
  • 网络landscape architecture;Master of Landscape Architecture
  1. 美国景观建筑设计可持续性的材料初探&以MerryLea环境教育中心为例

    An Introduction to Sustainable Materials in American Landscape Architecture Design & Take Environmental Learning Center ( Merry Lea ) as Example

  2. 当代西方景观建筑美学研究

    Aesthetics of Contemporary Western Landscape Architecture A Glimpse at the West

  3. 色彩是景观建筑设计当中重要的表达内容。

    Color plays an important part in landscape architecture design .

  4. 谈校园景观建筑光环境的分析与改善

    Analysis of luminous environment of landscape architecture in campus and its amelioration

  5. 钢材料在景观建筑设计中使用的潜力

    Potential use of steel materials in scenery construction design

  6. 风景园林、景观建筑、规划设计、工程管理相关专业本科以上学历。

    Landscape Architecture , planning and design , project management-related undergraduate or higher .

  7. 基于空间信息技术的景观建筑数字化研究

    Digitization of Landscape Architecture Based on Spatial Information Technology

  8. 为弘扬国粹之精华,揭示景观建筑设计的题材来源作出探讨与尝试。

    The resources of landscape architecture design were discussed .

  9. 当代景观建筑设计思潮之解构主义

    On Deconstructivism in nowadays design trend of landscape architecture

  10. 试论景观建筑创作中对文学修辞法的运用

    Discussion about Literature Rhetoric in Landscape Architecture Design

  11. 与环境共生&以句容宾馆北侧景观建筑设计为例

    Living within Environment & Landscape Architecture Design of the Northern Part of Jurong Hotel

  12. 关于中国景观建筑专业教育的思考

    Some Thoughts on Landscape Architecture Education in China

  13. 马祖景观建筑的元素分析

    Study on Landscape element of Mazu 's architecture

  14. 竹构景观建筑的研究

    The Research on " Bamboo-Tectonics " Landscape Architecture

  15. 语境中的葡萄牙当代景观建筑

    The contemporary Portuguese landscape architecture in context

  16. 地标景观建筑设计中城市文脉传承的运用方法研究

    The Study on Methods of Urban Context Inheritance in the Design of Marking Landscape Architecture

  17. 隐构·同构·异构&城市景观建筑形式的环境性表达

    Implicit Structure , Isomorphism , Heterogeneous : Expression of Environmental Characteristics of Urban Landscape Architectural Forms

  18. 在大学二年级水平,学生们开始在景观建筑设计四年的学习。

    At the sophomore level , students begin four years of study in landscape architectural design .

  19. 对文献分析的客体进行了初步的搜索,从三个方面着手,分别是生态建筑、景观建筑以及补充文献。

    It is based on three aspects : ecological architecture , landscape architecture and complementary literature .

  20. 景观建筑设计中的色彩表达

    Color Expression of Landscape Architecture Design

  21. 景观建筑灵魂塑造&以重庆云阳龙脊岭景观建筑概念设计为例

    Molding Spirit for Landscape Building

  22. 浅谈现代城市与景观建筑

    Modern city and landscape architecture

  23. 畅想中国景观建筑

    Projecting Chinese landscape architecture

  24. 国际实践能在多大程度上并用怎样的方式表现景观建筑行业的特色?

    To what degree and in what way does international practice now characterise the profession of landscape architecture ?

  25. 本文拟就景观建筑造型、视觉信息传达与人的心理效应间的深层联系进行一些初浅的探索。

    The article analyses the deep relationship among architectural form and transmition of sight information and psychology feeling of man .

  26. 第二章分析了地标景观建筑的形成、特征、历史演变及在中国城市的发展现状。

    The second chapter analyzes the formation , the characteristic , the historical evolution , and the present development in China .

  27. 景观建筑设计中的项目往往是很像执业景观设计师将它们从客户端接收分配。

    Projects in landscape architecture design are often assigned much like a practicing landscape architect would receive them from a client .

  28. 文章阐述了设计师在景观建筑设计当中通过对色彩的理解和表达色彩的方式,使对色彩的理解成为设计思路得以拓展的一种途径。

    The designer 's understanding and application of color in designing can turn the color into a new approach of work design .

  29. 由于该景观建筑已被列为由劳工统计局的未来职业。

    Because of that landscape architecture has been cited as being the profession of the future by the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  30. 业务范围:城市雕塑工程、景观建筑工程、大型雕塑工程、园林绿化及仿木古建工程的设计施工。

    Business scope : Sculpture engineering for the city , Sight building engineering , Garden virescence , and imitate the wooden antiquity building .