
  • 网络NOMURA;nomura securities;Nomura Holdings;nomura securities co
  1. 查普曼先生承认野村证券美国分公司需要提高股票交易技巧。

    Mr. Chapman conceded the need for Nomura 's U.S. unit to improve its trading skills .

  2. 他们的报告《europewillwork》近日已由野村证券发表。

    Their report , " Europe will work " is published by Nomura .

  3. 上周一,野村证券研究部(NomuraEquityResearch)的分析师迈克尔•内桑森对新闻集团进行了一番解体分析,颇为有趣。

    Michael Nathanson , an analyst at Nomura equity research , ran an interesting breakup analysis of News Corp on Monday .

  4. 另一家银行野村证券的陆挺预计,本季度GDP仅比上季度高出0.3%。

    Ting Lu of Nomura , another bank , expects GDP to be only 0.3 % higher this quarter than last .

  5. 野村证券(Nomura)斯图尔特•杰弗里:GalaxyS4将帮助三星反超苹果。

    Nomura 's Stuart Jeffrey : Galaxy S4 to help Samsung overtake Apple .

  6. 上周野村证券(nomura)获得寻找买家的任命。

    Nomura was appointed last week to find a buyer .

  7. 野村证券(Nomura)转变为全球投行的大胆计划失败了。

    Nomura 's bold attempt to turn itself into a global investment bank failed .

  8. 野村证券首席亚洲经济学家苏博文(RobSubbaraman)指出了大宗商品价格下滑带来的一些变化。

    Rob Subbaraman , chief economist at Nomura , points to changes flowing from the sliding prices of commodities .

  9. 合并后的公司的收入还将超过日本银行野村证券(Nomura)。

    The combined company would also be bigger by revenues than Nomura , the Japanese bank .

  10. 根据野村证券(nomura)的研究,全球而言,今年新船订单下滑近五分之三。

    Globally , new ship orders are down almost three-fifths this year , according to Nomura .

  11. 野村证券(Nomura)的伊恩斯科特(IanScott)进行的研究显示,危机爆发前的多年时间里,动力策略执行良好。

    Research by Ian Scott of Nomura shows that momentum strategies performed well for several years leading into the crisis .

  12. 野村证券(nomura)预计,到2014年,中国的零售额可能超过美国。

    Nomura reckons that by 2014 , retail sales in China may surpass those of the US .

  13. 日本投行野村证券(nomura)将负责招徕潜在投资者。

    It will be the job of Nomura , the Japanese bank , to convince potential investors .

  14. 野村证券(Nomura)银行业分析师罗伯特劳(RobertLaw)表示:西方市场正普遍经历它们20年来最糟糕的前景,这一点也体现在估值中。

    Western markets generally are experiencing their worst prospects for 20 years , and that 's in the valuations , Robert Law , banks analyst at Nomura , said .

  15. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)和野村证券(NomuraSecurities)的分析师周四下调了对微软股票的评级,导致该公司股票被抛售。

    Analysts at Goldman Sachs and Nomura Securities downgraded their recommendations on Microsoft shares on Thursday , contributing to a selloff in the company 's shares .

  16. 野村证券(Nomura)估计,按价值计算,中兴从美国采购高达15%的投入。

    Nomura estimates that ZTE sources up to 15 per cent of its inputs by value from the US .

  17. 野村证券(nomurasecurities)经济学家孙明春表示,昨日发布的经济数据“显示出经济动能自2月份以来大幅增长”。

    Sun Mingchun , an economist at Nomura Securities , said economic data released yesterday " showed that the economy has gained significant momentum since February " .

  18. 从利润方面来说,亚洲银行理论上应该是赢家,尤其是像野村证券(nomura)这种业务遍及全球的银行。

    Asian banks should theoretically be the winners in terms of profit , especially banks such as Nomura that operate globally .

  19. 根据野村证券(nomurasecurities)的数据,过去5个月间,160家公司实施了防护措施,超过了2006年实施“毒丸计划”的151家。

    In the past five months , 160 companies have implemented defence measures , outstripping the 151 companies that adopted poison pills during 2006 , according to Nomura Securities .

  20. 本文作者是野村证券(nomura)美洲固定收益研究主管和g10外汇策略主管

    The writer is head of fixed-income research Americas and head of G10 FX strategy for Nomura

  21. 野村证券(nomura)首席澳大利亚经济学家斯蒂芬罗伯茨(stephenroberts)表示,该国“正在经历百年一遇的贸易繁荣”。

    The country , says Stephen Roberts , chief Australia economist at Nomura , " is going through a once-in-a-century boost in trade " .

  22. 野村证券(nomura)的迈克尔库尔特(michaelkurt)表示,提高家庭收入的方法之一,可能是取消长期以来对一些国企的补贴。

    One way to boost household incomes would be to cut some of the longstanding subsidies for state-owned enterprises , says Michael Kurt at Nomura .

  23. “仅仅由于日本遭受了重大自然灾害,并不意味着日元会贬值,”野村证券(NomuraSecurities)分析师上周日在发送给客户的报告中指出。

    " Just because Japan has suffered substantial damages does not mean that the yen will weaken , " analysts at Nomura Securities wrote in a note to clients Sunday .

  24. 野村证券(NomuraSecuritiesCo.)的分析师诺瓦克(BrianNowak)上周发布了一份报告,他在报告中预计Facebook的股价将上涨到40美元。

    Brian Nowak , an analyst at Nomura Securities Co. , which wasn 't a Facebook underwriter , published a note last week with a $ 40 target .

  25. 野村证券(nomurasecurities)策略师乔治贡萨尔维斯(georgegoncalves)表示:“1月份,外国投资者购买美国资产的主要品种是美国国债。”

    George Goncalves , strategist at Nomura Securities , said : " foreign flows into US assets in January was primarily a US Treasury story . "

  26. 例如,据野村证券(Nomura)估计,三星智能手机在中国的出货量在2011年已激增逾124%。

    Samsung smartphone handset shipments in China , for example , surged by more than 124 per cent in 2011 , Nomura estimates .

  27. 野村证券(Nomura)数据显示,中兴通讯销售的电信设备占全球的8%至10%,伊朗是其客户之一。

    ZTE sells 8-10 per cent of the world 's telecoms equipment , according to Nomura , and counts Iran among its customers .

  28. 出口放缓显示外部需求面对不确定性,野村证券(Nomura)经济学家张志伟在一份简报中写道。

    [ The ] export slowdown shows external demand faces uncertainty , Zhang Zhiwei , an economist with Nomura , wrote in a note .

  29. 自此以后,巴克莱资本开始在欧洲和亚洲大举招兵买马。此前,雷曼将亚洲业务卖给了日本的野村证券(Nomura)。

    Since then , BarCap has been hiring aggressively in Europe and Asia , where Lehman 's operations were sold to Japan 's Nomura .

  30. 政府决策一向非常缓慢,野村证券(Nomura)印度经济学家SonalVerma说。

    Government decision-making has been very slow , said Sonal Verma , India economist for Nomura .