
  • 网络English Empiricism;British Empiricism
  1. 又见英国经验主义。

    See also British empiricism .

  2. 英国经验主义美学家的美学研究转向了人的主观心理。

    The English empiricism aestheticians turn the study of beauty to the subjective of human .

  3. 亨利·霍姆是英国经验主义美学的代表人物之一,他对美学史的贡献是:对“美”这个范畴的研究达到了当时美学的最高峰;

    Henry Home is one of the representatives of British Empiricist Aesthetics .

  4. 论英国经验主义美学的特点和原创性理论贡献

    On the Features of Britain Empiricism Aesthetics and Its Original Theoretical Contributions

  5. 洛克之前培根和霍布斯堪称英国经验主义双璧。

    : Before Locke , Becon and Hobbes are two supreme British empiricists .

  6. 论英国经验主义美学的现代转向

    On Modern Turn of British Empirical Aesthetics

  7. 雷诺兹奠定了古典主义艺术创作的法则,但他的美学思想又受到了英国经验主义美学的影响。

    Reynolds established the classicist writing principles , but his aesthetic idea was influenced by the British empiricist aesthetics .

  8. 博克的美学思想是对英国经验主义美学的总结.鉴赏力、同情、崇高等是博克美学中的几个重要范畴。

    Burdes aesthetic thoughts present conclusion of the English empiricism aesthetics , Aesthetic ability , sympathy and sublime are the important categories .

  9. 培根是英国经验主义的代表人物和现代实验科学的奠基人。但是对他语言观的研究却一直被人们忽视。

    As one of the representations of english empiricism and the forefather of modern experimental science , francis bacon 's view of language always is neglected .

  10. 休谟将美学纳入他的精神哲学体系,以新的观点和方法,全面探讨了近代美学提出的重大问题,从而把英国经验主义美学推向一个高峰。

    Absorbing aesthetics into his spiritual philosophy system , using new concepts and methods , Hume discusses some big issues proposed by modern aesthetics and pushed Britain empirical philosophy up to a new peak .

  11. 与英国经验主义美学相比,大陆理性主义美学没有取得令人称道的成就,其原因是专制主义政治和理性主义哲学否定了审美想象的独特地位和文艺的审美价值。

    European rationalistic aesthetics has not made so great achievements as British empiricist aesthetics , because the political dictatorship and rationalism denied the special function of imagination and hence the artistic value of imagination .

  12. 杜威改造了传统哲学特别是英国经验主义学派的经验概念,从而提出了自己对经验的独特见解,为其美学艺术理论提供了理论基础。

    Dewey reform the traditional philosophy , especially British empirical school of " experience " concept , thus puts forward the " experience " unique insight , as their aesthetic art theory provides theory basis .

  13. 近代的英国经验主义主要是对认识论的探讨和对主体自身进行反省和研究,而文艺复兴对人和理性的研究,就正是这种反省认识的萌芽和开端。

    Modern Britain empiricism mainly discuss epistemology and introspect and study the subject oneself of epistemology , and the research of people and rational in Renaissance , exactly the rudiment and the beginning that introspection know .

  14. 摘要洛克是英国经验主义哲学和美学的开创者,其美学思想表现在三个方面,即美的本质的主体性,审美活动的想像性和艺术教育的功利性。

    Locke is regarded as a pioneer of the English empiricism and estheticism in the following three aspects : the subjectivity in the nature of beauty , imagination of esthetic activity , and utilitarianism of the artistic education .

  15. 一是英国古典经验主义对古典经济学的影响;

    The first is the stage of England classical empiricism .

  16. 在朗吉弩斯之后,英国的经验主义代表人物博克对崇高这一范畴作了更加深入的探讨。

    Longinus , the representative figures of British empiricism Bock noble in this category made more in-depth discussion .

  17. 在此基础上,又进一步对判例法赖以形成的哲学基础,即发源于英国的经验主义哲学作了简要的介绍。

    Based on the above illustration , the writer further conducts the brief introduction of philosophical basis , whichoriginates from British empiricism philosophy .

  18. 他们继承了英国的经验主义传统,重视历史事实和经验材料,强调人的主观意识和能动性。

    Have succeeded the empiricism tradition in England , They valued history fact and the experience stuff , and emphasized man 's subjective consciousness and dynamic role .

  19. 英国理性化的经验主义美学思想

    The Aesthetic Ideas of Rationalized Experientialism in England

  20. 他作为英国最早的经验主义者而享有盛誉,其他还有柏克莱和休谟。

    He is famous as the first British empiricist , Locke , Berkeley and Hume .