
  • 网络Fahai Temple;Dharma-samudra Vihāra
  1. 在一定程度上法海寺壁画代表了明代壁画最高的成就。

    To a certain extent , Fahai Temple on the murals represent the highest achievements of the Ming Dynasty frescoes .

  2. 本文是对北京西郊石景山区法海寺大雄宝殿壁画及其相关的几个问题所作的个案研究。

    In this thesis , I make a case study about the mural from the Main Hall of Fahai Temple in Shijingshan District of the west of Beijing .

  3. 法海寺离这儿只有一袋烟的工夫。

    Fahaisi is one smoke away from here .

  4. 本文选取了这一具有历史代表性的艺术内容,并尝试对法海寺大雄宝殿壁画的艺术风格和艺术价值进行初步的探索。

    This article selected this content to do the initial exploration , try to find out the artistic style and value of these murals .

  5. 该寺建造于十五世纪中期,其大雄宝殿内绘有明代壁画作品十铺。法海寺大雄宝殿壁画代表了明代壁画艺术的最高水平。

    It was built in mid-fifteenth century , ten Ming dynasty murals was painted on main hall which represent the highest level of the Ming mural art .

  6. 比如,浙江金山的法海寺和白蛇洞就与“白蛇传的传说”有关。南京的“莫愁”湖就是根据世代相传的传说得名的。

    For instance , the Fahai Temple and the White Dragon Cave in Jinshan Mountain in Zhenjiang relates to the fairy tale " The Legend of the White snake . " The Mochou Lake in Nanjing is associated with a legend which has been handed down from ancient times .