
zhài quán dān bǎo
  • Creditor's rights guarantee;security for debt
  1. BOT投融资中的债权担保

    Security of Creditor 's Claim in the BOT Investing and Financing

  2. 由于BOT投融资各方分处于不同的国度,各所属国有关债权担保的法律规范迥异,涉及问题众多。

    For the parties concerned of the BOT investing and financing are located in different countries , the laws and regulations vary from one country to another and thus so many problems may be involved in .

  3. 抵押权担保制度是近代以来的债权担保实践中最具有典型性的物的担保方式。

    Mortgage is the most typical security right in modern times .

  4. 但是,任何事物都是发展变化的,债权担保方式也不例外。

    But everything is changing , so do ways of guarantees .

  5. 但这种理想的债权担保制度,在现实实践中效果并不理想。

    But this ideal creditor 's rights guarantee system is not perfect in practice .

  6. 证券公司融资融券业务债权担保的法律分析

    The Legal Analysing of Security Company s Margin Trading Based on Obligation Pledge ; debt financing

  7. 债权担保对于发展市场经济和促进市场交易具有十分重要的意义。

    Security for obligation plays a significant role in the development of market economy and the safety of transactions .

  8. 法定资本制、资本三原则、股东有限责任被过多地赋予了债权担保的功能。

    Statutory capital system , three doctrine of capital , shareholders limited liabilities are overloaded the function of guarantee .

  9. 抵押担保以其独特的制度构造,在债权担保体系中地位至为显赫,是世界各国担保法规定的重要担保方式。

    Hypothecation guarantee , featuring as its special construction of regulation , takes a great important position in claim guarantee system .

  10. 抵押是民商活动中既古老又重要的债权担保形式,素有担保之王之美誉。

    Mortgage is an old and important form of security for right of claim in civil and commercial activities , with the good name of " king of security " .

  11. 其作为一种债权担保方式,在目前鼓励投资、加强基础设施建设及融资借贷中曰益得到广泛运用。

    It serves as a method of guarantee for creditor 's rights , at present , it is widely used in encouraging investment and strengthening infrastructural construction and financing loan increasingly .

  12. 由于其能够同时满足现代经济对债权担保和担保物经济效用发挥的双重需要,因而已成为许多国家运用最为广泛的一种物的担保形式。

    It becomes the most commonly used right for security purpose because it can satisfy the modern economy 's need for guarantee of obligation and the need to use the collateral efficiently .

  13. 传统民法中设有违约责任制度和债权担保制度,运用这两项制度来保障金融债权是目前银行的习惯性思维和传统做法。

    The system of breaching obligation and the system of debt 's guarantee in traditional civil law is to assure the realization of debt , by which to guard the financial debt is banks ' habitual thought and practice .

  14. 然而,资本究竟能够在多大程度上承载债权担保功能却受到了质疑,以资本为核心所构筑的整个公司信用体系根本不可能胜任对债权人利益和社会交易安全保护的使命。

    However , in what degree can capital carries the function of guarantee suffers query while the company credit system constructed with capital would not be able to fulfill the protective mission for both the creditor 's benefit and trade safety .

  15. 为债权的担保而奋斗是市场经济的必然现象。

    Guarantee for creditor 's rights is the necessary development of economic market .

  16. 论生存性债权对担保物权的优先行使

    On the priority of living credit 's right to material right of guaranty

  17. 金融担保是一种以金融债权为担保对象的担保。

    The financial guarantee is one kind of guarantee taking the financial claim as the guarantee object .

  18. 专利权质押是以可转让的专利财产权为标的而设定质权对债权予以担保的法律制度。

    The patent pledge is a legal system that the transferable patent right as the subject is guaranteed to financial claim .

  19. 资产证券化是一项融合债权、担保、证券于一体的金融创新,它既是一个经济过程,同时也是一个法律过程。

    It is a financial innovation integrating credit , guarantee and security . It is an economic process and a legal procedure as well .

  20. 它是债权债务担保的一种重要方式,优化的保障了债权人利益,具有极大的市场经济价值。

    It is an important form of the claims and debts insurance , also the most optimized way to protect the interests of creditors , so it has great economic value .

  21. 让与担保是大陆法系国家经判例学说发展起来的一种非典型担保制度,它是通过预先转移担保标的物的所有权来实现对债权的担保。

    Guarantee for transfer is a kind of non-representative surety system which developed from precedent and law theory in civil law system countries . Creditor ' rights can be assured by transferring the droit of the guaranty beforehand .

  22. 在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。

    In the security system , the standing of the pledge of general obligation is more and more important . The right and duty of the third obligor ( the pledgor 's obligor ) remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation .

  23. 劳动债权与有担保债权在破产法上的清偿顺位安排

    Orderly Arranged Discharge on Claim of Labor and Secured Claim in Bankruptcy Law

  24. 因而,担保物权成为债权最佳的担保制度。

    So Security Interests become the best warranty system .

  25. 在《破产法》修改过程中,关于劳动债权与有担保的债权哪一个优先受偿的问题引起了广泛的争论。

    In the process of revising Bankruptcy Law , the issue on which one should be first compensated between claim of labor and secured claim has widely aroused disputes .

  26. 最高额抵押是一种特殊的抵押形式,具体是指在事先约定的最高限额内对将来不确定发生的债权而提供担保。

    The maximum mortgage is a kind of special mortgage and it refers to provide the guarantee in the highest limit for a nonspecific obligatory right which is existed or will happen in the future within certain range .

  27. 在限定继承原则下,遗产的清算既是保障继承人承担有限责任的基础,也是保护遗产债权人之公平受偿权及债权之一般担保不被侵吞的重要措施。

    Under the principle of limited heritage , the liquidation of heritage is the foundation to ensure the heir 's limited liability . At the same time , it is also an important measure to protect other creditors right .

  28. 人民法院对有财产担保债权和无财产担保债权的申报,应当分别登记。

    The people 's court shall register separately claims that are secured with property and claims that are not secured with property .

  29. 一般债权质押、浮动担保、一般债权让与担保在实践中运用广泛,均有立法必要性。

    It is necessary to bring legislation to the practical application of general liability mortgage , floating guarantee and the guarantee for the transfer of liability .

  30. 债权转让的,担保该债权的抵押权一并转让,但法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law or is otherwise stipulated by the parties concerned , when the obligee 's rights are alienated , the mortgage right thereof shall be alienated concurrently .