
  • 网络Eureka Tower
  1. 你可以发现大楼内有停车。

    You 'll find a parking lot behind the building .

  2. 有一天他们外出旅行回家,发现大楼停电了!

    One day they returned home from travel and discovered that the mansion had a power cut !

  3. 大家知道吗,在种族隔离以后,新政府进入国会大楼以后,发现大楼里没有女厕所。

    Did you also know that after apartheid , when the new government went into the parliament houses , there were no female toilets in the building ?

  4. 如发现大楼有毛病,建造费用的10%通常要缓付约六个月的时间。

    It is normal to keep back ten percent of the cost of a building for a period of six months or so , in case faults are found in it .

  5. 他发现这大楼底层和顶层温差变化非常大,这些数据本来应该利用起来,设计更多自然降温的设施。

    He discovered vast temperature variations between the bottom and top of the building , data that could have been used to facilitate more natural cooling .

  6. 早先我想洗澡,发现我们大楼没热水了。

    There 's no hot water in our building when I tried to take a shower .

  7. 人们发现那幢大楼的大门总是关着的。

    People found the gate of that building was never open .