
  • 网络jingdezhen porcelain
  1. 此次展览的主管朱丽亚•柯蒂斯(JuliaCurtis)表示,日本人情愿卖掉他们的祖母,也不愿把这些景德镇瓷器卖给外国人。

    The Japanese " would rather sell their grandmothers than sell Jingdezhen porcelain to those outside of Japan ", says Julia Curtis , the exhibition 's curator .

  2. 景德镇瓷器与宜兴陶器创作美学风格研究

    A study on the aesthetic creative style between Jingdezhen porcelain and Yixing pottery

  3. 景德镇瓷器,国货精华。

    Jingdezhen chinaware is the cream of domestic goods .

  4. 景德镇瓷器在云南及其影响

    Jingdezhen Ceramics Excavated from YunNan Province and Their Influence

  5. 古代景德镇瓷器胎釉

    Bodies and Glazes of Jingdezhen Porcelain in Ancient Times

  6. 景德镇瓷器博物馆,景德镇,中国

    Porcelain Museum , Jingdezhen , China

  7. 景德镇瓷器被有效的纳入到国家的统治秩序中。

    And so the chinaware of Jingde town was brought into the ruling order of the state effectively .

  8. 景德镇瓷器以其独特的制作工艺而成遐迩闻名的精品。

    Jingdezhen porcelain , made with a unique technique , is well-known far and near as a superfine product .

  9. 在古代,载有景德镇瓷器的商船将商品运出中国,必须经过这条水路。

    Ancient vessels carrying famous Jingdezhen-made porcelain ware had to pass this gateway before heading out to destinations outside China .

  10. 其中脱胎漆器以浓郁地方特色与北京景泰蓝、江西景德镇瓷器并称中国传统工艺三宝。

    Where lacquer to strong local character and Beijing Jingdezhen porcelain enamel , Jiangxi and Chinese traditional craft " Sambo " .

  11. 景德镇瓷器闻名天下,以其精湛的工艺、美观的造型、独特的风格为世人所称赞,经历千年风雨,历代更替而盛名不衰。

    Jingdezhen porcelain , known by its exquisite craft , beautiful modelling , unique style for praise , experience , successive years .

  12. 景德镇瓷器产品以其精湛的工艺、美丽的造型、精细的图案和吸引人的色彩享誉世界。

    The porcelain products of Jingdezhen enjoy good reputation all over the world for their artistic workmanship , beautiful patterns , fine designs and attractive colors .

  13. 景德镇瓷器利用当地的原材料,充分发挥传统制瓷技艺的优势,又不断创新,开创了自己的独特风格。

    Jingdezhen porcelain use of local raw materials , and give full play to the advantages of the traditional porcelain artistry and innovation to create its own unique style .

  14. 近千年来,景德镇瓷器在国内销售与进贡、外贸出口与加工等方面全方位地满足了海内外广泛的市场需求。

    For nearly a thousand years , Jingdezhen porcelain products had been sold in the domestic market , dedicated to the imperial court , and exported to overseas clients to meet the needs at home and abroad .

  15. 元末明初景德镇瓷器演变规律研究长期以来在学术界乃至国际学术界一直是一个热点、难点课题。

    For a long time , there is always a hot and difficult subject in the academic and even the international academic community , the evolution law of Jingdezhen ceramic at the end of Yuan dynasty and beginning Of Ming dynasty .

  16. 商贾、陶人为了迎合市场,揣摩文士、市井习俗,引经据典、竭尽搬弄之能。这一切都在晚明景德镇瓷器纹饰中有所呈现。

    The merchants and potters quoted the classics and showed off their erudition to meet the market demand by fathoming the conventions of the literati and philistine , which were presented somewhat in the veins of chinaware of Jingde town in late Ming .

  17. 器用总是与其所处年代的现实生活息息相关,明代景德镇瓷器作为明代社会最为重要的器物,与明王朝命运密切关联。

    As you know , wares are always closely linked with the realities of the age . The chinaware of Jingde town , being the most important ceramic in the Ming dynasty , it had a close connection with the fate of Ming dynasty .

  18. 明中期,皇室生活逐渐入奢,增加了御用瓷器的需求,加重了景德镇瓷器生产负担;与此同时,民窑瓷器多有犯禁逾制之举,皇室威严受到挑战。

    In the middle of Ming , the imperial life became more luxurious and demanded more wares , which multiplied the burden of chinaware production in Jingde town ; Meanwhile , the civil kilns often broke prohibition , and the authority of the imperial family was challenged .

  19. 这家工艺品店出售景德镇的瓷器。

    This handiwork shop sells porcelain produced in the town of Jingde .

  20. 这景德镇的瓷器有声如謦的美誉?

    Jingdezhen porcelain can sound as beautiful as a bell ?

  21. 从历史角度考察政府在产业集群中的作用&以景德镇的瓷器业为例

    Research on the Role of Government in Industrial Clusters from a Historical Perspective

  22. 这个是景德镇的瓷器,景德镇被称为瓷都。

    It was made in Jingdezhen which is called " the capital of porcelain " .

  23. 我可以为捐助者提供中国景德镇的瓷器、中国丝绸、风筝、等等!

    I can donors Chinese Jingdezhen porcelain , Chinese silk , kites , and so on !

  24. 我知道江西景德镇的瓷器名扬天下。

    I know the porcelain made in Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province is well-know all over the world .

  25. 景德镇素以瓷器久著盛名,清朝乾隆年间,瓷业的发展达到顶峰。

    In Qianlong Year of Qing Dynasty , the development of the porcelain industry had reached its top .

  26. 元明时期景德镇窑瓷器云肩纹发展研究

    A Study on the Development of " Yunjian Pattern " Porcelain in Jing De Zhen Pottery Kiln during Yuan and Ming Time

  27. 宋代纪年墓葬和窑址中发现了大量的景德镇青白瓷器。

    A large number of greenish-white porcelains which produced in Jingdezhen kilns were discovered have been unearthed in tombs with accurate year of the Song Dynasty .

  28. 景德镇的瓷器被誉为“白如玉、薄如纸、音如罄”。景德镇被誉为瓷都。

    Jingdezhen porcelain is known to be " as white as jade , as thin as paper and as melodious as qing " . and Jingdezhen is known as the capital of porcelain .

  29. 宋元时期海外贸易达到了顶峰,文化交流是双向的,景德镇青白瓷器物在外销过程中,明显受到异域文化的影响,具体表现为胡人俑和西洋小狗等造型青白瓷风行海内外。

    Jingdezhen porcelain objects in the export process , obviously the impact of foreign culture , as demonstrated by Western dog figurines and shapes , such as popular at home and abroad of greenish white porcelain .

  30. 江西景德镇出产精美的瓷器。

    Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province produces fine porcelain .