
fǎ xué jiā
  • jurist;lawyer;legal expert;jurisprudential scholar
  1. 法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的&英国法学家波洛克F

    The law cannot make all men equal , but they are all equal before the law . & Frederick Pollock , British jurist

  2. 德国法学家HansDolle将其称为法学上的发现。

    German jurist Hans Dolle calls it discovery on law science .

  3. 美国法学家威廉‧普罗瑟(WilliamProsser)在1960年归纳出四种不同形式的隐私侵权

    By1960 , the American legal scholar William Prosser had identified four distinct privacy torts

  4. 英国著名哲学家、法学家和经济学家杰里米·边沁(JeremyBentham,1748-1832)是功利主义的奠基人。

    Jeremy Bentham ( 1748 - 1832 ) is the famous British philosopher , jurists and economist , meanwhile , He is utilitarianism , the founders of liberal political thought .

  5. HerrRolfe进一步宣称:被告简宁(Janning)是一个杰出的法学家,他所做的在他自己看来都是为了国家的最大利益。

    Herr Rolfe further asserts that the defendant Janning was an extraordinary jurist and acted in what he thought was the best interest of his country .

  6. 自从德国法学家OttoVonGierke提出继续性债之关系的理论之后,继续性合同理论倍受民法学家的关注。

    The civil law specialists have been paying more and more attention to the theory of going-on contract since the theory was brought forward by Otto Von Gierke , a famous Germany jurist .

  7. 从法律上讲,正如大名鼎鼎的法学家林恩•斯托特(LynnStout)等人所指出的,股东拥有的是股票,而不是公司,公司是一个单独的法人,董事只对公司负有受信责任。

    In law , as the redoubtable legal scholar Lynn Stout , among others , has pointed out , shareholders own shares , not companies , which are separate legal persons , and directors ' only fiduciary responsibility is to the company .

  8. 国际律师、法学家和航空法专家协会

    International Association of Lawyers , Jurists and Experts in Air Law

  9. 如何解释对所有权的限制的不断增多困扰着法学家们。

    How to interpret these limitations make jurists feel very puzzled .

  10. 法学家是研究法学知识的群体。

    Jurist is a group of study the knowledge of law .

  11. 法学家不同于法律事务家,其有着自身的特性。

    Jurist differs from the lawyer , it has own characteristics .

  12. 习惯法与法学家法都植根于社会。

    Customary law and juristic law are both rooted in society .

  13. 两人后来都成为了法学家,莱赫专攻劳动法。

    Both became academic lawyers , Lech specialising in labour law .

  14. 他们的裁决是以著名法学家的权威为依据的。

    Their decision was based on the authority of leading jurists .

  15. 立法过程中要多听取法学家和语言学家的意见。

    In legislation process jurist and linguistics ' opinion must be followed .

  16. 足智多谋的法学家已经想出了一个恢复名誉的计策。

    The resourceful jurist formed a plan to recover his own laurels .

  17. 法学家的时代精神与历史使命

    The Spirit of the Era and Historic Mission of Jurists

  18. 在于重视罗马法学家及其理论化的法学思想。

    Lies in valuing the Roman jurists and their theoretical law idea .

  19. 国际天主教法学家运动

    International Movement of Catholic Jurists Institute of International Humanitarian Law

  20. 第二,法学家的自治能力不强;

    Secondly , legalists in China are lack of autonomy .

  21. 法学家的角色定位与司法

    Study on the Role Positioning of Jurists and Justice

  22. 职业法学家群体与近代中国法制转型

    Professional Jurist Colony and China Modern Legal System Transition

  23. 法学家属于知识分子中的一部分,具有超然性。

    Jurist belongs to the part of the intellectuals .

  24. 早在几个世纪以前就已经引起了比较法学家的关注。

    Several centuries ago , It has caused concerns among parallel jurists already .

  25. 早期教会法学家对婚姻本质的探讨

    Early Canonists ' Discussion on the Essence of Marriage

  26. 但不同的法学家对如何弥补不够并不一致。

    But different lawyers disagree with how to remedy " not enough " .

  27. 德里克·博克是美国著名的高等教育学家、法学家、社会学家。

    Derek Bok is a famous higher educationist , jurist and socialist of America .

  28. 而法学家认为,格式合同的出现不仅是对传统合同缔结理论的颠覆,更是对意思表示自由、合同自由理念的颠覆。

    But it was regards to against the traditional contract theory by law researchers .

  29. 国际法学家委员会荷兰分会

    Dutch section of the International Commission of Jurists

  30. 国际律师和法学家拉丁联合会

    International Latin Federation of Barristers and Lawyers