The device exploded , throwing Mr Taylor from his car .

  4. 那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并大声警告别人。

    The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning .

  5. 卫兵将哈里从车里拉了出来。

    The guards hustled Harry out of the car

  6. 两个男人从车上下来。

    Two men alighted from the vehicle .

  7. 她从车上跳下来,提起连衣裙,对他一路紧追不放。

    She leapt from the car , hitched up her dress and sprinted down the road after him

  8. 他从车内向外看了一眼。

    He had an outward look from inside the car .

  9. 初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。

    When you are learning to ride a bicycle , you often fall off .

  10. 卡车司机把车子开到路边,然后从车上下来喝杯茶。

    The lorry driver pulled into the side of the road and got out for a cup of tea .

  11. 就在这时,一个年轻人从车里跳出来问我是不是珍妮。

    Just then a young man jumped out of a car and asked if I was Jenny .

  12. 他们从车上把书卸下来。

    They unloaded books from a car .

  13. 一只狼看到狐狸从车上跳了下来,问它做了什么。

    A wolf saw him jumping out and asked him what he had been doing in it .

  14. 我的肚子能驮着你9个月,你就不能把这些菜从车上搬到家里?

    If I can carry you for 9 months , you can carry those groceries6 from the car to the house .

  15. Tim从车上拿出一条管子并把它插在轮胎气门嘴上。

    Tim takes a tube out of the car and sticks it on the tire valve .

  16. Leap的末日显然来得极为突然,它的创始人甚至没有时间从车上拆掉多少东西。

    The end for Leap apparently came so suddenly that its founders didn 't have time to remove much from the vehicles .

  17. 当William问她要到哪时,这名准乘客从车的另一扇门下去了,成功地躲开了那些水洼。“谢谢”,女乘客说。

    As William asked the destination , the would-be passenger exited through the other door , successfully avoiding the puddles . " Thanks , " ; she said .

  18. 那些从车里到厨房到卧室到客厅到处都是的CD们,还有跟盒子分了家的CD们,在数字时代都是不会存在的问题。

    All those CDs that travel from car to kitchen to bedroom to living room , with the CD and the case getting separated somewhere along the way & a problem no more in the digital age .

  19. 一名出租司机反复尝试开着车冲出自家公司蓝鸟集团(BlueBirdGroup)的抗议者的包围圈,场面相当诡异。看起来,他们想要打砸他的车,并把他从车里拉出来。

    In one bizarre scene , a taxi driver repeatedly tried to drive through a throng of protesters from his own company , the Blue Bird Group , who appeared to be trying to attack his cab and pull him from the vehicle .

  20. 前不久,一辆黑色的SUV车驶过布鲁克林威廉姆斯堡的街头,停在Vice传媒由仓库改建的国际总部门口,从车上走下来的是传媒界的大人物鲁伯特·默多克(RupertMurdoch)。

    A black S.U.V. recently rolled through the streets of Williamsburg , Brooklyn , and stopped in front of the converted warehouse that is the global headquarters of Vice Media . Out of the vehicle stepped the media mogul Rupert Murdoch .

  21. 在1960年罗马夏季奥运会上,一名来自丹麦的自行车手KnudEnemarkJensen在比赛中失去知觉,从车上倒下死亡。

    At the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome , a Danish cyclist named Knud Enemark Jensen lost consciousness during a race , fell from his bicycle and died .

  22. 警方表示,周六下午三点四十分左右,David和江玥开的两辆车在Broadway大街McClintock路附近追尾。在最开始的碰撞之后,Davis从车里走出来,冲另外一辆车连开数枪,击伤江玥。

    It started when two vehicles , one driven by David , the other by Jiang , collided near Broadway Road and McClintock Drive at about 3:40 p.m. Saturday , police said . After that initial collision , police said , Davis got out of her car and fired several rounds into the other vehicle , striking Jiang .

  23. 你从车里拿的是假的。

    The one you took from the vehicle was a copy .

  24. 儿子帮我把购买的东西从车里拿出来。

    My son helped me unload the shopping from the car .

  25. 两周前一名探员的手提电脑从车中失窃。

    Laptops were stolen from an agency car two weeks ago .

  26. 玛格丽特从车上下来,一个人回到家里。

    Marguerite got out and went up to her apartment alone .

  27. 我从车上摔下来了。我的腿受伤了。

    I fell off my bike . I hurt my leg .

  28. 我能先从车里出来么?

    Can I at least get out of the truck first ?

  29. 他从车中被抛到池。

    He was tipped out of the car into the pond .

  30. 他的士兵命令这两个人从车里出来。

    His soldiers ordered the two men out of the vehicle .