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  1. 她在发簪的前端粘了一朵小花。

    She stuck a small flower onto the front of her hairpin .

  2. 从这里可以看到早期妇女是如何配戴和使用发簪。

    You can see how women wear the hairpins here .

  3. 其中有人顺手牵羊,拿了个小发簪。

    One of them helps himself to something , a little hairpin .

  4. 等等,发簪居然值九百万英镑?

    Hang on . A hairpin worth 9 million pounds ?

  5. 用发簪,发夹,头饰带或发卡装饰一下。

    Accessorize with hairpins , hair clips , headbands , or barrettes .

  6. 皇太后价值九百万的发簪在哪儿?

    The Empress pin valued at 9 million sterling .

  7. 皇太后价值九百万的发簪在哪儿

    The Empress pin valued at 9 million sterling ?

  8. 发簪一定要插对位置。

    The hairpin should be better placed .

  9. 而在这其中发簪的使用更具有代表性,更好的体现了女性首饰文化的发展。

    The usage of hairpins represents a general trend in hair decorations , embodying women 's head ornaments development .

  10. 她身着传统的中国服装,梳着传统的发型,头上还别着一个古典的发簪,一亮相立即引起了周围人的注意。

    She was dressed in a traditional Chinese outfit , hairstyle , complete with a classic hairpin , and immediately caught the attention of passers-by .

  11. 两端固定有限长粘弹杆的广义磁热粘弹问题用两根发簪将发髻固定住,插发簪时要使发簪两端暴露在外。

    Generalized magneto-thermo-viscoelastic problems for a finite rod fixed at both ends Secure the bun with two hair sticks , using the in and out sewing motion .

  12. 方法采取本室获得正式授权的国家发明专利对鹤山市出土的明代古墓骨骸和陪葬品木梳、发簪及馆藏的民族服装进行塑化保存。

    Methods The national invent patent special for preserving the biological relics was carried out to manage the specimens of bones from ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty and housed dress in Heshan museum .

  13. 佐贺光荣用日语“髪挿”(即中文的“发簪”,一种装饰性发饰)一词来形容各种“扩展”技术,例如在不消耗更多燃料的情况下,通过发动机废气再循环产生更多动力。

    Saga referred to the Japanese word kanzashi , a kind of ornamental hairpin to describe " add-on " technologies , such as recirculating exhaust from the engine to generate more power without burning more fuel .

  14. 我知道,今生,你一定有一只蝴蝶发簪,因为,多年以前,我已破茧成蝶,飞往等候的幸福彼岸。

    I know , this life , you must have a butterfly hair clasp , because , years ago , I have broken cocoon into a butterfly , fly to the other side waiting for the well-being .