
ɡuó jì mào yì zhōnɡ xīn
  • International Trade Center, UN
  1. (ⅵ)国际贸易中心与wto的关系。

    ( vi ) the relationship between the International Trade Centre and the WTO .

  2. 国际贸易中心(InternationalTradeCentre)的数据显示,过去十年美国茶叶进口量增长了30%。

    US imports of tea have risen 30 per cent by volume in the past decade , according to data from the International Trade Centre .

  3. 深圳国际贸易中心大厦的结构设计

    Structural Design of the International Trade Centre High-Rise Building in Shenzhen

  4. 上海商贸业发展与国际贸易中心建设

    Commerce Development and the Establishment of World Trade Center in Shanghai

  5. 青岛开发区国际贸易中心结构分析与设计

    Structural Analysis and Design of Qingdao Development Zone International Trade Center

  6. 山西国际贸易中心地下室防水处理

    Waterproofing treatment for basement of Shanxi International Trade Centre Project

  7. 国际贸易中心联合咨询组技术委员会

    Technical Committee of the Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre

  8. 武汉国际贸易中心大厦弹塑性地震反应分析

    Elastoplastic Time-history Analysis of Wuhan International Trade Center Under Severe Earthquake Excitation

  9. 除此之外,香港是国际贸易中心。

    Besides , Hong Kong is an international trade center .

  10. 其经验,值得上海建设国际贸易中心借鉴。

    Its admirable performance is worthwhile to Shanghai in international trade center construction .

  11. 中国国际贸易中心二期冰蓄冷空调工程

    Ice storage air conditioning system : China World Trade Centre project phase ⅱ

  12. 洛阳国际贸易中心梁式转换层支撑体系施工技术

    Support System Construction Technology of Girder Transfer Floor in Luoyang International Trade Center

  13. 卡特国际贸易中心迈克?威尔逊。

    Mike Wilson of Cart International Trade Center .

  14. 国际贸易中心联合咨询小组

    Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre

  15. 国际贸易中心(国贸中心)-日内瓦,瑞士[贸发会议/世贸组织]

    International Trade Centre ( ITC ) - Geneva , Switzerland [ UNCTAD / WTO ]

  16. 林产品国际贸易中心

    Centre for International Trade in Forest Products

  17. 昆明国际贸易中心新建展馆空调设计

    Design of Kunming Tourism Trading Center

  18. 注意:上述材料印制时准确无误,但中国国际贸易中心展览大厅有权更改展览大厅技术规范而无须事先。

    The China World trade Center Exhibition Hall reserves the right to change the hall specifications without prior notice .

  19. 而这些城市之所以既是国际贸易中心,又是国际航运中心,它们本身又具有许多相似的特征。

    And these cities are both international trade centre and shipping center , since they have many similar characteristics .

  20. 随后,成立了诚通格林伍德国际贸易中心,格林伍德园区位于莫斯科西北部,占地20公顷。

    The Chengtong Greenwood International Trade Center was then established , a 20-hectare Park situated in the northwest of Moscow .

  21. 基坑开挖施工技术实践&以中国轻纺城国际贸易中心为例

    Application of Deep Foundation Pit Excavation Construction Technology & Take International Trade Center of China Light and Textile Industry City for Example

  22. 她于1998年进入中国国际贸易中心,该中心正在为其日后的扩张及重建项目悉心规划。

    She joined China World in1998 when the center is planning for the most significant expansion and refurbishment project since its opening in1990 .

  23. 北京中国国际贸易中心二期工程办公楼,采用全液压整体爬模系统,施工中注重整个系统的平稳顶升。

    Hydraulic integral climbing form system was applied to the construction of the project phase II of China International Trade Center , Beijing .

  24. 建设国际贸易中心,对贸易企业来说,首当其冲的问题就是如何实现内外贸一体化。

    Regarding to the trade enterprise , realizing the integration of domestic trade and international trade is first issue in building international trade center .

  25. 科技中心的转移意味着国际贸易中心的转移,也就是国际贸易格局的变迁。

    Transfer of world center of science and technology means transfer of world center of international trade , namely world trade pattern 's vicissitude .

  26. 郑先生相信香港作为国际贸易中心的经验将来对中国会很重要。

    Mr Cheng believes that Hong Kong 's experience as an international trading centre will be of great significance in the future for China .

  27. 文中的结论是建设安徽的皖江城市带产业转移示范区与建设上海的国际贸易中心联系起来,将会产生明显的双赢效应。

    Combining the construction of a transferring of industry demonstration zone in Anhui with constructing Shanghai International Trade Center , it reflects a win-win effect .

  28. 北海与波罗的海贸易区形成于16世纪,成为近代欧洲主要的国际贸易中心。

    The North Sea and Baltic trade area , which formed in16th century , became the main international trade center of Europe in early modern age .

  29. 即使香港早已是国际贸易中心,拥有世界级的航运及出入口建设,但在五年前,却只有很少人认识甚么是公平贸易。

    Five years ago , few people knew the meaning of Fair Trade , even though Hong Kong is a huge trading centre , with world-class shipping and import-export infrastructure .

  30. 上海国际贸易中心的未来功能定位,应从国家战略高度出发,在解决国家层面贸易产业瓶颈问题上有所突破。

    The function of international trade center in the future in Shanghai should break through in resolving bottleneck problem of trade industry on national level , which should base on national strategy .