
  1. 因此,在该制度下,人力资本产权有了从债权性到股权性的转化,从而也促进了企业员工角色的转变。

    Therefore , in the system the role of staffs has changed .

  2. 本文从债权融资的角度,对公司治理问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the corporate governance from the point of view of debt finance .

  3. 本章从债权请求权的角度对劳动报酬权的法律保护进行研究。

    This chapter makes a further research on labor remuneration right legal system from the perspective of obligatory right .

  4. 作者指出了法学界物权行为无因性肯定说与否定说两种主张的缺陷,从债权有效行为,物权行为有效或无效;

    The author points out the defects of affirmative and negative abstract principle of juristic act of real right in law circle .

  5. 因此,为了提高回报率,主权财富基金必须继续从债权向股权转变,实现投资多样化但出于政治考量,安全性仍然是第一位。

    Thus SWFs must continue diversifying from debt to equity to boost return , though safety remains paramount given the political stakes .

  6. 第四,从债权让与的角度论述了保险代位权在保险人、被保险人和第三人之间的效力。

    The fourth , the author discusses the insurance effect subrogation 's among the insurer , the insurant and the third party through transfer of credit .

  7. 接着分别分析了不同税种之间以及税收主债权与从债权的效力位序。

    Secondly , research the effect conflict of different types of taxes . Thirdly , explained the effect conflict between main claims of tax and secondary claims of tax .

  8. 主要从债权出资的概念、理论基础、现物出资要件的符合性和各国的立法实践这五个角度,对债权出资做一个简要的介绍。

    The author makes a brief introduction of the creditor ` s rights investment from five angles , for example , the concept , theoretical basis , conditions of physical capital , legislations of different countries .

  9. 在现行法律规范没有改变的前提下,可以从债权转让的主体、客体、转让方式、风险承担和交易形式上的不同区别出两种不同类型,分别考虑涉及到的不同法律问题。

    Under the existing legal norms did not change the subject , you can explore the claims transferred from the subject , object , means of transfer , risk taking and trading of different forms distinguish two different types , to consider the different legal issues involved .

  10. 第二部分从一般债权质权存在的可能性、必要性以及法律依据的角度阐述了一般债权质权的意义;

    The second part expatiates on the significance of it from the aspects of its possibility , necessity and legal bases ;

  11. 从破产债权的概念着手研究,分析破产债权的含义以及特征,进而再研究破产债权审查确认制度的涵义以及意义。

    Firstly analyzing the conception and characteristic of bankruptcy credit ; secondly researching the meanings and significance of the bankruptcy credit examining and confirming system .

  12. 笔者从一般债权本身的固有属性、社会需求等角度论证了一般债权可以成为权利质押的标的。

    From the angle of inherent attributes and social needs of the general creditors right itself , the writer prove that the general creditors right could be the right impawn set .

  13. 第三部分是本文的重点,从一般债权质权的当事人、标的、设定、效力、实行、消灭和法律适用七个方面详细阐述了一般债权质权的具体内容;

    The third part , which is the emphasis of this paper , expounds the specific contains of it from the aspects of its party , subject , establishment , scope , extinction and application of laws ;

  14. 从物权与债权区分理论看我国民事立法选择

    Discrimination Theory of the Real Right and the Creditor 's Rights

  15. 抵押权附从于主债权,其基本功能是担保主债权的实现。

    Attached to the principal claim , mortgages ' basic function is to guarantee the realization of the principal debt .

  16. 当前随着经济交往的日益发达,担保制度的作用也愈发的凸显,担保也从单纯的债权保障工具演变为兼具保障功能和融资媒介的工具。

    With the current economic exchanges are increasingly developed , the role of security system is the more prominent Guarantee evolved from a simple creditor protection tools for both the security function and financing of media tools .

  17. 论物权的特征从物权与债权之区别为视角实体请求权与诉讼请求权之辨从物权确认请求权谈起

    On the Characteristics of Proper Right & Take the distinction between proper right and obligation right as the view angle ; The Discrimination Between Substantive Claim and Procedural Claim : From the Perspective of Claim of Property Confirmation

  18. 本文从法律角度对债权转股权这一问题进行了深入的研究,并将一般的企业债转股也纳入了研究的范畴。

    This article deeply discusses Debt-to-Equity Swap mainly from law point of view involving common private corporations .

  19. 一战后,美国从债务国变为债权国,综合实力得到发展,尤其是经济实力。

    After the First World War , the United States from debtor to creditor , comprehensive strength development , especially economic strength .

  20. 首先从物权法、债权法、知识产权法的角度对网络虚拟财产法律属性进行评析。

    First , we analysis the legal attribute of virtual property in the view of Property Law , Obligation Law and Intellectual Property Law .

  21. 本文探讨了上市公司融资结构与公司治理的关系,在此基础上应用这一一般理论,分别从股权结构和债权结构两方面来分析上市公司治理结构,指出其中存在的问题及原因。

    This paper makes an inquiry into the relationship between financing and corporate governance , and employs this general theory to discuss listed companies governance in China respectively from stock and debt structure , and points out the existed problems .

  22. 关于集体合同的效力,笔者尝试在比较英国和德国以及我国台湾地区理论的基础上,从物权效力、债权效力和组织法效力三个方面来讨论集体合同的效四川大学硕士学位论文力问题。

    About the validity of the collective agreement , I attempt to discuss from the aspects of real right validity , obligatory right validity and organization validity , on the foundation of the comparison among the varied theories from Britain , Germany and Taiwan .

  23. 从其发展变化来看,土地承包经营权正从一种债权性的权利逐渐向物权性的权利演变。

    The rural land 's contracted management right has been changing into a kind of right in rem from a kind of creditor 's right in the real evidence aspect of its development .