- 名formal justice

The judgement of the first trail maintained the formal justice , but it suffered the substance justice .
Rawls classified the justice into the substantive justice , the formal justice , and the procedural justice .
The Form Justice of Law and The Judicial Procedure Justice
A legal form of justice prior to , superior to substantive justice .
But autonomy and state intervention is always accompanied by the development of contract law .
Western social result mean maximally realize legal form the essence of justice under justice .
Behavior utilitarian don t emphasize the formal justice , but the effect of the justice ;
Are legal conflict between legal essential justice and formal justice an issue that could not be avoided ?
Thirdly , they combine both the formal justice and essential justice , and both common justice and individual justice ;
Thus it necessitates the interference of judge 's discretion to reach the transformation from static rules to dynamic truth .
Formal justice and substantive justice are the values of rights and obligation distribution in modern and contemporary law respectively .
John Rawls classified the justice into three kinds , which was formal justice , substantive justice and procedural justice .
Third , only the priority of formal justice provides a clear distinction between law and other social rules like morality .
This phenomenon represented the contradiction between the formal justice that the law defended and the actual justice of the parties .
Values of the methods of choice of law represent the different goals about the formal justice and the material justice .
Absolute reliance on the rule of formal justice may still lead to the coexistence of formal justice and substantive inequality .
While in the judgment of law , we need to consider the balance of formal justice and essence justice , fairness and efficiency .
He has also analyzed the standards and their limitations of formal justice , which he declares are included in the rule of law .
The flexibility and certainty goals and the forms of justice and real justice is the most important influence that which affect the conflict laws .
Forma justice of law is a main aspect of justice of law that consists of a series of principals of forma justice briefly illuminated .
The author makes an analysis of formal justice and its corresponding substantive justice . He believes that there are three forms of formal justics .
Law is of uncertainty , which decides that formal justice could only be pursued metaphysically , while its ultimate aim is the realization of substantive justice .
Every branch of law pursues the realization of formal justice , and the substantial justice and substantial justice is not the only valued pursued by economic law .
Justice from the form of contract to contract in real terms in the justice explained , to analyze the present status of and the freedom of contract .
The compulsory contract invites the contract heads for substance justice from the form justice and invites the law from supporting personal benefits change for respecting a social benefits .
The form justice and the essence justice supplementing and complementing each other , realizing the form justice of the law must be guaranteed firstly to realize the justice value of the law .
It consists of the rationality of the system and the justice in the system working . Same as political justice and the other justice theory , the main character of economic justice is regularization .
For maximizing the union of the substance justice and formal justice when interpreting the criminal code , interpreters should defend the stability and ideals of criminal law , and facilitate to realize the justice of criminal law .
As the same time , along with the orientation of private international law shifts from formalistic justice to substantial justice , private international law in various countries having legislation to protect the interests of the weak in particular .
For example , legal effect emphasizes legitimacy , pursuing formal justice , usually in whether it has the predictability to evaluation ; social effects emphasize the rationality of the pursuit of substantive justice , usually with acceptability to evaluation .