
yīnɡ ɡuó jūn duì
  • British troops
  1. 外交部消息人士对有可能派出英国军队的报道不屑一顾。

    Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent .

  2. 1941年,邱吉尔掌心朝内,向英国军队摆出了V形手势。一些士兵吃惊地盯着他看,显然他对这个手势的下流含义还全然不知。

    Churchill got some surprised stares in 1941 when , evidently unaware of the vulgar usage , he gave the palm-backward V to British troops .

  3. 英国军队被派遣协助维持和平。

    British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping .

  4. 预计对英国军队的销售量会减少。

    Sales to the British forces are expected to drop off

  5. Fielding说,这可能是英国军队开始撤退的开始。

    Fielding said it may appear as a step toward British .

  6. 这是TorShazada行动,英国军队今年夏天发动的最大的进攻。

    This is Operation Tor Shazada , the biggest offensive of the summer for British troops .

  7. 上将JockStirrup是英国军队的总指挥。

    Air Chief Marshal Jock Stirrup is the head of British forces .

  8. 周一,接受BBC采访时,中校PaulJames表示,英国军队在为圣金(Sangin)地区带来和平和稳定方面取得了进步。

    Speaking on the BBC Monday , British commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Paul James said British forces did make towards bringing peace and stability to Sangin .

  9. 然而,为了庆祝与阿根廷的马岛战役胜利25周年,本月她为英国军队进行了讲话录音;当然,还包括这次接受BBC的采访。

    This month , however , she taped a message to British forces to mark the25th anniversary of the Falklands War with Argentina , as well as being interviewed by the BBC .

  10. 为英国军队特别设计的揽胜,是由调整过的,军事化版本3.5升V8汽油发动机驱动。

    Designed to a British Army specification , it is powered by a de-tuned , militarised version of the3.5-litre V8 petrol engine used in the Range Rover .

  11. 在ribs俱乐部(一个英国军队餐饮协会)最近的一次会议上,不管是刚从混乱的赫尔曼德省回来还是即将重返那里的士兵都一致认为,麦克里斯特尔是个“好东西”。

    At a recent meeting of the ribs club a British Army dining society the consensus among those who had just returned from and were about to return to the troubled Helmand province was that Gen McChrystal was a " good thing " .

  12. 1942年后期,美国海军在太平洋成功遏制了日军的扩张,英国军队在北非击败了隆美尔(rommel),而苏军在斯大林格勒包围了德军。

    In late 1942 , the American Navy halted Japanese expansion in the Pacific , the British army defeated Rommel in North Africa and Russian troops were encircling the German forces at Stalingrad .

  13. 今年夏季的决定性军事行动将在南部的桑金山谷(sangin)展开,预计英国军队将会深度参与。

    This summer the decisive action in the South will be the Sangin valley where British troops are expected to be heavily involved .

  14. 周一,英国军队将致命的圣金(Sangin)地区的控制权移交给美国军队,大约1000名皇家海军成员将前往赫尔曼得省。

    British forces handed control on Monday of the deadly Sangin district to U.S. troops , and about 1000 Royal Marines are to be redeployed to Helmand province .

  15. 自英国军队被派往圣金(Sangin)地区已经过去了四年多的时间。自那时起,已有106名英国士兵牺牲。

    British Forces Leave Afghanistan 's Deadly Sangin District It has been more than four years since British troops were ed to Sangin and in that time 106 Britons have lost their lives .

  16. 科克附近Blarney城堡的勋爵同意向英国军队投降,但他找借口推迟投降时间。

    The lord of Blarney castle , near Cork , agreed to surrender the castle to British troops . But he kept making excuses for postponing the . And , he made them sound like very good excuses , " this is just more of the same blarney . "

  17. 英国军队发言人称飞机坠毁是(机械)事故。

    A British military spokesman said the crash was an accident .

  18. 英国军队授予野战中突出行为的勋章。

    A British military decoration for distinguished conduct in the field .

  19. 一支英国军队侵入苏格兰并击败了一支苏格兰军。

    An English army invades Scotland and defeats a Scottish army .

  20. 他们认为那肯定是整个英国军队。

    It must be the whole British army , they thought .

  21. 牙买加黑人从山下的藏身之处伏击了英国军队。

    The Maroons ambushed the British military from their mountain hideaways .

  22. 英国军队进军康科德意图收缴当地的军用物资。

    British troops marched to Concord to destroy military supplies .

  23. 激战中,八名一分钟人牺牲。英国军队继续向康科德镇进军。

    Eight Minutemen were killed , and the British continued toward Concord .

  24. 丹尼特说,实质上英国军队超期驻扎在伊拉克已经不受欢迎。

    Dannatt said that Britain had essentially overstayed its welcome in Iraq .

  25. 在英国军队里上校的军阶比少校高。

    A colonel is abovea major in the British army .

  26. 他需要在英国军队服役一年。

    He is expected to serve one year in the British army .

  27. 塔利班声称,这是英国军队在阿富汗失败的开始。

    It said it was the start of British defeat in Afghanistan .

  28. 在英国军队中,他是一位队长。

    In the British military , he is a captain .

  29. 最后一批英国军队撤出苏伊士运河地带。

    The last British troops were removed from the Suez Canal zone .

  30. 英国军队授予战斗中特种服务的勋章。

    A British military decoration for special service in action .