
  • 网络Mountain rabbit;Lepus
  1. 现代家兔起源于野生穴兔,它与山兔属的野生兔是同科而不同属的动物,学术界对家兔的起源地有外来论和原产论两种不同的观点。

    The Chinese rabbits , which originated from Oryctolagus , belong to the homologous Family but not belong to the same genus as the common hares of Lepus .

  2. 应用兔耳开窗技术观察山莨菪碱活跃兔耳窗微循环的作用。

    Rabbit ear chambers were used to observe the effect of anisodamine on microcirculation .

  3. 高支山羊绒/兔绒/锦纶/粘胶/棉粗纺针织绒产品开发及质量控制

    The Development Process and Quality Control of Spinning High Count Cashmere / Rabbit Hair / Polyamide / Viscose / Cotton Woolen Knitting Yarn

  4. 文章通过介绍原料选择、纤维染色、纺纱工艺,阐述了高支山羊绒/兔绒/锦纶/粘胶/棉粗纺针织绒产品的开发及质量控制过程。

    The development process and quality control of spinning high count cashmere / rabbit hair / polyamide / viscose / cotton blended woolen knitting yarn are introduced from the aspects of material selection , fiber dyeing and spinning technology .

  5. 液体复苏加山莨菪碱对烧伤兔心肌功能的影响

    Myocardial function after fluid resuscitation with addition of anisodamine in severely burned rabbits