
  • 网络international space station;iss
  1. 国际太空站的估计花费大约是180亿,是预计在2003年完全运转。

    The estimated cost of the ISS then was around $ 18bn , with full operation expected in2003 .

  2. 国际太空站早期的作业集中在无重力环境下长期生命科学与材料科学研究。

    Much of the early work aboard the ISS would focus on long-term life-sciences and material-sciences research in the weightless environment .

  3. 国际太空站(ISS)将是有史以来环绕地球的最大人造物体。

    The International Space Station ( ISS ) will be the largest human-made object ever to orbit the Earth .

  4. AnoushehAnsari曾经自费到国际太空站旅行,她希望能鼓励学生们:

    Anousheh Ansari travelled to the International Space Station at her own expense and hopes to inspire students :

  5. 另外一方面,是把宇航员飞渡到蒙昧的国际太空站(ISS)所需要的资金来源,无疑是最大的浪费,已经花了千亿美金却还在增长,那个曾经是以科学的名义建立起来的。

    The other source of revenue is ferrying astronauts to the benighted International Space Station ( ISS ) , surely the biggest waste of money , at $ 100 billion and counting , that has ever been built in the name of science .

  6. 国际太空站正在建设另外一个储藏室。

    The International Space Station is getting an extra storage room .

  7. 在国际太空站为期8天的旅程后安全着陆时。

    Safely returned to earth after an8-day visit to the Internat-ional space station .

  8. 不,是国际太空站的菜单上有面食。

    No , pasta is on the menu of the International Space Station .

  9. 国际太空站会很快由于资金缺乏而步‘和平号’的后程?

    Will the International Space Station soon burn up in the sky due to lack of funds ?

  10. 美国太空总署已经同意付1900万美元买俄罗斯制抽水马桶,安装在国际太空站。

    NASA has agreed to pay $ 19 million for a Russian-built toilet system for the international space station .

  11. 事实上在冬季从国际太空站将人送回家更为困难。

    It is actually more difficult in winter to them to get somebody home from the international space station .

  12. 宇航员在距离新西兰上空3600英哩的国际太空站进行STS116任务。

    The astronauts were in STS116 mission on the International Space Station , ISS , 3600 miles above New Zealand .

  13. 国际太空站同时给太空人一个重要的机会,可以逗留在太空数个月的时间来进行重要的科研。

    The International Space Station has even given astronauts the opportunity to stay in space for months at a time .

  14. “国际太空站”向来是“美国太空总署”大力宣传的全球合作典范,现在终于将更具国际色彩。

    The International Space Station , which NASA has long as a model of global cooperation , is finally about to become international .

  15. 他在这次太空旅行当中,曾在国际太空站进行若干科学实验,其中包括爱滋病原研究。

    During this space travel , he conducted a number of scientific experiments at the International Space Station , including a study on AIDS pathogens .

  16. 他这么做的目的是要让别人感受国际太空站飞行员的生活。

    He wrote the diary in an effort to give others a feel for what it is like to be a crewmember on the international space station .

  17. 周五,火箭已成功与国际太空站对接。

    The rocket successfully linked with the International Space Station on Friday . Astronauts on board the Space Station used its robotic arm to secure the capsule .

  18. 不喜欢中国搞航天的美国阻挠中国参与据称当前围绕地球运转的国际太空站。于是中国国家航天局(中国太空机构)决定自己建一个。

    American disfavour prevented Chinese involvement in the allegedly international station currently orbiting Earth , so CNSA , China 's space agency , has decided to construct its own .

  19. 蓝斯巴斯必须与俄国完成登陆太空的合约,接着还需获得控管国际太空站跨国太空小组的核准。

    Lance Bass must complete the space tour contract with Russia and then needs to be approved by the transnational space panel in charge of the International Space Station .

  20. 这是国际太空站上照的影像上星期日蚀发生时月亮的阴影投射在土耳其和地中海区域很有趣的天文景象!

    This is an interesting view from the International Space Station , during last week 's eclipse , the Moon 's shadow casts on Turkey and part of Mediterranean sea , fascinating !

  21. 一艘由私人公司设计并制造的火箭历史性地将补给舱送至国际太空站,这是首个执行这样任务的私人航天器。

    A rocket designed and built by a privately owned company has made history by bringing a supply capsule to the International Space Station . It was the first private spacecraft to carry out such a mission .