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  • 网络Country Name;name of the country;The United Arab Emirates
  1. 中文单字国名简称的自动识别

    Single Chinese Character Country Name Recognition

  2. 周文王的儿子贿受封于深(河南平舆县北),建沈国,其后以国名为姓。

    Zhouwen Wang 's son , bribe a glimpse at the depth ( Henan Pingyu County North ), built Shen , subsequently named the country name .

  3. 本文从词源和历史发展的角度论证了英语中China一词起源于春秋时期(公元前770476年)的秦国国名秦,而非秦朝(公元前221206年)的秦。

    This paper argues from the aspects of etymology and historical development that the word China originated in the name of the Qin State in the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476B C. ) rather than in that of the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 B C. )

  4. 但是这一国名对于人们来说它太拗口了,于是人们就称它为大不列颠或者联合王国又或者简单如U。

    But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country , so people just say Britain , the United Kingdom or simply U.

  5. 反对派国名党(kmt),偏向于跟大陆搞好关系,被期待能重获多数。

    The opposition Nationalist Party , the Kuomintang ( KMT ) , which favours better relations with the mainland , is expected to retain its majority .

  6. 付款应通过中国与XXXX(国名)之间的贸易支付协定项下的清算账户进行。

    Payment is to be made through the Clearing Account according to the Trade Payment Agreement between China and * ( Name of Country ) .

  7. 我国名优绿茶中无机元素含量及其现状分析

    Inorganic Elements ' Concentrations of Famous Green Teas in China

  8. 美国国名自由联合会会给你提供律师吗?

    Did the American Civil Liberties Union supply you with an attorney ?

  9. 其后代以国名为姓氏。

    Their descendants in the country 's name last name .

  10. 1971年改国名为阿拉伯埃及共和国。

    Change country to be named Arabia Egypt republic in1971 .

  11. 关于我国名、特、优水产品养殖业现状及其发展前景预测的研究

    Forecasting Study on Status and Developmental Prospect of Aquaculture for Famous-Special-Excellent Species in China

  12. 其他队按其国名字母排列顺序入场。

    The other countries follow in alphabetical order .

  13. 这个国家悄然之间渐渐把“大”字从国名中去掉了。

    Quietly and gradually , the country has dropped " Great " from its name .

  14. 我需要能让我记住国名,城市名。

    I needed something to help me remember the names of countries , and cities .

  15. 含有国名的英语成语

    English Idioms with Names of Countries

  16. 只有当你给居住在国外的人写信时,才需要写上国名。

    Put in the name of the country only when you are writing to someone who lives abroad .

  17. 大观楼是我国名楼之一,也是观赏滇池的好地方。

    My name is1990 's House is also one of the Dianchi Lake to watch a good place .

  18. 欧盟国家标志。在页面上选择该形状然后键入,可更改国名缩写。

    EU country designation symbol . Select the shape on the page and type to change the country abbreviation .

  19. 英国有关机构向国名提出了这样一个建议:每天花二十分钟晒晒太阳,这样有益于保护骨骼。

    Britons should spend up to20 minutes in the sun every day to protect their bones , according to MPs .

  20. 国名:马尔代夫共和国(原名马尔代夫群岛,1969年4月改为现名)。

    Official Name : The Republic of Maldives ( formerly called Maldives Islands , renamed Maldives in Apr. 1969 ) .

  21. 当一件进口商品抵达海关时,这件商品的全部商业价值都会归到一个原产国名下。

    The total commercial value of an import is assigned to a single country of origin , as the good reaches customs .

  22. 完全产自国外的纺织品必须施加其加工或制造国名的标签。

    A textile product made entirely abroad must be labeled with the name of the country where it was processed or manufactured .

  23. 日本国马可波罗所用诗中的日本国名在什么朝代时,马可波罗来到了中国?

    A poetic name for Japan , used by Marco Polo . In Which Chinese dynasty , Marco Polo came to China ?

  24. 新所有人如在一国有真实有效的工商营业所,该国国名;

    And the name of a state in which the new owner has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment , if any ;

  25. 会议中提议保留叙利亚人民共和国国名中的“阿拉伯”一词时,库尔德人表示不乐意了。

    At this meeting the Kurds walked out when others wanted to keep the word " Arab " in the name of the Syrian Republic .

  26. 国名:俄罗斯联邦、俄罗斯(1991年12月25日前称俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国)

    Official Name : Russian Federation , Russia ( until December 25 , 1991 , officially known as the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic ) .

  27. 欧盟有机农业产品贸易的第3国名录人嘛,容易上别人名字的当。

    Name List of the Third Countries Collected by European Committee for International Trade of Organic Agricultural Products Men are deceived in other men 's characters .

  28. 春秋时期,见于史书的诸侯国名有128个,但比较重要的不过十几个。

    According to history records , there were 128 vassal states during the Spring and Autumn Period , while the important ones were ten or more .

  29. 他当时被关押在著名的莱克郡监狱,这个监狱因“防越狱”而闻名,四周层层环绕着戒备森严的警察部队和国名警卫部队。

    Dillinger was put in the " escape-proof " Lake County Jail , a prison that was guarded by an army of policeman and National Guard troops .

  30. 数千名公民在请愿书上签了名。西域族国名与东北亚族名之关联(上)

    Thousands of citizens subscribed the petition . Relations between the Countries Names of Various Nationalities in the Western Regions and the National Names of Northeast Asia ;