
jǐng zhì
  • view;scenery;scene;outlook
景致 [jǐng zhì]
  • [scenery] 风景

  • 景致新奇

景致[jǐng zhì]
  1. 那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。

    The tall buildings have spoiled the view .

  2. 这房间虽然很冷,但是它能让人将古城的景致尽收眼底。

    It was a cold room , but it afforded a fine view of the Old City .

  3. 桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。

    Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door .

  4. 这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。

    The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife

  5. 从这座房子可以俯瞰到特拉华湾壮丽的景致。

    The house commanded some splendid views of Delaware Bay .

  6. 马隆向外看着毫无特色的灰绿色的景致。

    Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape .

  7. 鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。

    There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night .

  8. 乘客们为景致所吸引。

    The passengers were enthralled by the scenery

  9. 他们住的房间能看到漂亮的景致。

    They lived in a room that had a splendid / magnificent view .

  10. 从塔顶可以看到全城的景致。

    The tower commands a view of the whole town .

  11. Huntsman-Trout)携手,将文艺复兴风格(MissionRevival)建筑与颇具南加州风情的景致

    Huntsman-Trout , created a distinctively Southern Californian blend of Mission

  12. 新加坡特色SPA和苏州园林的景致在这里完美结合,身体与心灵的放松让人回归到最自然的状态。

    The perfect combination of a Singapore SPA and scenery of a Suzhou garden relaxes one 's body and soul to the most natural condition .

  13. 景观的含义同汉语中的风景、景致、景色相一致,等同于英语中的scenery都是视觉美学意义上的概念。

    Now , landscape in meaning same with " scenery ", " view " in Chinese , equates in English " scenery " . All of this in the visual concept . 2 .

  14. (例外:慈廉区(theTuLiemDistrict)的河内博物馆(theHanoiMuseum),这幢由德国GMP建筑师事务所设计、建成四年的倒金字塔建筑给游客一种漂浮于景致之上的感觉。)

    ( An exception : the Hanoi Museum in the Tu Liem District ; the 4-year-old inverted pyramid by German architecture firm gmp , gives visitors the sense of floating over the landscape . )

  15. 今年57岁的里奇为SullivanCromwell律师事务所的一名合伙人,他拒绝透露他在这处楼顶避世之所上花费了多少资金。从这个花园可欣赏到自由女神像与总督岛的景致。

    Mr. Rich , a 57-year-old partner at the Sullivan Cromwell law firm , declined to say what he spent on his rooftop retreat , which has views of the Statue of Liberty and Governors Island .

  16. 这栋建筑毗邻Jardind’Acclimatation,这是一座19世纪的儿童乐园、动物园,位于有着浪漫主义景致的布洛涅林苑北侧。

    The site is next to the Jardin d'Acclimatation , a 19th-century children 's park and zoo at the north edge of the Romantically landscaped Bois de Boulogne .

  17. 今年57岁的里奇为Sullivan&Cromwell律师事务所的一名合伙人,他拒绝透露他在这处楼顶避世之所上花费了多少资金。从这个花园可欣赏到自由女神像与总督岛的景致。

    Mr. Rich , a 57-year-old partner at the Sullivan & Cromwell law firm , declined to say what he spent on his rooftop retreat , which has views of the Statue of Liberty and Governors Island .

  18. 而位于40楼的Prego居高临下,坐拥辽阔市内景致。Prego为高档天台餐厅,呈献正宗意式佳肴,其酒藏堪称全市最齐之列。

    On the40th floor and featuring stunning city views , Prego is an upscale rooftop restaurant serving authentic Italian cuisine with the most extensive wine list in the city .

  19. 对自然景致的描绘是这一时期田园抒情小说中最大的亮点。

    The natural description is the brightest spot of these novels .

  20. 我喜欢漫长旅途中景致的缓慢变化。

    I love the gradual change of landscape on long journeys .

  21. 从这幢高楼上可以看到大海的美丽景致。

    The tall building affords a beautiful view of the ocean .

  22. 秋季,落矶山脉景致也很壮观!

    The Rocky Mountains has spectacle scenery in autumn , too .

  23. 从饭店看去,可见剑锡耶纳的美丽景致。

    From the restaurant there is a beautiful view of siena .

  24. 多美的景致,真是无与伦比。

    What a splendid veiw ! I never saw its equal !

  25. 康沃尔的景致确实有种荒凉的忧郁。-

    There is a savage melancholy in this Cornish landscape . -

  26. 想一些事,一些人,一些难忘的景致。

    To some people , some things , some memorable scene .

  27. 我简直被北京的美丽景致迷住了。

    I was so absorbed by the beautiful sights of Beijing .

  28. 使天国蔚蓝的景致沾染污点。

    From a white lake blot Heaven 's blue portraiture .

  29. 自我、景致与行动:《园冶》借景篇

    Self , Scene and Action : The Final Chapter of Yuan ye

  30. 这两幅闲适恬静的郊野景致,几乎每天都可以看到。

    Two idyllic rural scenes , seen nearly every day .