
  • 网络Debt Ceiling;debt limit
  1. 美联储(U.S.FederalReserve)主席本?伯南克等人也已表示,债务上限毫无意义,本来就不该存在。

    He joins the likes of U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who argue the debt ceiling makes no sense and wishes it didn 't exist .

  2. CNN首席商业记者克里斯汀·罗曼斯:哦,债务上限,华盛顿永恒的食物战。

    CHRISTINE ROMANS , CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT : oh , the debt ceiling , the eternal Washington food fight .

  3. 在美国经济复苏呈现出令人忧虑的停滞迹象之时,巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统上周进行了一场豪赌,调整了自己对待债务上限谈判的态度。

    Amid disturbing signs that the US recovery has stalled , President Barack Obama took a huge gamble in his approach to the debt-ceiling talks last week .

  4. IMF称,如果美国国会在下周之前未就新的债务上限达成一致,这也将影响全球金融市场。

    The IMF said that if American lawmakers failed to agree a new debt ceiling by next week , it would also affect global financial markets .

  5. 芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup)表示:随着美国逼近债务上限,我们将继续监视流动性环境和适当的抵押品折价。该集团接受美国国债作为期货头寸担保

    We will continue to monitor the liquidity environment and appropriate collateral haircuts as the US approaches the debt ceiling , said the CME Group , which accepts US Treasuries against futures positions

  6. 拉加德称美国债务上限的不确定性非常令人担忧,她接受NBC电视台《MeetthePress》节目采访时表示,美国若发生债务违约,会给世界经济的复苏带来威胁。

    Lagarde calls uncertainty of the US debt celling very concerning , telling NBC 's Meet the Press , that the potential for a US default , push the world economic recovery at risk .

  7. 在美国众议院和参议院通过提高债务上限的法案,且巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统签署之前,美国的财政紧急状况不会结束。

    The United States ' fiscal emergency will not be over until a bill to raise the debt ceiling has passed both House and Senate and President Barack Obama has signed it .

  8. 围绕债务上限出现新的不确定性之际,美联储(FederalReserve)官员准备在本周三决定是否开始放缓购债速度,资产购买的目的是支持美国经济复苏。

    Renewed uncertainty over the debt ceiling comes as Federal Reserve officials prepare to decide on Wednesday whether to begin tapering , or slowing , the pace of their asset purchases in support of the US recovery .

  9. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)警告称,假如国会未能在8月2日之前提高政府债务上限,将对资本市场和美国经济产生“重大且不可预料的”影响。

    A failure by Congress to increase US borrowing authority by August 2 would have a " significant and unpredictable " impact on capital markets and the US economy , Barack Obama has warned .

  10. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)重申美国必须立刻提高债务上限,否则一旦投资者对美国主权债务失去信心,将对全球其它地方产生严重影响。

    The International Monetary Fund reiterated the US must raise the debt ceiling rapidly , as a loss of confidence in US sovereign debt would have severe effects for the rest of the world .

  11. 实业家科氏兄弟(kochbrothers)支持的保守派活动组织“美国繁荣”(americansforprosperity,afp)敦促共和党在美国债务上限谈判中表现克制,表明这家通常姿态强硬的组织转变立场。

    A conservative activist group backed by the industrialist Koch brothers is urging Republicans to show restraint during US debt ceiling negotiations , representing a shift in position by the usually hardline Americans for prosperity .

  12. 另一名外交政策专家詹姆斯•陶布(JamesTaub)警告称,透过债务上限协议,我们看到的是茶党(TeaParty)对美国国力的可怕设想。

    Another foreign policy experts James TaoBu ( James Taub ) warned that through debt limit agreement , we see is Tea Party ( which do you prefer to the national Party ) the terrible idea .

  13. 信用评级机构已经警告美国如果不能及时提高债务上限以预防违约,则其AAA信用评级可能被降级。

    Credit ratings agencies have put the US on notice that its AAA rating may be cut if the debt ceiling is not raised in time to prevent a default .

  14. 美国时间周日晚间,在亚洲市场开市之前,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)宣布,美国国会领袖们已达成一项初步协议,将提高债务上限,以避免违约。

    President Barack Obama announced on Sunday night that US Congressional leaders had reached an agreement on a tentative deal that would extend the debt ceiling and avoid a US default , ahead of the opening of Asian markets .

