
  • 网络landscape diversity
  1. 基于GIS的广州市森林景观多样性分析

    The Analyses of Forest Landscape Diversity in Guangzhou

  2. 10a间,景观多样性指数和相对丰富度指数降低,优势度指数有所增加。

    Landscape diversity indices and relative richness decreased , but dominance indices increased .

  3. 基于RS鼓浪屿绿地景观多样性动态分析

    RS-based Dynamic Analysis of Green Land Variety of Gulangyu

  4. 此外,从本项研究所用的三种格局分析方法的结果来看,修改分维数Dm比分维数D和景观多样性指数H能更好地描述景观和斑块的空间格局。

    The results of this study suggest that modified fractal dimension is superior to fractal dimension and diversity index in describing landscape diversity at both the individual patch and landscape levels .

  5. 水体水境7个指标的景观多样性指数(H)、优势度指数(D)和破碎度(C)存在着显著差异,H值以Chla最大(0.58),DO最小(0.04);

    The seascape diversity ( H ), dominance index ( D ) and fragmentation index ( C ) of 7 indices in water body differed significantly . H of Chl a is the highest with 0.58 and that of DO the lowest with 0.04 ;

  6. 结果表明,DCCA排序的前4轴分别与农业用地比率、景观多样性指数、森林比率显著相关。

    The results showed that the first four DCCA axes were significantly correlated to agricultural land ratio , landscape diversity index , forest land ratio , and landscape contagion index .

  7. 核心区景观多样性较小,均匀度较低。

    The diversity and the evenness of the landscape are low .

  8. 广州市城市植被景观多样性分析

    An analysis of urban vegetation - landscape diversity in Guangzhou

  9. 株洲市城市植被景观多样性景观生态分析

    Ecological Analysis on Urban Vegetation Landscape and Diversity Landscape of Zhuzhou City

  10. 喀斯特旅游洞穴景观多样性特征及其保护

    Diversity and protection of scenery in karst tourist caves landscape

  11. 卧龙自然保护区景观多样性时空分异特征研究

    Spatial and Temporal Variation Characteristics of Landscape Diversity in Wolong Natural Reserve

  12. 南洞庭湖湿地景观多样性与保护对策的研究

    Wetland landscape diversity and its conservation countermeasures in the South Dongting Lake

  13. 崂山风景区的景观多样性水平不高,存在着一种或几种斑块类型在景观中占有绝对优势的现象。

    The landscape diversity level is not high in Laoshan scenic spot .

  14. 景观多样性承载能力是景观面积与其价值的乘积。

    BCC of landscape was the product of landscape area and value scoring .

  15. 黄土高原小流域景观多样性动态分析

    Analysis of the landscape diversity dynamics of small watershed in the Loess Plateau

  16. 景观多样性指数增加、均匀度增加,优势度下降,破碎化严重。

    The landscape diversity index , evenness increased and the dominance index decreasing .

  17. 景观多样性与乡村产业结构

    A Study of Landscape Diversity and Rural Industrial Structure

  18. 生物多样性包含生态系统多样性、物种多样性、基因多样性和景观多样性。

    Biodiversity includes ecosystem diversity , species diversity , gene diversity and landscape diversity .

  19. 人类活动对泰山景观多样性时空变化的影响

    Effect of human activities on spatial-temporal changes of landscape diversity in the Mountain Tai

  20. 景观多样性指数的结果显示,研究区域的景观多样性增强。

    LANDSCAPE is improved . the index of diversity in landscape patterns is improved ;

  21. 深圳围岭公园景观多样性及其生态效应分析

    Landscape Diversities and Ecological Effects of Weiling Park in Shenzhen City , Guangdong Province

  22. 1.53到3.14,景观多样性增加。

    Shannon landscape diversity index increases from 1.53 to 3.14 means landscape variety increased .

  23. 随着人类干扰强度增加,景观多样性下降,优势度增高。

    With the increasing disturbances , the landscape diversity decreased and the dominance increased .

  24. 武汉市道路绿化带景观多样性研究

    Landscape Diversity of the Roads Greenbelts in Wuhan

  25. 阐述了人工作用对洞穴景观多样性的影响。

    It is elaborated that diversity of cave 's scenery is influenced by human .

  26. 显然,景观多样性与生物多样性无论在研究内容或方法上均有所不同,明显有别于生物多样性的概念与内涵,而应是另类的多样性。

    Landscape diversity is different to biodiversity on the concept , contents and methods .

  27. 景观多样性的类型及其生态意义

    Landscape diversity types and their ecological significance

  28. 黑龙江省森林景观多样性动态

    Forest landscape diversity changes in Heilongjiang Province

  29. 第三章从理论上分析了本文量化景观多样性的数学模型的科学性和景观格局指标的选取过程。

    Part 3 : Analyzes mathematics model and select landscape pattern index in the research .

  30. 整个森林的景观多样性和景观类型分布的均匀性逐渐降低。

    The diversity of whole forest landscape and the evenness of landscape types distribution reduced gradually .