
  • 网络unipolarity
  1. 上世纪90年代希拉里还是“第一夫人”时的许多确定性已经不复存在,尤其是那个短暂的单极格局时代。

    Many of the certainties that existed when Mrs Clinton was first lady in the 1990s have vanished not least the unipolarity of that brief era .

  2. 论美国主导的世界单极格局

    On the Single - state Pattern of the World Dominated by America

  3. 多极军事格局比单极格局更不稳定,因为相互作用的点更多,发生误判的几率相应也就更大。

    Multipolar military orders are more unstable than unipolar ones , because there are more points of interaction where miscalculations can occur .

  4. 海湾地区是美国全球战略的重要组成部分,是它谋求世界单极格局的重要一环。

    The Gulf areas is the important component part of historic strategy of the U.S.A and also the important place in pursuit of the world single-pole structure .

  5. 本届政府的战略,一直基于以下四点:武力为首;维持单极格局;肆意运用美国实力;以及在未遭受直接威胁的情况下,有权发动先发制人的战争。

    The administration 's strategy has been based , instead , upon four ideas : the primacy of force ; the preservation of a unipolar order ; the unbridled exercise of US power ; and the right to initiate preventive war in the absence of immediate threats .