  15. TIGER指标中的金融市场指标受到重创,反映出自今年春季以来、在欧元区和美国债务上限问题久悬不决的情况下,没有快速解决方案出台导致的普遍市场担忧。

    The financial market component of the indicator has been hard hit , reflecting widespread anxiety in markets since the spring and the lack of rapid resolution to the uncertainties hanging over the eurozone and the US debt ceiling .

  16. 除了及时立法上调债务上限外,别无他法,盖特纳对参议院少数党领袖米奇麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)等参议员们表示。

    There is no alternative to enactment of a timely increase in the debt limit , he told senators , including Mitch McConnell , the minority leader .

  17. IMF指出,从美国看,政界人士应该确保度过即将到来的债务上限期限,而不付诸于过度财政巩固,但同时也需要达成一个可信的中期财政巩固计划,以应享权益和税改为核心。

    For the US , the fund said politicians should ensure that the country gets through the impending debt ceiling deadlines without excessive fiscal consolidation but also agree on a credible medium-term fiscal consolidation plan , focused on entitlement and tax reform .

  18. 美国财政部长杰克卢(JackLew)紧急呼吁国会在本月底之前上调债务上限,从而成为在财政政策风险方面对市场的一个提醒。

    Markets also had a reminder about dangers from fiscal policy as Jack Lew , the US Treasury secretary , issued an urgent call for Congress to raise the debt ceiling by the end of the month .

  19. 众议院议长博纳(JOHNBOEHNER,俄亥俄州共和党人)向共和党人介绍了一项方案,该方案将在10年内将财政赤字削减至少3万亿美元,同时分两个阶段将债务上限提高2.5万亿美元。

    House Speaker John Boehner ( R. , Ohio ) briefed Republicans on a plan that would cut the deficit by at least $ 3 trillion over 10 years while raising the debt ceiling in two stages by up to $ 2.5 trillion .

  20. 但詹尼资本市场公司(janneycapitalmarkets)公司信用分析师乔迪卢里(jodylurie)表示:“几周后国会才会讨论债务上限问题,投资者正利用这段窗口期大举买入高收益资产。”

    But Jody Lurie , corporate credit analyst at Janney capital markets , said : " with debt ceiling discussions still a few weeks away , investors are taking this window of opportunity to load up on higher yielding assets . "

  21. PNC金融服务集团的经济学家格斯·福彻表示,这个法案现在看起来更像是华尔街所期待的结果,可是它并没有明确地解决联邦长期开支的困扰,增加债务上限的时期将会来临。

    Economist Gus Faucher of PNC Financial Services says this deal , pretty much looks like what Wall Street expected for now , but with no clear resolution of long-term federal spending concerns and another debt-limit increase looming .

  22. 共和党一位助理表示,奥巴马周三晚间在与共和党众议院二号人物埃里克坎特(EricCantor)激烈交锋之后,怒气冲冲地退出了谈判。坎特建议两党把重点放在短期上调债务上限上。

    According to a Republican aide , Mr Obama stormed out of negotiations on Wednesday night following a heated exchange with Eric Cantor , the number two Republican in the House of Representatives , who suggested the parties focus on a short-term increase in the debt ceiling .

  23. 国会已经提高美国债务上限。

    Congress has raised the roof on the U.S. debt limit .

  24. 这项协议同时调高了国家的债务上限。

    The deal also increases the nation 's debt limit .

  25. 债务上限争执所解决的问题,少于你可能想象的。

    The debt-ceiling battle resolves less than you might think .

  26. 之后美国将在下个月触及债务上限。

    Then there is the US hitting its borrowing limit next month .

  27. 每次需要提高债务上限的时候,都会上演这种闹剧吗?

    Will this farce recur every time the debt ceiling needs raising ?

  28. 今年一开年就忙着跟共和党谈提高债务上限。

    Earlier this year he led negotiations on raising the debt ceiling .

  29. 债务上限是在一战期间问世。

    The debt limit , or ceiling was created during World War I.

  30. 预算争斗是债务上限争斗的序幕。

    The budget brawl is a precursor to the debt ceiling fight .