
  • 网络wild blueberry
  1. 野生蓝莓果实中花色苷色素提取工艺的研究

    The Extraction of Anthocyanin Pigment from Wild Blueberry

  2. 早在1912年,如果你想吃蓝莓,你就要去采集野生蓝莓。

    In 1912 if you wanted blueberries , you picked the wild variety .

  3. 缅因州产野生蓝莓,但其他州的多数商业种植者用人工栽培的高丛蓝莓。

    Maine produces wild blueberries , but most commercial growers in other states use cultivated highbush plants .

  4. 但是野生蓝莓除了在发现地可以生长外,移植到其它地方是相当困难的。

    And it was devilishly difficult to get the plants to grow anywhere but where they were naturally found .

  5. 蓝莓植物有两种类型:高灌木型、低灌木型以及野生蓝莓,其中高灌木型的可以在国内种植。

    There are two types of blueberry plants : high bush , which can be domestically cultivated , and low bush or wild blueberries .

  6. 大兴安岭野生蓝莓菌根真菌资源丰富,其中包括子囊菌、担子菌和接合菌,子囊菌为优势菌群。

    In addition , The phenomenon about the missing of the epidermal cells was also observed . 2 、 The resources of mycorrhiza fungi associated with wild blueberries in Da Hinggan Ling region are rich , including Ascomycetes , Basidiomycetes and Zygomycetes , and Ascomycetes are dominant species group .

  7. 这些孩子因为第一次抓螃蟹或者吃野生的蓝莓时把舌头染成了紫色而害怕过?

    Have they faced the fear of picking up their first crab or dyed their tongues purple from eating wild blackberries ?