
jǐng tài lán
  • cloisonne;cloisonné;cloisonné enamel
景泰蓝 [jǐng tài lán]
  • [cloisonne] 中国工艺品之一,用铜做胎,把铜丝掐成花纹焊在胎上,填上珐琅彩釉烧制而成。明代景泰年间开始大量制造,珐琅彩釉多用蓝色

景泰蓝[jǐng tài lán]
  1. 景泰蓝似乎是最具吸引力的产品。

    Cloisonn é seems to be the most attractive product .

  2. 景泰蓝的制作程序复杂。

    The making of cloisonn é requires a complicated process .

  3. 本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。

    Our store is the biggest dealer in cloisonne ware here .

  4. 景泰蓝花瓶!许多外国朋友都喜欢这些东西。

    Cloisonne vases ! Many foreigners take a fancy to them .

  5. 嗯,这一套景泰蓝的手镯怎样?

    Er , how about a set of cloisonn é bracelets ?

  6. 我们的确拥有种类繁多的景泰蓝花瓶。

    We really have a good collection of cloisonne vases .

  7. 这件艺术挂毯和这个景泰蓝花瓶怎么样?

    How about this artistic tapestry and this cloisonne vase ?

  8. 好啊。我想看看这儿的景泰蓝花瓶。

    Oh , Yes , I am interested in some cloisonne vases .

  9. 李明:那么,这条景泰蓝项链如何?

    Li Ming : Then what about this cloisonne necklace ?

  10. 我想我们可以为她的生日买一个景泰蓝花瓶。

    I suppose we could Buy a cloisonne vase for her Birthday .

  11. 这是中国典型的工艺品景泰蓝花瓶。

    It 's a cloisonne vase of typical Chinese art .

  12. 景泰蓝和玉器饰品都满受欢迎的。

    Blue of Jingtai and jade ornaments are both popular .

  13. 现在,人们广泛使用的新材料是珐琅、景泰蓝和玻璃制品。

    New materials extensively used now are enamel , cloisonne and glass ware .

  14. 景泰蓝制品,国货精华。

    Cloisonne enamelware is the cream of home-made goods .

  15. 景泰蓝产品有从装饰品到日用品。

    Cloisonn é items range from decorative objects to articles for daily use .

  16. 请问在哪儿可以买到景泰蓝手镯?

    By the way , where can I buy some cloisonn é bracelet ?

  17. 那些漂亮的圆型的多色的中国景泰蓝花瓶。

    Those beautiful round multi-coloured Chinese cloisonne vases .

  18. 旧时的景泰蓝制品专供皇室贵族享用,是权力和地位的象征。

    As blue enamel was primarily used , it was termed " jingtaiBlue " .

  19. 我想买中等尺寸的景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。

    I 'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background .

  20. 景泰蓝是用特种工艺烧制而成的。

    The cloisonne technique is a special technique .

  21. 景泰蓝器皿是一种手工艺品,用紫铜作胎,用彩釉作装饰。

    Cloisonn é ware is a handicraft product which uses copper painted with colored glazes .

  22. 蜚声世界的中国景泰蓝,其高超的制作技艺,令世人叫绝。

    World-famous Chinese cloisonne enamel , made with superB skill , is matchless in the world .

  23. “有这种覆盖层的物品,如在景泰蓝上。”

    " An object having such a coating , as in a piece of cloisonne . "

  24. 玉、黄金和景泰蓝第一次同时使用在一件制品中。

    Materials like jade , gold and cloisonne are first combined in a single art object .

  25. 本品为景泰蓝中的精品,纯手工制作,镶有不同的宝石,仿古图案。

    The horse-shaped cloisonne inlaid different diamonds with archaistic design . It was made by hand .

  26. 临走之前她送给印度同学保罗一个景泰蓝花瓶。

    Before she leaves , she gives a cloisonne vase to her classmate Paul from India .

  27. 难怪景泰蓝驰名世界称为中国艺术之花。

    No wonder the cloisonn work has won a world fame as the flower of Chinese art .

  28. 我们每天有成百的游客到这里来买不同大小和不同样式的景泰蓝产品。

    We get hundreds of tourists here for different sizes and designs of cloisonne products each day .

  29. 本公司于1958年成立,多年来从事景泰蓝工艺品的生产与销售。

    The Company was founded in1958 , for many years engaged in cloisonne handicraft production and sales .

  30. 镜头前这些造型优美,色彩华丽的工艺品叫做“景泰蓝”。

    These beautiful and colorful art crafts in front of the camera are named Jing Tai Lan .