
jǐng sè
  • view;scenery;landscape;scene;outlook
景色 [jǐng sè]
  • [scene] 风景;景致

  • 一片森林的景色

景色[jǐng sè]
  1. 我们就站在那儿尽情欣赏景色。

    We just stood there drinking in the scenery .

  2. 这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目。

    The area is remarkable for its scenery .

  3. 舞台灯光产生出月下景色的效果。

    The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene .

  4. 从塔顶远眺景色蔚为壮观。

    The view from the top of the tower was spectacular .

  5. 落日给景色增添了伤感的气氛。

    The setting sun lent an air of melancholy to the scene .

  6. 在峰顶看到的景色使他们惊叹不已。

    They were stunned by the view from the summit .

  7. 他们选了一条景色优美的路线回旅馆。

    They took the scenic route back to the hotel .

  8. 群山如画,给我们的野餐平添景色。

    The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic .

  9. 那位画家从各种角度把这一景色画了下来。

    The artist has painted the scene from various viewpoints .

  10. 从观景台向山谷望去,景色之壮观令人叹为观止。

    A viewing platform gave stunning views over the valley .

  11. 他们放眼望去,把公园美丽的景色尽收眼底。

    They had a wonderful view over the park .

  12. 那景色有一种简朴、超凡的美。

    The landscape had a stark , unworldly beauty .

  13. 从这所房子可以看到所能想象的最壮丽的景色。

    The house has the most spectacular views imaginable .

  14. 在大地景色中点缀着壮观的峡谷。

    The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges .

  15. 我想预订一套可以看到湖面景色的客房。

    I 'd like to book a room with a view of the lake .

  16. 你能看到的景色可与你在阿尔卑斯山所见的任何景色相媲美。

    You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps .

  17. 窗外的景色平凡无奇。

    The view from the window was uninspiring .

  18. 美妙的景色令人叹为观止。

    The scene was one of breathtaking beauty .

  19. 雾中景色朦胧。

    The view was obscured by fog .

  20. 景色美极了!

    The view is simply wonderful !

  21. 原野起伏,景色宜人。

    The countryside undulates pleasantly .

  22. 景色壮丽。

    The scenery is magnificent .

  23. 这个地区山峦低矮起伏,景色秀丽。

    The country , with its low , rolling hills was beautiful

  24. 从我们的房子里向外望去,景色宜人,一直能看到科茨沃尔德丘陵。

    Our house has got a splendid view across to the Cotswolds

  25. 这房子有一间狭小的厨房,窗外也没什么特别的景色。

    The house had a tiny kitchen with an uninspiring view .

  26. 他对着眼前的景色沉思起来。

    He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape .

  27. 房子坐落在莫尔文丘陵地区,周围景色迷人。

    The house is in a lovely setting in the Malvern hills .

  28. 他不再懒洋洋地注视着下面的景色。

    He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him

  29. 用餐者对花园的景色一览无余。

    Diners can enjoy an uninterrupted view of the garden .

  30. 在那家饭店用餐能欣赏到湖边景色,而且那里饭菜也是美味佳肴。

    The dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine