
  • 网络ITV;ITN;Independent Television
  1. 由八部分组成的系列节目《省钱:美食》紧跟着英国独立电视台《省钱:健康》的脚步,为观众提供了如何从市场上的各种保健品中获取价值的建议。

    The eight-part series , Save Money : Good Food , follows in the footsteps of ITV 's Save Money : Good Health , which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market .

  2. 英国独立电视台推出的电视剧《唐顿庄园》围绕贵族克劳利家族与他们的仆人展开,2014年第四季首次在PBS播出时就破纪录地吸引了1000万观众。

    ITV 's " Downton Abbey , " which follows the members of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants , drew a record-setting 10 million viewers in 2014 when season four debuted on PBS .

  3. 很显然,英国独立电视台原创剧集的收视胜过了英国广播公司的节目。

    Clearly , the BBC is being outgunned by ITV 's original drama

  4. 在一系列问题中,它对准了英国独立电视台(ITV)的公共广播义务,而该广播网希望能将放开这一规定。

    Among a range of issues , it looks at ITV 's public service broadcasting obligations , which the network wants to relax .

  5. 与此同时,电台的优势被电视的出现所挑战,而1955年ITV英国独立电视台的到来也终结了BBC英国广播公司在电视上的垄断。

    Also at this time , the dominance of radio was challenged by the re-emergence of television and the BBC 's TV monopoly ended with the arrival of ITV in1955 .

  6. 现在他的短裙大作战还上了全国电视。英国独立电视台早间节目《黎明》(Daybreak)的主持人AdrianChiles还曾在直播节目中穿了花裙子表示对克里斯的支持态度。

    His campaign made it onto national television when ITV 's Daybreak presenter Adrian Chiles showed his support by wearing a floral skirt live on air .

  7. 此外,有报道称,英国独立电视台(ITV)《塞尔弗里奇先生》(MrSelfridge)电视剧中的主演杰里米皮文(JeremyPiven)也因食用寿司导致汞中毒被送往医院。

    In addition , the actor Jeremy Piven , star of ITV 's Mr Selfridge franchise , also was reported to have been hospitalised for mercury toxicity from eating sushi .

  8. 艾伦·里奇在《唐顿庄园》这部英国独立电视台(ITV)播放的历史剧中饰演了“小司机”汤姆·布兰森,他曾谈过撮合他们二人的事:“约翰就像我的家人,我知道他一定能和米歇尔合得来。”

    Leech , who plays Tom Branson in the ITV period drama , has said of introducing them : " John 's like family to me and I knew he 'd really get on with Michelle .

  9. 弗洛伦斯起初是在朋友家人以及食品店顾客的劝说下参加了英国独立电视台(ITV)罗琳的这档节目,节目的初衷是为了突出自然美,鼓励女性们为她们自然的相貌感到骄傲。

    For Florence , it became reality when friends , family and chip shop customers persuaded her to enter a competition run by ITV 's Lorraine programme to highlight natural beauty and encourage women to be proud of their natural look .

  10. 《唐顿庄园》最初于2010年至2015年在英国独立电视台播出。

    Downton Abbey originally aired on ITV between 2010 and 2015 .

  11. 丹奇和威廉姆斯合作出演了英国独立电视台喜剧《浪漫之旅》。

    Dench and Williams starred together in ITV sitcom A Fine Romance .

  12. 《唐顿庄园》制片人朱利安·费罗斯正在为英国独立电视台制作一部新的历史剧。

    Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes is working on a new period drama for ITV .

  13. 英国独立电视台位居第八,被浏览视频量达2900万,同比增长134%。

    And ITV came in eighth position recording 29 million video views – which was a 134 % increase on the year .

  14. 近十年的表演,几乎没有其他匈牙利伙伴们知道他们的名字,直到他们获得英国独立电视台选秀节目的冠军。

    Despite nearly a decade of performing , hardly any of their fellow Hungarians knew their names until they won the ITV competition .

  15. 克里斯蒂以前的工作是前英国独立电视台的线路传输控制人员,现年61岁的他和秘鲁妻子丽莎来这里度假时,爱上了这片区域。

    Former ITV transmission controller Mr Christie , 61 , fell in love with the area while holidaying with his Peruvian wife Rosa .

  16. 在这届违反体育精神行为备受指责的世界杯赛场上,唯一的安慰来自英国独立电视台的解说员。

    In a World Cup tournament already ablaze with accusations of gamesmanship , the only consolation comes in the reaction of the ITV commentators .

  17. 星期二早些时候,英国独立电视台说,至少有7名在押人员将得到赔偿,其中一名男子将得到约160万美元。

    Earlier Tuesday , Britain 's ITV News said at least seven detainees would receive payments , with one man receiving about $ 1.6 million .

  18. 礼仪专家琼·布鲁克-史密斯是英国独立电视台《从假小子到淑女》节目的常客。她认为餐刀从餐桌上逐渐消失是场“悲剧”。

    Etiquette expert Jean Broke-Smith , who has featured on ITV1 's Ladette To Lady programme , said the demise of the knife was a " tragedy " .

  19. 电视台记者拍到了这张照片,后来英国独立电视台又为它加上话外音&“我爱这身军装,它看起来太、太性感了”。

    It was picked up by TV cameras and later interpreted by an ITV News lip-reader as " I love the uniform . It 's so , so sexy " .

  20. 这一访谈是英国独立电视台即将播放的纪录片《我们的女王90岁》的一部分,该纪录片将包括和数位王室资深成员的访谈。

    The interview was part of British television network ITV 's upcoming documentary , " Our Queen At Ninety , " which features interviews with several senior members of the Royal Family .

  21. 《善意的小谎言》杂志的影评人汉娜·伍德黑德告诉英国独立电视台新闻频道说,现在好莱坞的一个秘密被泄露了,她看电影时会更加“火眼金睛”。

    Film critic Hannah Woodhead works at Little White Lies magazine , she told ITV News she 'll be much more eagle-eyed now one of the secrets of Hollywood is out of the bag .

  22. 摩根在英国独立电视台的《早上好,英国》节目中继续辩论,告诉观众说:“邮差派特(《邮递员派特叔叔》是一档儿童动画)》不能再当邮差了。他是谁?邮政人员?帕特里克邮政人员?”

    Morgan continued the debate on ITV 's Good Morning Britain , telling viewers : " Postman Pat - he can 't be a postman any more . What is he , a postperson ? Postperson Patricia ?

  23. 据《人物》杂志报道,在英国独立电视台的一部名为《女王的绿色星球》的新纪录片中,朱莉和她的六个孩子访问了纳米比亚,以强调对森林的保护,这位女演员对这位英国女王的评价也很高。

    According to People , for a new documentary on ITV called The Queen 's Green Planet , Jolie and her six children visit Namibia to highlight forest conservation , and the actress has only kind words to say about the British monarch .

  24. 凯特在接受英国独立电视台《我们女王90岁》纪录片的采访时说:“女王得知我生了个女儿时非常兴奋,我记得我们一回到肯辛顿,她就早早来看望我们。

    Kate told ITV 's Our Queen at Ninety programme : ' The Queen was really thrilled that it was a little girl and I think as soon as we came back here to Kensington , she was one of our first visitors here .

  25. 据《好莱坞报道》称,英国ITV独立电视台将制作英国版的《好歌曲》,而这也是中国选秀节目模式首次“走出国门”。

    According to the Hollywood Reporter , the UK 's ITV has created a British version of Sing My Song , marking the first time a Chinese format talent show has been exported abroad .

  26. 在英国一家独立电视台的荧幕上,憨豆先生第一次踉踉跄跄现身。

    Mr. Bean first blundered on to television in an ITV series .

  27. 在英国,ComRes为英国独立电视台(ITV)进行的调查显示,73%的英国民众认为这是一场无法获胜的战争。

    In the UK , a poll by ComRes for ITV found that 73 per cent of Britons thought the war unwinnable .

  28. 英国演员弗瑞曼刚刚确认将主演英国独立电视台的新剧《认罪》,他说夏洛克在世界范围内获得的成功让他对该系列又激动又紧张,这引发了争议。

    British actor Freeman , who has just been confirmed to lead new ITV series A Confession , sparked controversy after seeming to claim that Sherlock 's immense success around the world has put a strain on his excitement for the series .

  29. 英剧《唐顿庄园》最后一季获得2016年英国国家电视奖最佳剧情奖,这是该剧五年内第四次获奖。《唐顿庄园》由英国独立电视台(ITV)出品。

    The final series of ITV 's Downton Abbey has won best drama for the fourth time in five years at the 2016 National Television Awards .