
  1. 张仪在给秦惠王做国相的时候,背上长了一个大疮。

    When seving as prime1 minister under the King Hui of the state of Qin . Zhang Yi had a carbuncle on his back .

  2. 我国相控电力机车主电路的优化和简统化探讨

    Probe into optimization and simplification of power circuit for domestic phase control electric locomotive

  3. 商鞅凭自己的才能做到国相的位置,不得不令人刮目相看。

    Shang Yang 's ability to do their own relative to the location of the country , had impressive .

  4. 中国制造的地铁列车拥有成本优势其生产技术可与其他主要生产国相媲美。

    Metro trains made in China boast a cost advantage despite having technology on par with other major producers .

  5. 而且,中亚五国与我国相接壤,地理位置优越,资源运输成本低。

    Moreover , the five Central Asian countries compared with our country bordering the location , the transportation costs of resource low .

  6. 经由鲍叔牙的举荐,管仲于公元前685年成为齐桓公的国相。

    His given name was Yiwu . Zhong was his courtesy name . Recommended by Bao Shuya , he was appointed Prime Minister by Duke Huan of Qi in 685 B. C. .

  7. 与我国相类似,法国同样在上世纪八十年代左右遭遇腐败浪潮的袭击,腐败一度成为影响国计民生的重大社会问题。

    Like our country , France experienced the tide of corruption in the 1980 ' s. Corruption once became the crucial social problem which had a huge impact on the government and the mass .

  8. 伊尹活了100多岁,当了20年国相,为商王朝的稳定打下了坚实的基础,成为我国历史上第一个著名的贤相。

    Living for more than a hundred years , Yi Yin had been the prime minister for twenty years , laying a solid foundation for the stabilization of the Shang Dynasty . He became the first capable official in Chinese history .

  9. 测算结果表明中国水果在世界范围内虽然具有一定的比较优势和出口竞争力,但与亚洲主要水果生产国相比较,中国水果在资源禀赋上略显劣势,出口竞争力则更低。

    The result indicates that Chinese fruit has certain comparative advantage and export competitiveness worldwide , but compare with the main fruit producing countries of Asia , still occupies a slightly inferior position in resource endowment and its export competitiveness is even lower .

  10. 中国的裁军行动是单方面的,没有设置任何前提,不与他国相联系,不把裁军作为迫使他国同时裁军的筹码或先决条件。

    China 's disarment act is unilateral , carrying no prerequisites , having nothing to do with any other country . China has no intention whatsoever to use disarment as a means or prerequisite to force other countries to reduce their military troups with china .

  11. 实施ISO14000系列标准应与我国实际相结合

    The Implementation of ISO 14000 Series Standards Combined with Chinese Environmental Protection

  12. 我国气相法白炭黑行业发展现状和市场分析

    Development Trends and Market Analysis of Fumed Silica in China

  13. 若一国自相分争,那国就站立不住。

    And if a kingdom be divided against itself , that kingdom cannot stand .

  14. 我国气相法二氧化硅的生产状况及其应用

    Situation of silicon dioxide production by gas phase method in our country and its application

  15. 从信贷运营角度出发,应坚持国际通行的小额信贷模式与我国实际相结合,着力培养非盈利小额信贷项目,并给予其明确的法律地位。

    From the view of credit operation , our country should foster the microfinance and announce its explicit legal status .

  16. 一国自相纷争,就会成为荒场;一城一家自相纷争,必站立不住。

    Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation ; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand .

  17. 在国家投资有限、农民收入较低的现实情况下,农业信息服务系统建设必须通过科学管理和制度创新,走一条与我国国情相符合的道路。

    It is necessary to develop countryside information service industry and establish countryside market information system in the course of building new socialist countryside .

  18. 相比之下,国外在规定与我国典权相类似的制度上都体现了立法水平的先进。

    Comparatively , overseas in the stipulation in the system which was similar to the pawn system in our country has manifested legislative level advanced .

  19. 我国国情相结合,特别是在南部地区,比较困难,并显着增加人口的学生施加压力,对现有资源。

    Conditions in China , particularly in the south , were difficult and a significant rise in population had put pressure on the available resources .

  20. 借鉴国外逆向物流成熟的经验和理论,探索与我国国情相结合的逆向物流之路,具有重要的现实意义。

    Sharing the mature experience and theory about reverse logistics with us , exploring the way which fit the domestic reality has the important practical significance .

  21. 其次,在研究方法上,本文更侧重于宏观角度和微观角度相结合,国外经验与我国国情相结合的方法。

    Secondly , on the method of study , this thesis focus on the method which combines macroscopical and microcosmic view , foreign experience and domestic condition .

  22. 2005年我国气相法白炭黑的生产能力为2600t/a,主要生产厂家是广州吉必时科技实业有限公司(1500t/a)、沈阳化工股份有限公司(1000t/a)和上海氯碱化工股份有限公司(100t/a)。

    In 2005 the total capacity of fumed silica in China was 2600 t / a. The main producers of fumed silica are Guangzhou GBS High-tech & Industry Co. , Ltd.

  23. 我们需要建立一个融网络的技术与我国国情相结合,对未来网络社会具有优化导向的思想政治教育网络体系。

    We need to build a political and ideological education on Internet merging the Internet technology and the situation of our country , which can induct Internet society in furture .

  24. 耶稣知道他们的心意,就对他们说,凡国自相分争,必至荒凉;凡城或家自相分争,也难站住。

    But knowing their thoughts , he said to them , Every kingdom divided against itself becomes desolate , and every city or house divided against itself will not stand .

  25. 希望这样一种自主型的扶贫机制能够在与我国国情相融合的前提下促进农村扶贫开发的可持续发展。

    Making premises of suiting to conditions of our country , I wish such a self-directed poverty alleviation mechanism could promote the sustainable development of alleviating rural poverty through development .

  26. 我们要深入研究职业足球的本质特点,与我国国情相结合,建立适合我国职业足球体制。

    Associated with the situation of our country , we should make a complete realization of the essential characteristic of professional soccer , and establish corresponding professional soccer system . 2 .

  27. 本文与我国实际相结合,建立了基于强度与延性的框架&剪力墙结构抗震能力评估体系,有创新。

    According to the practice of China , the anti-seismic capacity evaluation system for the frame & wall structure based on the structural strength and ductility was established , which is creative .

  28. 笔者根据中外各国有关亲属相盗制度的有益经验,提出了一些完善我国亲属相盗制度的立法建议。

    Then the author put forward some suggestions on improving the legal system of Chinese relatives ' theft based on legislative experience of relatives ' theft system of China and foreign country .

  29. 协同主义诉讼模式符合这一要求,是各国民事诉讼的共同发展趋势并且与我国国情相适应而应当成为我国的新选择。

    Cooperative pattern of litigation accords with this requirement , as the common trend of the pattern of civil litigation 's development in the world , and conforms to China 's national conditions .

  30. 但是,在如何借鉴国际惯例这一问题上存在两种截然不同的观点,一是完全照搬国际会计准则,二是在制定中国会计准则时坚持中国特色,将国际化和国家化相结合。

    However , there is two distinct viewpoints in using international conventions for reference , that is , complete adoption International Accounting Standards versus maintenance the Chinese future and insistence the incorporation of internationalization and nationalization .